
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 20 heures
  • Genre: Femme
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  • Contribution Points: 8 LV1
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  • Date d'inscription: décembre 5, 2018
I’m a Pet at Dali Temple chinese drama review
I’m a Pet at Dali Temple
27 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by MulanHua
nov. 11, 2019
22 épisodes vus sur 22
Complété 2
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 6.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 7.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
DISCLAIMER: This review does NOT contain any particular spoilers, however, it will discuss the FINAL SCENE of the show. Since the ending does not really reflect the overall experience of this show (at least in my opinion) I believe you can still read this review if you are not overly sensitive about spoilers.

Alright, you have been thoroughly warned. Let's do this ...

This show popped up randomly on Youtube and the premise sounded amusing enough for me to pick it up. I must admit that I was positively surprised by this very sweet and light-hearted show. Keep this in mind if you want to enjoy this show - don't take it too seriously or it will drive you mad (plot holes ahead!).

The two main characters are very adorable together. All cliché boxes had been diligently ticked: The female lead is sweet, innocent, but has some inner magic/strength that even she herself doesn't realise yet; the male lead is smart, cold, but very kind and loving when he is alone with her.

The plot kicks off when the heroine accidentally travels through time and finds herself in some point of ancient China (the time is never specified and I'm not proficient enough in Chinese history to determine this via the clothes). All of this sounds very familiar to the generic drama-fangirl, however, the twist here is ... wait for it ... she is transformed into a cat.

Did this knock your socks off? ... Yeah, didn't think so.

So the story isn't exactly the most inventive one but the overall vibe is light-hearted enough for it be bearable (no melodrama ahead, thank the drama-gods!).

So why am I feeling so conflicted?

Well, since this is a Chinese drama with magical elements the stakes inevitably end up being ridiculously high. Yes, you guessed it, the cat has to save the world (and lo and behold! - another cliché box is ticked!). But that's not even what has me feeling so conflicted about this show ...

I love a good plot twist like any other drama-junkie out there, however, the ending of this show was so strange that I just can't help wondering how a group of people actually invested time, effort, and money into making this atrocity. Did really no one look at the script, or even during filming, tap the director on the shoulder and ask them whether this is seriously how they wanted the show to end?!


Yes, I know, it's not exactly displayed as pedophilia in the show, but the implication is there, and that alone gives me the creeps. And let's be real: they will not wait until she's of age ... just think about Celine Dion ...

So there it is. That's why I'm feeling so conflicted about this show. I truly enjoyed it - except for the last couple minutes.

Would I recommend this show? I'm not sure ... I guess, I'd say, yes. But please! Don't get carried away by the supposedly romantic ending. Because it definitely is not.

Thank you for reading. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to find myself some grilled fish =^.^=
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