
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 1 heure
  • Genre: Femme
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  • Date d'inscription: février 1, 2023
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1 Flower Award2
Bon Appetit korean drama review
Bon Appetit
13 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by BecauseMyMemorySucks
sept. 28, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 8.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 8.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Innocent, sweet, light, heart fluttering romance.

Really enjoyed this short drama. The romance was very sweet and made my heart flutter.

I love how fast paced the drama was but at the same time, it didn't feel rushed. We got to see Do Hoon come to have feelings for Yoon Soo each episode and it was really cute to witness. Yoon Soo was also a fun character to watch; he was a master flirt and I loved how he'd always tease DH by getting all up in his personal space and making DH flustered. This drama will definitely have you giggling and holding your breath to see what happens next.

Aside from the romance, I also enjoyed seeing DH and YS in their respective workplaces. I liked all the interactions with the side characters too, even the intern who was crushing on DH.

The only thing I didn't like much was the misunderstandings between DH and YS because of YS's past relationship. I didn't like how both characters handled their feelings about it, but it's a short drama and I understand that a drama needs, well, I'm not too mad about it. Also, I sorta felt like YS was a bit too nice(?) with the way he handled his ex. Like, idk, I'd have preferred if he was more harsh to him especially considering the lengths the ex took to try to get back with him...but they'd been together for three years so maybe there was still some leftover affection there....(I don't think the drama intended for this to be the takeaway, but that was just the undertone I got from the whole ex-plotline which left a bad taste in my mouth and made me low-key side more with DH's feelings).

The acting was okay. I liked DH's actor the most. The character and actor himself reminded me of Ji Hyun from the Eight Sense; they both have that adorable and aloof vibe to them so it made watching him really fun. I mainly just had a problem with YS's actor and the intern. The intern's actor just came across as unnatural, but more like in a novice actor kind of way, which is understandable. Whereas my problem with YS's actor was the character always had this perpetual smile on his face. Idk if it was how the character was written or if thats just the direction the actor took. The smile was just so constant it made me uncomfortable in the beginning lmao. YS just always had a specific smile on his face regardless of whether the scene called for that kind of expression, so it really just pulled me out of the scene at times.

Overall, however, it's a really sweet, and light drama. For a short drama, it actually has some depth to it too which was nice.
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