The film begins with Jin-suk's nightmare and naturally goes through a sort of friendly family, casting mysterious codes, such as a room of doubt, kidnapping his brother, causing tension and curiosity. Both are strangely distant from each other, but are double that lead to clues that will be useful for the truth and reversal of the film to be developed later.
The first half is immersive. The secret trick is also reminiscent, the nervous breakdown is the mind of the person, and it is difficult to take what is reality and what is fantasy. Above all, the expression and acting of the character that changes moment by moment is the highest point. In short "Jang Hang Joon" is a medium movie for more, since the elemental composition that compose it contributes significantly in conjunction than individually.
The first half is immersive. The secret trick is also reminiscent, the nervous breakdown is the mind of the person, and it is difficult to take what is reality and what is fantasy. Above all, the expression and acting of the character that changes moment by moment is the highest point. In short "Jang Hang Joon" is a medium movie for more, since the elemental composition that compose it contributes significantly in conjunction than individually.
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