Let me know you favorite sageuk (historical) dramas!K-dramas only!started: 7/7/2023
This is basically a chronology of which K-drama was my favorite at which point in my life.
yes, this is a full chronology for all asian actresses i liked over the course all the years i've been watching asian dramas (please note that…
yes, you read that title well! this is a chronology of my favorite asian actors (therefore, both japanese and korean). a quick mention: around…
What Korean drama would you recommend to someone who never watched one before?What is a K-drama that will surely get someone to fall in love…
I have a hard time deciding what dramas to watch, so here's a list of my top priorities in hope that you can help me decide easier! K-Dramas…
i love making lists, so here' s me ranking all K-Dramas i've seen in the past eleven years!
initially i made a list for my top 10 j-drams of all time, but i was thinking i should probably just rank everything and be done with it!