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  • Date d'inscription: mars 2, 2019
Ngao Asoke thai drama review
Ngao Asoke
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by Miss Whirlwind
mars 2, 2019
19 épisodes vus sur 19
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 10.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
I have watched all the three versions of Ngao Asoke. The basic plot remains the same in all the three but there are some minor changes.
I think the 2016 version had more fluff than the earlier versions. I was surprised that it was hilarious at times. People who have watched the earlier versions will know that they were more serious than this one.
I think the drama was well executed.

Acting/ Cast
Esther was amazing in this one. Her Bpee was adorable and charming. The 1999 version Bpee was very practical while 2008 version Bpee was vulnerable. Her Bpee was naive but I don't know why this one was enchanting.
I think Sean is a great actor. I think he has one of the loveliest smile. I wasn't going to watch this version since I heard that this Monthai wasn't as possessive as the Monthai in the previous version but after watching Leh Ratree I just had to watch Sean and Esther in a drama again. Honestly, their chemistry was amazing and I will love to watch more dramas by them.
In fact Grand's Viyada had more depth in this version. I don't know how but sometimes Grand seemed to show that she had conscience which was totally missing in the earlier Viyadas.
I liked Savitree's Tuptim too. I think the characters were softer in this version and maybe that was the reason I liked it.

I love the ost Saeng Lae Ngao. It was the same as the ost in the 2008 version and I loved this ost even then.

Rewatch value
I will definitely rewatch it. I loved the concept of Ngao Asoke which actually made me watch all the three versions. I think this one was by far my favourite. I got the same feeling like what I got when I watched Boss and Me. Even the harsher elements seemed lighter. Though a few scenes were tear jerkers.
Overall I think this one is worth a watch. At least you can enjoy Bpee's adorableness and Monthai's smile if nothing else. And to anyone who liked Nu, watch this drama to see a more stronger and decisive version of him.
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