Good Enough
Korean Drama "Adult Trainee" is a short drama that sets itself apart from the rest of short school dramas because it deals with more taboo ish issues, especially the sexual awakening of the students. However, and even though the mood was light and fun, the stories weren't equally enjoyable.
Admirably, the second one was the best, with a good couple that had chemistry, along with an intense romance. The first story, on the other hand, was cute, but concluded rather awkwardly. The third one had potential, but the ending that was given to it could have been better.
Other than that, the drama had nice performances and a good pace.
So, overall, 6 out of 10.
Admirably, the second one was the best, with a good couple that had chemistry, along with an intense romance. The first story, on the other hand, was cute, but concluded rather awkwardly. The third one had potential, but the ending that was given to it could have been better.
Other than that, the drama had nice performances and a good pace.
So, overall, 6 out of 10.
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