
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 3 jours
  • Lieu: Regretting My Life
  • Contribution Points: 43 LV1
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: février 8, 2017


Regretting My Life


Regretting My Life
Xiaoshimei's Strategy Guide for Winning Her Shijie's Heart chinese drama review
Xiaoshimei's Strategy Guide for Winning Her Shijie's Heart
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by WolfieGrrrl
mai 14, 2023
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 5.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 7.0
Musique 2.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

If you can survive the painful sound mixing, you may enjoy this one.

Right away, it's clear that the sound mixing isn't great and that makes it hard to sit back and enjoy the ride. The music is louder than the dialogue, yet somehow the cutesy Xiaoshimei's screams were more piercing than the music. Combined with the dissonant sound effects, it just made my head hurt, which is a real shame.

That being said, it's still a cute story with a fun concept. We have seen the stoic/serious character partnered with the childish/cutesy character many times before, so it's at least nice to see a hint or two that the childish/cutesy act is being played up more than usual to gain sympathy and affection. By the end, I found myself wishing that this short film had been given a slightly longer runtime so that aspect of the plot could have been fleshed out even just a little bit more. Maybe then there would have been a bit more chemistry between the characters, although the actors both made a very commendable effort with the limited time they were given.
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