Good Enough
Japanese Drama Special-Movie "App de Koi Suru 20 no Joken" is a well-constructed, nicely paced short film. The movie managed to juggle three stories in a short length, with a bias towards the main couple of course. The idea behind the story, moreover, was interesting, well handled and nicely presented. The app storyline wasn't confusing and it was a smooth starting point for the love stories to bloom. Although, the main love story was a bit rushed towards the ending. Still, it was a fun ride.
The performances, in addition, were all pretty good and everyone in the cast did a great job with their characters, without overdoing it.
So, overall, seven out of ten.
The performances, in addition, were all pretty good and everyone in the cast did a great job with their characters, without overdoing it.
So, overall, seven out of ten.
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