That moment when u unexpectedly get hit by massive waves of feels
Bruh, i started watching coz they said it was the heart-warming, feel good type drama nd i wanted to watch sth adorable....what i got was tears, no joke. The entire first episode had me bawling my brains out nd i needed to sleep it off. Afterwards every single episode, somehow or other i ended up crying, the emotionally engaging environment throughout the drama specially heightened ones feelings of empathy. Im honestly so glad i watched it, the actors were so talented, specially geu-ru, its not easy to play a role like that. The way the characters grew and the relationships developed was absolutely precious T_T the way the story pointed out the problems in the society so realistically and portrayed the deceased characters with such care and respect deserves nothing but praise and admiration. Move to heaven had a special message in every episode while progessing with their own story at the same time nd along with our main characters, it honestly made me feel nd learn a lot too, such a beautiful concept ;-; the grief nd tears were worth it. This is definitely becoming one of my fav dramas.Cet avis était-il utile?