A Brilliant Drama
This Drama was Unexpected. Fresh, Intelligent, Hilarious in parts, Gentle, Loving, Compassionate, Brilliantly Acted, Fabulous, Perplexing, a lot of 'Gay' overtones, Realism. Fun. Edginess, Heartbreaking, Insightful, An incredible Kaleidoscope of Humanity. Perceptive, Creative, In short it was a Gem. Thoughtful, Transcendent, a bit of a fanciful at times,
Loved the restaurant and the Camping Scenes. and the leads amazing dancing and singing. The three bosom buddies ate and threw back enormus amounts of alcohol together through a large part of the Drama. Koreans seem to love their food and alcohol. Sadness. Joy, Cruelty, Every possible Emotion,
I really treasured this Drama with a difference. The Male lead gave a stunning performance and was supported by an incredible, awesome cast .
Loved the restaurant and the Camping Scenes. and the leads amazing dancing and singing. The three bosom buddies ate and threw back enormus amounts of alcohol together through a large part of the Drama. Koreans seem to love their food and alcohol. Sadness. Joy, Cruelty, Every possible Emotion,
I really treasured this Drama with a difference. The Male lead gave a stunning performance and was supported by an incredible, awesome cast .
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