Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey
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There is no synopsis listed so:
Basically the main boy is in danger of having his school club shut down so he and his best friend try to recruit the main girl and her best friend to be members since her uncle is the Dean of the school. The catch--she loves cats but is afraid of dogs. Will this be the end of his Dog and Cat club or the start of a new adventure for both boys?
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Inspiring Generation
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It is a good story about an important time leading up to WWII on the Japanese front. The characters are good for the most part. Many interesting personalities that help drive the show and keep your interest.
There is a lot of blood and fighting in this one because we are dealing with gang violence against the backdrop of civil war in China and the Japanese invasion of that country. So don't expect this to be a pretty romance.
This is also a show that keeps you on the edge of your seat and ends every episode with cliff hangers. You will either want to marathon it or take breaks to deal emotionally with the story.
Overall, it is one of the better dramas out there dealing with these sorts of issues.
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It is worth watching. I only wish I could find a copy of the main theme song. The words of the song really tell you what the show is all about.
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