This character-driven drama creates a compelling world by combining stories about teenage school life and serious criminal activity. This drama has really outdid itself! It is the most darkest, realistic and "Out of the box" Kdrama I have ever seen! The series has one of the best twist and dialogues! The pacings was greatly done as well, it never drags and will keep you at the edge! The story was executed amazingly. And the acting was phenomenal! All of the main teen characters in the show have to cope with their own insecurities and growing pains as they enter into adulthood.
Extracurricular’s characters are unapologetic, and not particularly likable. But thats what makes it so intriguing because nobody's in the right or wrong spectrum. The relationships between them grow more interesting and complex, which makes them worth investing in. Meanwhile, as Ji-soo’s criminal enterprise expands, the stakes get higher, and create lots of entertaining suspense. The result is a binge-worthy series that is as thrilling as it is disturbing for those old enough to handle it! Warning ... Its gets very bloody!!!
Extracurricular’s characters are unapologetic, and not particularly likable. But thats what makes it so intriguing because nobody's in the right or wrong spectrum. The relationships between them grow more interesting and complex, which makes them worth investing in. Meanwhile, as Ji-soo’s criminal enterprise expands, the stakes get higher, and create lots of entertaining suspense. The result is a binge-worthy series that is as thrilling as it is disturbing for those old enough to handle it! Warning ... Its gets very bloody!!!
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