
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 3 jours
  • Genre: Homme
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  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
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  • Date d'inscription: mars 30, 2020
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1 Flower Award1
Love Area Part 1 thai drama review
Love Area Part 1
39 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by Pinoy Ares
sept. 15, 2021
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 1
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 7.5
Musique 5.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5


It started out as a typical "im a poor orphan boy and i work gazillions of job to make ends meet - you should love me and sympathyze with me because im poor but Im kind" story. It should sound overused on paper, but for me, it still worked.

Lets begin by talking about the gorgeous cast - they're all just beautiful! Kaitoon and Nont is already a good pair, but Valen won me over. The second couple is intriguing too. Oh, and I love Valen's sister, and how she knows what's going on but is not being nosy and is just being a forgiving and supportive sister. I even like Valen's friends and how they're just nonchalant about their 2 friends love interests.

I am also hooked by the way they showed same sex relationships is a non-issue and doesnt need to be discussed as if its the most normal thing in the world. I also appreciate that there are no villains in the series.

However, I wouldnt even call the series short and sweet cause there were a few times, even at 6 episodes, when i cant help but fast forward. There was also a few plot points left unexplained and the way they presented it made me ache for the second part BUT even if some unforeseen events come to pass and they can't continue the series, the ending still feels like a good conclusion.

What i hate is the way Kaitoon treated Nont, cause Nont doesnt deserve that. The problem with that however, is even if the second lead is lovable, i still love Valen even more.

Im giving it an overall 7 stars. Lets just hope that when, and if they return, that they'd make this an even better show and not ruin it just like a lot of sequels out there.

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