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  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1 Flower Award1
The School Nurse Files korean drama review
The School Nurse Files
49 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by Pinoy Ares
sept. 28, 2020
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 9.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 9.0
Musique 6.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0


Ok let me get this out of the way, it is obvious or at least im hoping that they intended to make this a multi-season show just like the other Netflix exclusive Kdramas - Kingdom, Love Alarm and My Frist Love, so please Netflix give them to us NOW.

Now that im done ranting, lets get to the good parts:
1. Cast and characters. I love the leads, and the other characters, and the way they are developed. There was enough mystery with each of them to keep me wanting to see more. Plus, Im not going to lie i came for NJH.
2. The story. Refreshing take on the monster-ghost- good versus evil story. Have you ever seen any other show where ghosts turns into jellies? I bet not. If you have, tell me, i want to watch it too.
3. Good special effects.

The problems:
1. They ended season 1 without properly explaning what happened in the finale. One moment they were building the story to reach the climax and then poof, its finished, just like that. What happened to that giant jelly?
2. I have to wait for Netflix to when or if they want to release the second season, do you know hard that can be?

So again, heres one begging Netflix to give us the next installment. Rewatchability is an 8 just because NJH is here. However if youre the type who likes to binge watch a series because you hate cliffhangers, i suggest to just wait a little (maybe a year or so) until we have the second season.
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