
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 14 heures
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: Portugal
  • Contribution Points: 69 LV2
  • Anniversaire: June 10
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: janvier 5, 2012
Heaven's Order
21 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 1, 2013
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 1
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
I simply started watching it because I was a big fan of Lee Dong Wook as I wanted to listen to Junsu's beautiful OST at the same time (pity that the osts weren't that many!). However I don't regret it. It had many surprises.. from Jihyo and Ji Min to Jong Ho and Yoobin.

As I said, the cast was excellent. I couldn't catch a fail on their acting... It was all credible and well-done.

As for the characters... Won was really funny at the beginning and I think the drama could have been better if they added more of it at the middle of the drama. Da In was that kind of non-salt character, I didn't really like her. It was nice when she played the hate-love relationship with him but after that it was bad, she was too much of a strict/noble woman.. they had no chemistry at all, unfortunately.
However, the second main couple compensated it a lot. You can't help but fall for them.. and if you do, you'll suffer a lot. The drama scriptwriter was playing with us, I found myself holding my fists just with the thought that one of them could die. ~~~
The romance between Baek and Kkeok was also nice but very subtle for my taste.
The king and the princes were also amazing... if I was a commoner then I'd want to have fair kings like those.

The only thing that I disliked was the plot. I found it very repetitive. What on the beginning started to interest us made the drama a bit boring on the middle. The matter took a long time to be settle... I feel that the drama could have been shorter instead of wavering around the same thing over and over again.

However, this is a drama that I suggest. I started watching it yesterday and finished today because it was really good :) And it's different from others as well ^^

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19 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 5, 2012
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
I started watching this six hours ago and I already finished. This proves how ADDICTIVE this drama was. From it you'll smile and cry, you'll understand a bit of japanese culture and family living... and how everything may turn upside down for a single act... how that could sometimes happen to any family, even yours.

The actors played their roles well. Not to mention the small Tomoya, what a cute and smart kid. He was able to make us feel his emotions, and his love towards his mom. ´
Even though he was the 'killer', I couldn't help but fall for him, wish I could go there and hug him right now.

Please watch it. I have no regrets, and I'm sure you won't either :)

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Golden Era of Daughter in Law
14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 7, 2013
52 épisodes vus sur 52
Complété 1
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
Hello, my friends from MDL! Here am I after so long... After watching it, and seeing how it had never been reviewed, I decided to give it a try ^^
This drama holds now a very special place in my heart. First of all, it was the longest drama I watched. And, on top of that, it was very light and funny without overlooking its story/cultural thing.

The cast was spectacular. Jihoon never disappoints me, be either on acting or on looks (damn it, he's hot in whatever he does). And it had a luxous old cast, with the best actors from the old generation.

About the characters - they were pretty acceptable if not for the childishness of Minjin (the main female). Giha (character) was also very nice but someone should teach him how to kiss/behave properlu without seeming a maniac/raping man. It was such a turnoff sometimes. Really!

The plot was also pretty acceaptable. Not only each episode had around 50 minutes, but also the story was pretty light and quick (and very, very, very funny!!!). If you give it a try, watch it until the first 10 episodes, around that you may become hooked just like myself.
It had also a lot of cultural aspects we see treated lightly in another dramas (like in laws and how mothers-in-law are seen by korean families (I give up my idea of having a korean husband after this :PP Just kidding.) Not to mention every character had his story and his own 'happy ending'. Oh, and.. thumbs up for the ending.
I was a bit anxious to finish it, but I can't say it became boring. Actually, it was pretty nice to watch, that's why I'm reviewing and recommending for you. I watched this after downloading it from asiatorrents, I don't know other websites (but I saw some episodes on youtube as well).

I recommend you: give it a try if you can ^^ It's worth it.

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Three Dads One Mom
16 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 8, 2012
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
This drama is really cute. It is funny, nice and worth watching.

This got me addicted from the beginning... it dragged a bit near the ending, but it was exciting to know who she'd end up with. The drama doesn't give us a hint about it.... Sometimes I wish there was more romance, but I'm satisfied.

This is really a cute drama, full of laughter :D

Aish, I want to have those four handsome boys in my house.. D: This is making me fall for adults/mature men, it is not right XD
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Calling For Love
16 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 5, 2012
14 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
I'm quite difficult with dramas and this one... wow. This is just my opinion, you should watch it to be sure, i'm apologetic of watching it, not only reading it coz a lot of people can have different opinions.

Anyway, for me, if you're watching this because of Mike He forget it. Just forget it. His character brings shame to him. He portrayed it well, as always, but it just doesn't fit him. You know his magic spell, that one he always had in his other dramas? This drama is only saved by his presence bt yet it doesn't even let you see that sparkle of him. His character is really low, at least for me.

The main actress too... she doesn't know how to act. She's too automatic, and doesn't fit with Mike He. I heard opinions saying that was because she was not used to good girls roles but still, it's awful.

The drama scenes doesn't seem real and the character feelings as well. They didn't really develop the story and thats a pity.

For me it was not a worthy drama. Ive been looking for more opinions, thought.

The first episode is quite okay but later it just gets worse and worse.
There's not emotions, I can't feel anything from the drama and i think the things we get the most from dramas and make us like it more are the feelings the drama gives us.

I'll quote here a review of "Calling for Love is not a bad drama. It’s even fairly charming in its own low-key way. But a cast of talented actors seems wasted in a drama that can best be described as inoffensive."

I don't really like to tell people bad comments that make them not watch it.. but after this drama i cant think otherwise.

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Heading to the Ground
12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 5, 2012
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
People seem to be prejudice towards this drama. The fact is, it didn't have the best rank, it's true, but it was the most sold DVD.
I think the drama is really cool and romantic. Not only romantic but also funny. I'm strict with dramas in general and a little thing can ruin it for me but this was the first time ever i rewatched a drama! And i dont regret it.
It's the type of drama you watch and want to watch it more and more... It's true that sometimes Yunho's expressions are similar, but his character and the drama itself teaches a lot of things!
Mixing Yunho and Go Ara was the best thing. I love everything about this drama, you should give it a try. I can't find many dramas + romantic than these ;)

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Love Letter
13 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 21, 2013
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 5
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0
The only reason I'm writing this is because of the non-existence of a review that can elucidate people whether this is good or bad. I don't know if I'll be helpful since I'm still confused about what I felt watching this...

Beginning with the story: it's the typical story or classic/old kdramas about two friends who knew each other a long time ago and grew up with feelings that could be love. Or, more, three friends - the love triangle that we have to deal with from the beginning 'till the end.
The whole point of this story is the fact that Andrea wants to become a priest. It's what they call as a 'forbidden love'. Will he give it up for her? Will he keep his childhood dream? That's what you are supposed to ask and look forward.

For me the story had too much cliches (not different from any other dramas from the same era), and walked around many circles. The beginning was slow, but then it got interesting.

The cast was great. I have no problems whatsoever.
Soo Ae's character could be a less arrogant, and then less confusing, but it was okay.

The OST was good, the quality wasn't bad considering the year... the only thing I disliked was the flow and some parts of the plot for this story. Especially the ending, which was confusing and a bit controversial for me. Don't take that as I'm saying it has a happy or a sad ending because it's nothing like that.

If I suggest it? I do if you have nothing to do and want to check out old kdramas.

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Mitsu no Aji
9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 23, 2012
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 3
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
I finished this drama some minutes ago, and it was definitely worth it.

I like those kind of taboos, and it has a story we don't usually see on dramas.

The actors were good, and their chemistry as well.

It's not a drama to make us amazed by it, because they don't go much deep in the relationships but it's still good! They didn't develop the story, but since the story has only 11 episodes they developed it enough!

I liked everything about the story.

I was thinking it was going to have a sad ending, but it was only a bit weird..... I liked it.

I recommend it :)
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Flower Boy Ramen Shop
10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 10, 2012
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0
I'm almost embarrassed while reviewing after so many good reviews about this drama. Actually it was the great opinions I heard about this drama that made me watch it. And I liked the first two/three episodes even thought I was waiting for something better. The drama started getting boring and boring to the point I'd just skip some parts and dialogues. There were some funny parts but the drama didn't show that many emotions.
The plot as fine but it kept the same from the beginning to the ending. No twists and no additional characters to make it more interesting, everything was about the same thing - Yang Eun Bi.
This drama is a lot cliché and for me the main girl is annoying. Maybe that's one of the reasons I couldn't bear with it.
The drama doesn't get deeper about the characters, while other dramas have a lot of happenings in 16 episodes and make us love/understand the characters more this drama just kept being the same, the plot was repeated all over again.
The only thing that was worth it was the beginning of the last episode. I didn't skip any part there, it was funny and romantic and it had feeling. But of course they needed to ruin everything after with the quick flow.
Overall I didn't like this dramas. My high expectations got really low. It's a drama cliché, it has some funny moments but that's all.

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8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 9, 2012
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
People advised me to watch this drama, so I did it.
I downloaded all episodes to watch on Easter weekend, because I wouldn't have internet, and watched it in 2/3 days.

Since I was afraid the links weren't full, I watched a few of each episode in advance, and what I saw made me speechless, and wanting to watch more and more... In the end, it was a bit disappointing.

It is totally surprising that those lead actors were newcomers in acting. They were so good, especially Yoon Eun Hye. The other actors were also great, just that since those were newcomers.... They almost blew my mind. It was pretty good.

It's a cute, funny and romantic drama :)

About the plot... I think they had EVERYTHING to turn the drama into an amazing drama.
Every episode was the same, they kept going with slow steps until the end, not adding twists or cliffhangers.
At the beginning, I thought it was good because I don't like those dramas when in the episode four the characters are already in love. But I watched the 4, the 5, the 15, the 18.... And it remained like that. All about jealousy and some cute scenes, but not much.

I think it was too long for that, only on the 23rd episode they start to show their feelings and a strong love... They could have make the drama shorter (16 episodes more or less) if they didn't know what to put more; they could show their strong love around the 16th episode and then add somehow a twist, like his dad almost dying or the cousin stealing the throne, and make the female character to support him or something....

The drama was a bit boring, I was waiting for more.
But It's still a great drama, and it's really funny :)

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The Princess' Man
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 4, 2012
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
When I started watching it, I was still hesitant. I'm not really a fan of historical dramas, but it seems I'm slowly becoming one. "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" was my first, and it was totally amazing... And not "The Princess Man" totally blew my mind.

The actors chemistry is definitely superb. They made me smile and cry at the same time. The "Romeo x Juliet" story was totally heart breaking, and a lot more well-done.

The plot was the thing that made be more excited and, at the same time, more upset. They rush the first episodes, where the viewer watch their feelings for each other,making us confused about how their feelings were so deep.
The plot was damn exciting, every episode had their own twist. That was annoying sometimes, but it was worth it. I even thought they could have just done 16 to 18 episodes, but now I regret that thoughts. However, the ending didn't satisfy me.Although I liked it, it seems they all fought for something they didn't achieve. All the moments in the story that made us laugh and cry happened in vain, basically.

Despite everything, it's definitely a good drama. You should watch it for sure :)

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Hi My Sweetheart
19 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 9, 2012
23 épisodes vus sur 14
Complété 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
I usually tend to see the dramas until the end and then form an opinion. I don't like to say i don't like a drama without trying to watch until the end. I also did this time but it was a pain to watch it.
The story was interesting. The description is a lot interesting and make us wanting to watch. Also the cast is good.But I have learnt that sometimes they have the best cast but the drama turns to be a deception. This was not an exception.
It was a really slow drama and kinda childish for me. The effects, the stops of characters to know what they're thinking, the evil shadows coming from her...
I think overall it was a cute drama, good specially for people between 10-16 years old (at least i think so). I think it has a message as well but it got lost somewhere in the middle with the slow rhythm.
If you watched and were like me, we wanted to see Da Lung's transformation quickly, right? But i got disappointed to see the new guy, he was basically like the old Da Lung, just the old looks changed. I thought he'd be more mature and cool but not.
Even, as a Da Lung of 4 years old later, he should have grown up right? Bt he didnt. I mean, if he was educated in a very strict society and didnt know about the world, when he does, 4 years later, he is the same innocent one from before?
I already said it, i didn't like this drama. This turned to be totally appart from my expectations. People told me good stuff about this drama so it disappointed me even more.
I really like taiwanese dramas but this one was too typical. I looked at it and it almost seemed animes to me xD
Anyway, the actors are good and the acting is good. You will like it if u dont like realistic dramas.

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Anmitsu Hime
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 29, 2012
2 épisodes vus sur 2
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
This movie is not only cute but also addictive. I downloaded a lot of movies to watch while I was on vacations but I forgot all the descriptions, so It was hard to decide.~I randomly picked this one and didn't regret it, even thought I didn't know what was it referring to.

It's a fantasy movie about a princess who decides to visit the town for the first time. All characters are cute/nice.

I believe it's a movie to watch when you're stressed and need something to cheer you up... or even if you're bored.

It is a nice movie! I'd recommend it!
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Aishiteru - Kizuna
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 5, 2012
1 épisodes vus sur 1
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
After watching the drama in only five hours, I decided to watch this movie... To be honest, it is a good movie... but for those who watched the drama and know about all the pain that family went through, it can gets to our nerves.

I mean, seriously. The kid grows up knowing he killed someone, his mom has to face all obstacles to raise him and his little brother well, and then we have the small brother all grown up blaming his mom because she gave born to him, who was the brother of a killer. He was selfishly blaming his mom for something it was already painful for the whole family. If it was his dad, I could understand... but playing a victim like that when they all lived and suffered much more....

Anyway, this was great! I wish I could watch more of Tomoya there, but his character was flawless in any possible way. I just wanted to feel the love of the mom for him as a grown up too.

If you watched the drama, watch this as well! It's a MUST!

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Can You Hear My Heart
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 13, 2012
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
I started this drama because of the theme. It's rare to watch those thematics on kdramas, so I was expecting a lot.

The cast is good, and its characters too.
But for Jun Ha/Ma Roo's character.. this guy gave me mixed feelings. He seemed a maniac sometimes, I loved him as much as I hated him. I wish the scriptwriters could be a bit more human and show some feelings too. He seemed to "go where the wind take him".

However, on the contrary of other reviews here, I found this drama not long at all. I mean, truth that it was 30 episodes, but I have watched dramas with only 14 episodes that dragged the story a lot more. This just gets boring when we reach the 25th, 26th episode... I had to forbid myself from doing fast-forward (hehe)

This is a good drama, at least for entertainment. I was a bit sad that they didn't develop the guy's sickness a bit more or show more romantic scenes... . They leave around the middle some loose tips, and don't really explain things sometimes, but it was good.

If you are planning to watch this because of the matter of deafness I suggest you to check jdramas instead. This one was more focused on other things than it.

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