
  • Dernière connexion: déc. 29, 2024
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: In the mountains
  • Contribution Points: 21 LV1
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: décembre 3, 2016
En cours 41/44
15 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Elisa
janv. 7, 2017
41 épisodes vus sur 44
En cours 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
Decoded is a drama about an autist and maths genius who becomes a spy to help decoding the "purple code" the hardest code ever made.
First, I have to say that the acting was very good, especially the main character who was very skillfully portaited. He was exactly how one of my friend (who's autist) is and well, that's amazing how even the way he walks was greatly portrayed. I really loved how each characters was deeply developed.
The story in itself is good, although maybe too long. For a perfect show I would've cut a little bit earlier in the story... As there were some romance/irrealistic things that were really different from the rest of the drama. Also, at times you really get the impression that they just want to make the story longer; I guess they should've made the same story but with only like, 35 episodes. They show some scenes during 3 minutes just with a different angle and your like, yeah, well, that's not even the most epic/emotional scene so could we just advance in the story?
And the ending was a bit too much... Lovey Dovey, I'd say. But I guess romance lovers have to be satisfied too...
But that doesn't mean the show wasn't good. You stay on the edge on your seat, wanting always more and more and to know what happens to the characters, whom you really become attached to. You see how the main character grows up and become stronger, and that really is an inspiration for everybody. I actually stayed up until 2am to watch a few more episodes, and I don't do that for every dramas out there- there were really some epic moments !!
As for the music, I really liked the ending song, and the few music out were nice, although not memorable.
What is incredible is how you're projected in the 1950. The set is beautifully done and the clothes are perfect.
As for the rewatch value... Well, I'm sure I'll rewatch some part of the drama- there are some really epic scenes hehe- but maybe not in its entirety.
Anyway, if you like spy/action dramas, this is for you!
And if you love romance, well, there are some hints in the beginning and the last ten episodes are for you, hehe
(Sorry for my bad English~)

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My Annoying Brother
9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Elisa
janv. 28, 2017
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
Ah, what a beautiful movie. Really.

I was anticipating it a lot, having watched countless trailers and finally I was able to watch it.

I wasn't disappointed.

This movie has got everything- comedy, drama, sense of family, great acting...

The story in itself is not that complicated- the main character is a judoka who became blind and shut himself at home. Then comes his older brother, an ass*ole only here because he was allowed to get out of prison by going home and helping him. And then, of course, come the problems. It's quite cliché, but it was greatly done.

Anyway, I'd gladly recommend this movie. Maybe it's not perfect, but I thought it was a really great movie. It does make you think about a lot of think.

As for the acting, I thought it was corresponding greatly. I know the two main have been wanting to act together since a long time and you really get that bro feeling hehe. I'm not even a fan of Exo, but I have to agree that D.O. Is quite charming and acts quite well hehe.

The music wasn't that great-actually I don't really remember it- but it was probably on point.

Rewatch value... Well, it's quite hard to say, especially because there is some plot twist in there... But I guess I'd watch it again just because this movie is beautiful :)

Watch it!

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5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Elisa
mai 3, 2017
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Ah, what a great movie.
I didn't expect it to be so good. The rating is so bad I almost didn't chose it :/
I thought I'd like it because it's one of these old Japanese movies that have that kind of special aura, and that it would be nice to distress a bit about my exams- but It really amazed me!
Acting- perfect. Flawless. Incredible.
The way it was filmed was really fantastic.
The story is very nice. It looks simple but it tackles so many political things - racism, presence of Koreans in Japan or even halfu Japanese-Koreans, difference between north and South Korea a few years ago...
Music: perfect.
Rewatch value: I think I, gonna watch it again tomorrow. There is some suspense but the way it's filmed is so amazing that I'd watch it just to see if I haven't missed any details ~

I really recommend this one :)

Sorry for my crappy English >

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Vanishing Time: A Boy Who Returned
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Elisa
juin 15, 2017
Complété 1
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
I had been anticipating it since months and forgot about it when the wait got too long. So I just saw it was subbed now and decided to watch it since I had a bit of time. Honestly, I did a good choice.
this movie is just wonderful. Or should I say, beautiful. Because yes, everything in this movie is beautiful. The acting, the story, the setting (omg this island is so beautiful!!), ...
I was a bit reluctant at first because I knew it would be a total surreal story but since I like Kang dong won I decided to still watch it; and actually, yes it's fantasy but it's a beautiful fantasy. The ending fits well. The fantasy was handed really well and its scene were really beautiful. (Am I repeating myself? Nope. It's beautiful, im telling you! )
Story: like I said, it was perfect. I was afraid that it would get boring (2h+ of movie, come on!) but It wasn't at all. The pace was good and made you feel the emotions really well.
Acting: perfect. Even the little boy were very good at acting. The little girl was especially good too!
Music: it was quite good.none of the soundtrack especially marked me, But it fit really well the movie, adding tension when you need it, etc. Maybe a little more would've been nice!
Rewatch value: I'll probably watch it. No, certainly I will watch it again; but probably after some time.

Anyway, it's one of those long movie that gets you all emotional (or not) with a bit of supernatural. If you're a Kang dong won fan, a supernatural-related things fan or someone who loves that kind of long movie that makes you forget everything else, then watch it!
The only thing I wasn't satisfied with was that it didn't hit me in DA FEELS that much. But that could be only a personal feeling so just judge by yourself :)

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Local Hero
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Elisa
févr. 13, 2017
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5
I don't get why this drama has that much of disappointed comments. I thought it was good, of course not the best but good! I think it's even better than lot of applauded drama of these days ^-^
Story: the story is quite classical of some parts -especially the end- are cliché, but it still is nice. You get surprised in every episode by something.
Acting/cast : not exceptional but they still played good. Beautiful actors. I had already seen in The K2 the guy who plays here the policeman, but I hadn't really liked the way he acted. This drama made me like him more.
Of course their smile/mimics can get a bit annoying after 16 episodes but it's quite normal in dramas haha
Music... Ah, the music... This is the best point about this drama. A big part of the plot is played in a bar so of course the music choice is large. But for action and everything, there was great music. Sometimes they used the same one again, sometimes it was a new music for only one action. But honestly, this drama was a pleasure to watch especially thanks to the music!
Rewatch value: well, once you know the plot, of course it gets less interesting, but I know I'll probably re watch it in a few month. Even if only for the music or the way it is filmed (because it is greatly well filmed!)
So I really enjoyed this drama. I had been in a little hole, not knowing what to watch next as I though I had already watched everything related to this thema and dropping countless drama. But I really liked this one. I can understand that some people can get bored, especially in the first two episode, but it wasn't my case. It's certainly a bit too much long, but a lot of drama are like that nowadays.
My opinion: go watch it! Don't drop it after only the two first episode. You have to let the plot get installed.
(Sorry for my bad English u_u)

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Ao no Jidai
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Elisa
déc. 18, 2016
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 1
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
It's a very nice story.
Very typical/ classical, but it goes beyond that and asks some existential questions too...
I couldn't find all of the episodes subbed so I'm not sure if I understood it correctly.
The story starts with a young man being falsely accused of an attack, and a lawyer trying to help him. There is love too, and the drama depicts beautifully how the abandoned young people of the 90s were living. How you can be accused without being guilty only because you did something in the past.
It's not the best drama out there, but it's fun to watch.. And I think it has a lot of cliches, but probably because others drama were inspired by the story which isn't very innovative in itself either- but it's like a mix of everything you'd want in a drama. Even romance lovers would be able to watch it and be happy, suspense-action lovers too...
As for the music, there is a beautiful version of polyushka polye sang by origa that comes every episodes. It's a very beautiful songs and it fits the drama.
As for the rewatch value... Well, the acting was superb, and I'd probably watch it again if I could find the subs, or only to be sure I understood correctly everything. Maybe there was some plot holes too, but I can't be sure because of that...
This drama is a typical Japanese drama from the end of the 90s. You're immediately put in an ambiance from that time.
If you're a Japanese drama -young people's life- lover, it's a must-watch. Go watch it!

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Evil Minds
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Elisa
déc. 3, 2016
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Okay so... I just created an account to write a review for this drama, as I see not a lot of people have reviewed it.
Of course, there is maybe one or two Asian show that I prefer over this one. But... That's all.
Honestly, I was reluctant to watch it at first, because I'm not used to Chinese and have already tried a few Chinese dramas or movie that didn't really satisfy me. But... I guess this one reconciled me with Chinese drama...!
Well, I don't know what to say as I've just finished watching it (or should I say: binge watched it) I'm supposed to have exams in a few days and thought that watching a drama/movie would relax me, but I ended up watching it in one day. Really.

So, let's start by the plot. There are many plot twists and the story is really good. I liked how they portaited the Chinese society with everything, the poor, some things that aren't really normal or human, ...
Really, I liked the story. It's like a mix of all the good action movies out there. You can even add something that look like the American serie Hannibal (which portray Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham) there are some similarities at some point in the story, and I liked that. It goes deep in the thought of what devilness is and what we should do; like a lot of movie these times, but I liked how it was done here. At some point I thought they were trying to lenghtend the story and added episodes just so that there were more, but then paf! There is a plot twist and eveything becomes logical. The few incoherence I spotted in the beginning of the story actually are used later, so at the end you realize everything and well... You can be shocked. Personally I wasn't surprised by everything, but it's true there are a few things I hadn't guessed. Oh, and maybe the story went a bit too deep with the last episode, I thought they could've just left the story with the "7th case and the death of ..." (I won't say no more to not spoil but those who have watched the drama will understand.. I guess haha) but well, at least everything was completed.

As for the actors... I thought they were all amazing. the actress were very beautiful. The main actor has that way of having just one light in the eye when he has to, and every details of his face can show something. I thought he was really a good actor, way better than many acclaimed actors.

As for the music... I thought it was really beautiful. The last song is so emotional...
Of course the main theme that comes every episode can bore you a bit, since you hear it all the time, but sometimes you hear it and think"oh, that's the perfect place where it is supposed to be! Nice choice! " and as for the song in French... Since I'm Swiss, I understood perfectly the song and that added to the creepy feeling of the end, so maybe I was more emotional than someone who doesn't understand the lyrics.
As for the rematch value... Well, of course you already know who are the perpetrators and the mysteries and all, but... Re watching it once is a good idea I think, to see what you missed, to know what we're the hints the writters left there... And well, the filming is done beautifully and there are really nice moments so yeah, I'll probably watch it again.
I don't understand why it's not more known, maybe bc it's Chinese? Anyway, if you watched it and liked it, please share it. I had to search for hour and hour before finding it, since I have already watched lots of drama/movies of this genre. It's really is a chef d'oeuvre!
Also, sorry if my review is a bit strange, as English isn't my mother tongue and as I'm writing this after hours and hours of watching this drama, my English might not be perfect Keke
Oh, and I just saw that they're -maybe- gonna do a season 2. I hope they won't destruct the magnificence of this one...

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If Cats Disappeared From the World
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Elisa
févr. 26, 2017
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5
Ah, I finally watched it.
Being a Sato takeru fan, I had been waiting for this movie since the news of him playing in it came.
Then when it came out, I got the feeling that I shouldn't watch it. It's been a few months and I always looked at the images and comments but I was feeling that it wasn't the right time yet.
Then today I woke up and automatically I started watching it without even realizing it.
I wasn't disappointed.
Ok, the story may be a bit predictable, even more if you've read the synopsis. You can even guess how it will get done ect ect. But anyway, it was very enjoyable and there were some surprises.
Seeming-casual moments of life that are actually so important. They were so beautifully depicted!
You know what will happen, but that won't make you stop watching it, because you know it will be beautiful.
As I said, I was already a Sato Takeru fan since a few years, so my opinion is probably biased, but I have to say his acting was top notch. The way he portrayed the devil was amazing and so different from the main character. Really, I was surprised. I like when he plays in movie like that or like "Real" (another of his movies that is kinda similar I think)
As for the other actors, I thought the mother played really well. You could see everything in her eyes and I love that. The girlfriend was really well played too, and the father fitted his role well. Well, they had fitted their roles haha.
And kudos for the cats That stayed so still and this everything like they had to x) gosh they were so cute hehe.
Music: well it's always said that music makes a good movie. Here, I wasn't disappointed: there were A LOT of music (well, you need at least that much for that kind of movie haha) and they were good musics and always on point.
Rewatch value: of course I will rewatch it! Maybe I'll see something that I didn't see while watching it for the first time. And the story is so beautiful... Yes, there is a good rewatch value because even though you already know more or less most of the story before even watching it the first time, it's still so enjoyable to watch. So yep.
Total: well, I just have to say that I think this movie could have been more. Or that it was complete, but then another movie should do more- I don't really know how to say it...
I feel like it was very beautiful and enjoyable but at the same time it's just like this movie did what it had to and nothing more. But maybe if I had watched it on a cinema screen it would've been different, as the beauuuuutiful images would probably have got more effect on me. I still think it is a very beautiful and poetic movie and that you need to sit comfortably and be totally awake to watch it, so that you can watch it and understand it entirely. I liked a lot the structure of the movie too.
It's not a sad movie actually, more like a beautiful life movie- life and death , yep, but about the beautifulness of life ~
So sit comfortably and go watch it!!

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Brain Man
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Elisa
févr. 3, 2017
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
This movie is perfect.
The story in itself has some clichés parts, but the acting and everything is done so well that you can't help but be totally shocked by that movie.
The way it is filmed is particular and suits the movie well. What I liked is that there are a lot of silences, which nowadays lack in most movies. Most scenes are intense, be it an action scene or a psychological scene. All the character are well-developed and feelings have a great place in this. Of course so,e of it was predicable, but it was soooo enjoyable to see it happen,+ the way it's filmed is, i repeat, very satisfying. Sometimes there is a silence and then BAM, suprise. The details have a lot of importance and you can remark them quite easily or hard depending on the scene.
For the acting, I have to say that Ikuta Toma really amazed me here. I had already seen a couple dramas/movies with him, but this is probably his best. The other characters were well developed, although I would've loved to see more of the detective; but I guess it's normal since the movie isn't centered on him. The psychiatrice was a good actress -I've already seen her countless of times and she didn't disappoint me - and the two girls were quite good.

this is actually the secoond time im watching The Brain Man, but I remember -from when it was released, so I agree it's not just a few weeks ago - a few scenes very clearly -the one at the beginning in the warehouse, the ending scene, the scene with the eye... Everything was totally graved into my mind. So the rewatch value is high but I'd say you have to watch a few months to get the same feeling. You have to forget some of the details to get fully satisfied by this movie the second time you're watching it, but I think it's okay if you know the general plot.
As for the music, I though it suited well. The song on one of the last scene (I think it was the one with the car?) was perfect.
So if you like these kind of badass/psychological/action/suspense/brain/ INTENSE movie, Brain man is for you!
Gosh, I'm still shocked by my feelings toward this film. ~~

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Gachiban: Max
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Elisa
févr. 3, 2017
Complété 1
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5
A Nice movie to watch if you're bored. It's not bad but it's not exceptional, and maybe it's a little old-looking? But it touches a lot of themas in japan- youth criminality, people sleeping in PC café, baito....
The story in itself is quite simple but nice. The acting is great but not perfect either, although I love kubota' performance. I'd rewatch it again if I had nothing else to watch.
But it's quite good !
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Ashita No Joe
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Elisa
mars 7, 2017
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Very nice and deep movie. Kudos to the actor for having immersed themselves so much in the story. I heard they had to train for months and lost each ~10kilos, which is 20%~ of their weight... Whoah.
The story in itself isn't only a story about just fighting. It's about living, and getting up again after each hit; it's about life in the slums too, although this part wasn't as developped as I would've wanted it to be, but well, that wasn't the main part of the movie anyway. This movie is for you if:
-you like box
-you don't really like box but you do like a movie full of adrenaline
-yamapi ~~
- you want to stop a little time to fully immerse you in an intense movie~
Well, it's a nice movie, but I'd say you have to watch it even if just for the actors since their transformation is so great. I mean, they really looked like they were on the verge of dying...!
I hesitated a very long time before watching it because it didn’t seem like my cup of tea. but now that I did I'm not regretting it at all, It was a great and intense movie!

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Elisa
févr. 17, 2017
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5
Spy is a spy drama (lol) entirely centered around the family of Kim Jaejoong's character. If you're looking for a spy drama that covers multiple plot, this is not really for you.
A lot of people have found that this drama is boring, but I actually liked it a lot. Of course the story is a bit predictable, and it gets slower and repetitive towards the middle, but otherwise I thought it was nice. I even found myself thinking in the middle of the drama "hey... Why are there not more episodes !? u_u" but then the ending came fast but was maybe too long. They should've done the drama with more length or the same length, but the ending more... Compacted? I thought towards the ends that there was an episode too much, but however it was still ok. A few things were quite cliché too (and why the hell is it always the same situations when the North is included? o_o sometimes spy drama look like propaganda but well, I'm not Korean, I don't really now what happens there^^
Acting: Whoaaaah... What a great cast. I actually decided to watch this because everyone liked the cast, and I wasn't disappointed. Kim Jaejoong was perfect for this role, and you could see every change of emotions in his eyes. The other were really good and fitted their role. Kudos to the mother too, although I thought her character building was a bit bizarre- but that's because of the writers I guess
Music: well, I didn't pay much attention- there was one good OST but I don't remember any other, so it must have been normal. But there was a music in the last episode that I liked a lot and that fitted the atmosphere.
Rewatch value: well... I don't know. I probably won't rewatch it soon, or one or two episodes that I have liked a lot. Maybe in a few month I'll watch it again- even if it'd be for the cast hehe
Overall: 8. Honestly the story is a bit cliché and the end is too slow, but otherwise it was ok. Acting perfect, music ok. If you like action-thriller-drama with a bit of romance (and family love, lol) this is for you!

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The Suspect
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Elisa
déc. 10, 2016
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
"The suspect" is your Classic spy film. There are a lot of scenes that you can predict.
But, it still is a great movie! Some would probably find it a bit too long, but I thought it was perfect. It keeps you on the edge of your seat even if you more or less know what's gonna happen. The acting is superb- even for secondary characters. I didn't really pay attention to music, but I guess the music helped the feeling of thriller, even though there isn't a clear and memorable OST. I'd recommend this movie even to those that are fans of Korean thriller, because while being classical and maybe cliché, there are still a lot of amazing scenes and suspense. If you're not used to this kind of movie, then watch it, it'll give you a nice taste of Korean action movies!
As for the rematch value... Well, if you like action scenes, it's ok. If not, maybe wait a few month and then watch it again.
Also, the images were quite good. The stunt were amazing. And I loved how the main actor could have a change of expression only in his eyes.
So, even though the plot is quite classical, it's still a good movie. Maybe not the best, but that might be because I have already seen dozen of Korean spy/action movie, so most of the actions were a bit predicable. Still enjoyed it though. - it's a great movie!
-sorry for my bad English ^-^ -

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