
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 9 jours
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: Through the looking-glass
  • Contribution Points: 663 LV5
  • Anniversaire: May 26
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: novembre 17, 2018
  • Awards Received: Flower Award1


Through the looking-glass


Through the looking-glass
ReminderS thai drama review
23 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by Jessica
avril 21, 2019
3 épisodes vus sur 3
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 10.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

A Fun Revisit to Some Favorite Ships

So just as an initial note for anyone unaware/confused, this is not a continuation of Love by Chance, which is why the characters have different names and for the most part different mannerisms (Plan and Perth seemed very similar to their respective LBC character counterparts). There are, though, some playful allusions to LBC and the fandom, which I thought was a cute touch. As for Phun and Noh, this felt more like a slice-of-life additional chapter to what we’ve already seen (kind of similar to the compilation Our Skyy) but not necessarily a continuation of their story either. Overall, this project was designed to be more of a fun treat to give fans.

That said, I think fans of those shows will enjoy this little project, provided they keep in mind that it's its own separate work. It's great seeing some of the most well-loved Thai BL pairings back together, and New really is a talented and fantastic director. It feels like you're watching a crossover between the two universes (though, again, not technically so) which added a fun little dynamic.

In terms of plot, there's a story there. The main one is simple and relies on the oft used theme of misunderstandings and ensuing jealousy, but it kept me entertained and wasn't bogged down with unrelated filler. The secondary one gives us an earnest Mean trying to win over Plan’s moody heart, and I enjoyed seeing them act with different personalities. For consisting of only three, short episodes, ReminderS did a nice job of giving us a lighthearted, complete little one-shot, but I wouldn’t expect anything less from New.

As far as acting goes, I first have to say that Perth really impressed me with how far he's come since the first few episodes of LBC, and I think Captain has improved since his Love Sick days as well (and looked damn fine too, might I add). I loved the dynamic between all of them, as friends, enemies, lovers--they worked really well together which made this special all the more fun to watch.

The music--man I just have to say that the first and last minutes or so of episode one gave me all the nostalgic feels, and I was definitely here for it. Such a good move using those songs as the opening and closing themes! It really set the tone beautifully and having it interspersed throughout the other episodes as well added a really nice, sentimental touch.

Overall--really enjoyed it and of course recommend. You definitely don't need to watch Love Sick or LBC first to understand and enjoy ReminderS, so no worries if you interested in this one and haven't seen the others--totally fine to watch this one first.
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