There were essentially 3 love stories:
1. Ohm (big bro) & Pim. Their onscreen chemistry was a surprise! Jealousy, longing, denial - we have it all with this couple! Ohm usually takes support roles that barely get screen time, but after this role I hope he can get meatier bits. Pim looks like a baby. Probably b/c she is (16 while filming). Their relationship was pretty straight forward. After all the twists and turns of the other two couples these two were actually my favorites even though they didn't get enough screen time with their awesome tension.
2. Mark & Benz (big sis who was a firestorm). Can't wait to see her future Lakorns! Her character was misunderstood, ashamed, shamed and just wanted love and of course went about it ALL kinds of wrong. Her relationship with Mark needed more fleshing out IMHO. It was good, but it could have been better. They had chemistry when the writers and directors allowed them the screen time for it. Their relationship was seriously messed up, and the writer did a great job of developing their characters and making us care about their development and resolution. Warning: there is a force scene.
3. Ball & Looktam (baby sis). Lots of long meaningful glances on his part while she was sweet, innocent and happy to be beside him. By the end, someone went bat sh*t crazy and honestly the writers didn't really make me care. In fact I was just annoyed with their behavior to the point where I did quite a bit of skipping through their later scenes (the last 4-5 episodes). I felt bad for Ball's character. He'd held onto this unrequited love for so long and our idiot girl...was...an idiot. They were a good looking couple though. Ball has charisma, I hope he also can get a meatier role in the future as well. (A character with a bit more bite to him.)
I felt like they left too much for the last episode and the 4 episodes prior to that they could have mostly cut out. Ahhh filler...still it was a good lakorn. If nothing else watch it for Benz scenes.
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Getting down to business:
1.Kiss scenes are weak. The passion isn't as believable.
2. Bpee isn't a doormat. She has sass and she's not afraid to use it. She's still too kind, sweet and wants to do the right thing which remains consistent with earlier versions.
3. Razzing Monthai showcased the onscreen chemistry best. Those were magic moments that made up for the lack of sexual tension that 2008 version had in spades.
4. The jealousy moments were...cute. Not raw like 2008.
5. Monthai's mother in the first section of this version didn't live up to the bat sh*t crazy in the 2008 version. But by the middle she was rock'n'rolling in the crazy - it was greatness! 2008's mom was much more consistent in her crazy, but by the end I wasn't sure who I liked better.
Overall I like both versions equally, I just happen to like them for different reasons. (Never saw all of the 1998 version).
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Weir did a very good job. I've never gotten into his shows, but now I'll have to go back and see what I'm missing :-) I was slightly disappointed in the female lead a bit too wooden. A little more emotion would have been nice. They had nice onscreen chemistry (could have been even better if N'ek actress could have loosened up a bit more in her role).
The December-May relationship was handled well. She's portrayed to be 18 or so in the beginning, which is the age of majority in my country. Then the series fast forwards 5 years.
The writers and actors did a great job on the evil characters.
Big's character was such a D*uche Bag. By the end of the show I didn't even want to see his face on the screen. And the true Nang Rai was so backstabbing it surprised me, this is what makes Lakorn great!
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