Hello mdl peeps!
My name is Inês and I'm from Portugal. Watching dramas and movies is something I do to forget my own problems for a bit. Mdl is one of the places where I feel like I can take a break when life gets too overwhelming.
Below you'll find some of the highlights (may contain spoilers) of the amazing ride I've been on since 2015, when I watched my first asian drama (right after I got into the world of K-Pop).
My latest obsession
(a.k.a. the drama I'm protecting at all costs because it's so freaking good, dON'T EVEN FIGHT ME ON THIS OR I CAN GET AGRESSIVE, you've been warned)

Favorite Female Characters
Hong Seol (Cheese In The Trap) Kang Yeon Doo (Sassy Go Go)

Oh Hae Young (Another Miss Oh) Ji Eun Tak (Goblin)

Choi Ae Ra (Fight For My Way)

Moon Soo (Just Between Lovers)
Favorite Male Characters

Yoo Jung (Cheese In The Trap) Ko Yi Seok (Heart to Heart)
Ha Joon (Sassy Go Go) Jung Hoo (Healer)

Park Hae Young (Signal) Je Soo Ho (Lucky Romance)

Wang So (Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo) Kim Shin (Goblin)

Dong Man (Fight For My Way)

Kang Doo (Just Between Lovers)
Favorite Bromances
Ha Joon x Kim Yeol (Sassy Go Go) Lee Min x Lee Hyeon (I Remember You)

Goblin x Grim Reaper (Goblin)

Sang Man and Kang Doo (Just Between Lovers)
Favorite Scene Stealers

Jin Sang and Soo Kyung (Another Miss Oh)
Squad Goals