
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 2 jours
  • Genre: Homme
  • Lieu: hulaan mo
  • Contribution Points: 1,355 LV7
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: juillet 1, 2020
  • Awards Received: Flower Award2
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Followed People

Actors/Actresses which I followed, meaning waiting and watching all their dramas.

30 people
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Favorite Filipino Independent Films

Independent Films made by Filipinos that won many local and international awards.

14 titles 2 loves
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KDramas Mid Tier

These are the KDrama that I  like.Disclaimer: These are just my personal taste.

22 titles
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KDrama Top Tier

These are the KDrama that I really love.Disclaimer: These are just my personal taste.

25 titles
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KDrama God Tier

These are the KDrama that I absolutely love.Disclaimer: These are just my personal taste.

14 titles
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Thai BL Shows

Thai Boys Love (BL) that I watched.

18 titles