
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 8 jours
  • Genre: Homme
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  • Contribution Points: 16 LV1
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  • Date d'inscription: février 23, 2022
Love and Fortune japanese drama review
Love and Fortune
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by MilhouseIL
févr. 9, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 10.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Deeper than the synopsis suggests, but that doesn't make it easier.

What I took away from this drama is that you really can craft a story where all the main characters are intensely dislikable and have it be an interesting story.

The first boyfriend who the FL is in a long term relationship with is a classic disinterested and childish partner that a lot of women wind up settling for. He looks down on the FL, treats her like an employee, is selfish emotionally, psychologically, and sexually, but isn't outright abusive or callous. Remarkably, he is the most likeable in the love triangle.

I find the FL to be incredibly contemptuous in practically every metric. She pulls a 15 year old into her (early?) life crisis and victimizes him to satisfy her need to cleanse her own trauma or something? I'd have a lot more to say about WHY she chooses to do what she does, but the drama is very light on back-story for her that isn't related to her 4 year relationship with her adult boyfriend.

She even develops the nerve to defend herself to others once the relationship becomes known publicly, acting as if those around her should just accept that the relationship is valid. Her common defense is that 'She is having fun', but tells the ML that she loves him and wants to stay with him forever. She selectively presents two different stories to people and would rather lie and justify her actions that admit what she is doing is wrong.

The ML is of course the victim in this relationship. He is objectively immature, and is being emotionally manipulated by the FL. His chances at having a normal relationship is going to be effected for the rest of his life. But the drama does a damn good job at making us hate him, too. His immaturity, manipulative behaviour, stalking, and sexual abuse is actually very realistic BECAUSE THATS WHAT AN OBJECIVELY IMMATURE PERSON DOES. Regardless of how expected his behaviour is, you still hate him for what he does(because you should) and his willingness to throw his life away to be with this abusive woman is pitiful rather than sympathetic.

Like others have said, the drama is beautifully produced, and the actors did a fantastic job convincing me that they are these characters. I think the story falls apart after the FL starts her relationship with the ML in earnest, after breaking up with the long-term boyfriend. The story was much more captivating when she was umming and ahhing about the morality of what she was doing, rather than jumping full force into this ridiculous relationship. The first 6-7 episodes are a solid 9/10, but the back half of the drama brings it down to a 7/10 at best. The ending is intensely unsatisfying, too.
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