The music was fabulous as well; especially their singing. The main two have such nice and lovely voices!
I don't personally like how a lot of things were cut from the drama and things got confusing here and there; especially when an episode ended in one place and the next one started in a different place and I'm sitting here watching it like, "What?!?! How did that even happened?? Or how did that even worked?" (I understand that some scenes were deliberately cut due to China's sensory issue, but at least make the continuity understandable.)
Overall, the web series is great and lovely even with a mere 15 episodes that were 20-25 minutes long each. I definitely recommend watching this web series because once you do, you will want more of the characters, lol. I will definitely re-watch this web series when I have nothing else to watch!
(I will be waiting for season 2!)
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The series is great with a really well written story be Bittersweet with it's "typical" kind of plot line, but interesting setups. What makes the series stand out is that the two actors portraying Kongpope and Arthit are really immerse into their roles that it makes the acting seem natural and flowing. If you were to compare with Lovesick and MIR (although I don't like to compare them), the acting seems more natural, but maybe that's because of the age difference between the leads of Sotus to the leads of Lovesick and MIR.
For being relatively new actors, Krist and Singto were very talented and as I stated above; acted very natural. All the other actors were great too.
I didn't really get pulled in by any of the music in the series, but overall the selection of songs in the series were not bad. They just didn't appeal that great to me.
There were some awkward scenes where things just "stood still" for a minute or 2 and you didn't really know what was happening, but other than that the series was great!
Definitely a must watch/re-watch! And I hope for a season 2 like the rest of the Sotus fans!
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Red Wine in the Dark Night
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I did not expect Fluke Pongsatorn to act the way he did in the movie because of the shyness and innocence he exerted in My Bromance. My Bromance really painted the mental image of an innocent Pongsatorn and that was what I imagined his attitude to be the whole time watching this movie, but sadly it wasn't.
Overall, I don't find myself watching this movie again. It had some sad parts, but for 5 minutes of the whole movie. In comparison to My Bromance; I rather re-watch My Bromance over Red Wine in the Dark Knight.
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A Tale of a Thousand Stars
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Originality at Best
What can I say? The music, the acting, the setting, everything about this series was just fantastic.For being a rookie actor and his first project, Mix definitely outdid himself. GMM definitely has a penchant for finding new rookie actors for projects that do amazingly well for their first time acting. Earth as well as other veteran actors were amazing as well. Earth definitely shone in this series. Like Aof said, he was definitely made for this role.
The story is so original. Not a typical school setting/slice of life story, but an actual interesting and original plotline though there may have been some cliché moments like misunderstanding at certain points. Which, by the way, were solved relatively fast.
The setting and film location was beautiful and we can see how much work the cast and staff put into making everything so believable. I applaud every single cast and crew member for their outstanding work!
The music! THE MUSIC! Every single time that I've listened to any version of 1000 Stars I always get emotional. Probably one of the best OSTs (IMO) for any series amongst others.
If I could go back and watch this series brand new again; I definitely would. This is a standard I wish GMM will continue producing in the future. Something amazing and original!
Definitely recommend for any who are unsure!
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Love Sick 2: The Series
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The actors and actresses were great for their age, but at times I felt that they tried a little too hard to express a certain emotion. For example, when someone was crying I felt that they tried a little too hard to draw tears out, but I mean it's cry acting and no one said that was easy, so I give them props though.
The music was fabulous! (Especially Captain's version of Kor Rong; his voice killed me and the emotions he put forth into singing that song) I had to pause some episodes every so often because I had to go and search for the songs and download them. Nat Tol's Unconditional Love (BUFF4's cover version) and the Theme Song - Shake were also very good and I had to go download them as well! The whole cast basically have angelic voices; something about Thai singing just draws me in just like K-Pop.
I love Phun/Noh all the way, but I felt that they were a little dramatic like they were their own "girls" and that they displayed more "girl" like emotions than the actual girls themselves. Still love them *Hearts*. My favorite couple is probably Ohm/Mick!! I just wish their story was extended upon on because of how adorable it was. A lot of the side couples' story line had so much potential, but I guess the author/director wanted to focus on the main's, so I understand why the sides didn't have much screentime; especially Pop/Pang. I also liked Per/Win's coupling too. I thought Mark/Win's coupling was adorable too, especially during one scene near the end.
What I learned from watching this drama according to the guys and girls:
What I learned about the guys:
They are a bunch of emotional wrecks!!!! Like seriously, they didn't even need the girls in the drama because they were more emotional and dramatic than the girls!!!!! In real life you don't find much guys like that, but I do like how they each displayed their characters.
What I learned about the girls:
They're obnoxious and annoying and are pretty much attention seekers. I really pitied Jeed throughout the series. I despised Grace from Ep. 1 of Season 1 and despised her to the very end. And I knew Aim wasn't going to be the goody two-shoe she was displayed to be at the very beginning of the series.
I would definitely re-watch!!!!!! Maybe not now, but a few months down the road or next year as I usually re-watch dramas 1 or 2 years later. Honestly this is one of(if not) the best Thai school dramas I've seen and watched.
I really want a Season 3...........................................
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The series deviated a bit from the source material but that's the same in most cases with dramas. The story-line is a bit cliche and kind of predictable but nonetheless it is still enjoyable. It's a rather lighthearted series overall with the inclusion several problems.The inclusion of the Scrubb songs as ost are absolutely amazing and well-done per the novel. Bright as well as has a great voice, and I'm glad they gave him 2 songs for the series.
It's obvious to me that most people watched the drama for the visuals of Bright and Win but their acting are decent as well. Especially Win for giving an outstanding crying performance in one scene towards the later episodes. It was emotional and I as well as others felt the connection with his character. He even received praise from experts within the field despite this series being his first work.
What I dislike about BL series, or those I've recently watched, is the inclusion of a side pairing like 2-3 episodes before the series end. I would like to see the side pairings development close to the beginning as well. In the case of 2gether, Type's and Man's coupling was hinted from the beginning but it took the final episode for them to officially be together. I'm happy for it but I would like the series to be invested in that coupling as much as any other "official" couple. It was the same situation in Theory of Love with Two and Un towards the ending of the series.
A lot of people are upset that the Sarawat and Tine had a bromantic story near the end rather than actually love. I'd like to refute that since when was an intimate scene necessary for them to show their love although I'd admit the high-five towards the end was a bit awkward. We've known for several episodes that they indeed love one another so what's more to prove it? A kiss? A hug? However, let's remind ourselves that the scenes are not shot in order so the ending scenes were probably shot before several other proceeding scenes (i.e. the camping scenes was apparently shot last) which gives the atmosphere of awkwardness.
Rather than a second season, I'd want a new series with the 2 main instead since I'm rather satisfied with the way the story ended. A second season would be an invitation to mess what has been established already meaning more unnecessary drama and conflicts, however, a spin-off with Type and Man wouldn't be bad since it gives way to explore their relationship.
Overall, the story was rather simple but executed fine. There weren't any loose ends which satisfies the story.
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What I liked about this sequel is that story was set in stone once you figure out the plot line. You kind of know what to expect, but at the same time there are a few things that surprises you.
I felt like I heard one song throughout the whole movie, but it might've been me not paying attention. The one song I did hear was great and fit the mood of the scenes nicely.
Would I re-watch this film? Most likely because I re-watched the first one about 3 times, and it was one of my first Thai films I watched. Re-watching won't happen anytime soon for me though.
I highly recommend watching this film because it's as great as the first one!
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Expanded Season 1
As everyone knows, this 5-part special was more or less an expanded season 1 most likely to appease fans from how the actual season ended (also because of COVID-19).If it wasn't obvious from the main series, the pushing factor that made Tine and Sarawat get together was because of Dim's and Green's relationship problems. In this special, DimGreen was the cause for SarawatTine's action as well (directly and indirectly). I was genuinely worried about how production was going to insert a problem and resolve it within 5 episodes but most, if not all, of the problems introduced were resolved within the same episode. The only exception to this was the DimGreen problems which were the overarching issues.
Without a doubt, the acting from everyone was outstanding (even from the original series). A definite improvement from everyone. Gus definitely has a natural knack for expressions and it's something I truly enjoyed when it came to expressing himself as Green. I don't know about others, but for me, everyone during this special became inexplicable better looking. Like JJ and Khaotung really exuded handsomeness. Win's cheeks were so adorable here that I couldn't stop squealing about them.
As for the music, it's understandable why Scrubb songs were used again since they were the basis plotline for 2gether. Giving Win his own OST for the finale was an amazing choice. I know he's shy when it comes to singing but his voice is so soft and beautiful that I'm happy he willingly recorded a song; his first recorded song.
I don't know if I'll ever re-watch this or not because I tend not re-watch series/dramas that much anymore, but it may happen when I'm feeling like enough time has passed.
I'm thoroughly happy with the way everything was resolved, despite everything technically resolving at the end of 2gether, and expanded to give full closure to all the couples, or listed couples. The expanded story-lines for the side couples were definitely nice additions especially Mil and Phukong.
With the way this special ended, I can say for certain that a 2nd season is not needed, however, it could never hurt for more (if that ever happens, please name the series like Old 2gether, 2gether 4ever, or something along the lines).
With that being said, I'm thoroughly happy I could enjoy this series while it was airing and have the hype like everyone else compared to me watching series that have ended a few months to a year later and the hype is no longer there.
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The music was exceptional. The usage of songs from former series gave me a nostalgic feel which I loved and enjoyed. Also, Bas (Wayo) has a nice singing voice (I believe that's his voice in the series).
The story just gave me butterflies whenever the two main couple were together (Still waiting for Forth and Beam to get together; I'm guessing that'll happen next season). Kimmon (Ming) is great at acting despite being featured as a main in two series so far (Lovesick was more or less an appearance).
Overall, I think the cast did great for those who were new and old. I'll admit that there were awkward staring/silence (the usual case in most BL series) scenes here and there; I still thoroughly enjoyed the series.
Waiting for the next season.
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