The Real Hero is the Defender of the Powerless
At last, I'm done watching the complete episodes. I have enjoyed watching the martial arts performance of Baron Chen (Su Meng Zhen), Liu Yu Ning (Bai Chou Fei), and Joseph Zeng (Wang Xiao Shi). The post-production team is doing an excellent job! The lighting effects are fantastic, and martial arts performances are well choreographed. Everyone involved in this action pact drama series is well-deserved of praise and rewards. The director worked immensely his best to make the story alive on screen. Fantastic job!
The only downside I have noticed from this drama is the huge missing factor of romance that safeguard the beauty of the story. Normally, you feel at times some dryness while watching and observing the plot because we're looking for the right emotions that every episode will deliver. For example, the love story of Meng Ziyi (Lei Chun) and Baron Chen (Su Meng Zhen), is a beautiful portion but lacks the intensity to hammer the viewers' emotions. In addition, the love story of Joseph Zeng (Wang Xiao Shi) and Yang Chao Yue (Wen Rou) is supposed to be an excellent way to produce a thrill but it drifts away. We don't see the flowers blooming at the end.
Love and romance are indisputable that well blended to make the story great and memorable. Yes, I agree that this drama is purely wuxia, but we live in a world that has full of expressions of love. The balance of martial arts and romance is the perfect combination to eliminate the story's dullness. However, there is no perfect drama, everyone has its pros and cons in mind. The most important you deliver the content based on its original narrative.
I've watched some previous wuxia dramas that blended well the romance and action but had a terrible ending. The "Heroes" drama sticks to its originality and uniqueness despite of criticism. The director and cast fulfill their best to what the script dictates. All positive and negative you see in this drama are based on your personal opinions. This drama fulfilled its purpose in defining the true hero.
Why? Because the story focuses more on the face of a true hero rather than the selfish ambitious hero. Evil will not thrive in this present world even how powerful they are. God will raise the humble and dethrone the proud. Therefore, the real hero is a true defender of the powerless not abusive and deceptive.
The only downside I have noticed from this drama is the huge missing factor of romance that safeguard the beauty of the story. Normally, you feel at times some dryness while watching and observing the plot because we're looking for the right emotions that every episode will deliver. For example, the love story of Meng Ziyi (Lei Chun) and Baron Chen (Su Meng Zhen), is a beautiful portion but lacks the intensity to hammer the viewers' emotions. In addition, the love story of Joseph Zeng (Wang Xiao Shi) and Yang Chao Yue (Wen Rou) is supposed to be an excellent way to produce a thrill but it drifts away. We don't see the flowers blooming at the end.
Love and romance are indisputable that well blended to make the story great and memorable. Yes, I agree that this drama is purely wuxia, but we live in a world that has full of expressions of love. The balance of martial arts and romance is the perfect combination to eliminate the story's dullness. However, there is no perfect drama, everyone has its pros and cons in mind. The most important you deliver the content based on its original narrative.
I've watched some previous wuxia dramas that blended well the romance and action but had a terrible ending. The "Heroes" drama sticks to its originality and uniqueness despite of criticism. The director and cast fulfill their best to what the script dictates. All positive and negative you see in this drama are based on your personal opinions. This drama fulfilled its purpose in defining the true hero.
Why? Because the story focuses more on the face of a true hero rather than the selfish ambitious hero. Evil will not thrive in this present world even how powerful they are. God will raise the humble and dethrone the proud. Therefore, the real hero is a true defender of the powerless not abusive and deceptive.
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