
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 4 jours
  • Genre: Femme
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  • Date d'inscription: avril 12, 2014
Rich Man, Poor Woman japanese drama review
Rich Man, Poor Woman
61 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by RouteVenus
mai 6, 2014
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.5
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 10.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10.0
STORY 9.5/10 As many reviewers pointed out before me: the title of this show is really misleading. This is most definitely NOT a Cinderella story and the difference in social status plays no significant role in the story. The story itself is interesting and complex and all four main characters go through a real development during the series. It's really refreshing to see a story about an intelligent, career-driven woman who (usually) has no problem balancing her work and personal life. Also, she is a scientist (a lab worker of some kind) which is a field not often enough associated with women. I only wish they would give more space to the character of Yoko. That's my only regret. ACTING/CAST 10/10 Flawless, but I would expect nothing less from this cast. Oguri Shun is especially hilarious as socially awkward, short-tempered Hyuga Toru and he has great chemistry with adorable Ishihara Satomi who makes her character extremely relatable. MUSIC 7.5/10 OST is nothing extra special, though several tracks are great. I usually don't like when one song is 'overused' in the show, but I didn't mind with 'Hikari E' . It's an amazing, catchy song that goes well with the mood of the show. REWATCH VALUE 10/10 I've already rewatched all my favorite parts...oh so many times and I suspect I will rewatch the whole show in the future (also many times). OVERALL 10/10 WHAT KIND OF FEELS THIS SHOW GAVE ME This show made me literally giddy with joy. And I mean all the episodes, not just the ending. Despite the fact that some plot points were quite predictible, it never bore me. The Special was superb and it gave a great closure to the series (which is kinda rare in the world of dramas...). I admit I am not praying for the second season. Second seasons are usually worse than the first ones and I am afraid they would ruin this perfect show.
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