You are either going to understand or just simply not understand this movie.
I didn't get it at all.
The story is very vague, it is filmed in a way that confuses the viewer, it confused me. They jumped from a story to another story and it became really complicated. Also the progress of this movie is slow and it is just those last 15 minutes that will give you some action. But getting trough that first 1hr and 15 mins is actually very tiring.
I can't complain on the cast, maybe they are great actors but this movie killed the characters for me so I will stay on a avarage 6, the same goes for the music.
I would not rewatch this movie because I disliked it and maybe this is just not my cup of tea.
Watch this if you like difficult movies with a slow pace.
Skip this, well just skip this unless you got curious about how confusing this movie is.
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