Hi Guys!
My name is Camile but on the internet I go by the name of Ubasute or Kafka on the book. I have been watching dramas from 2007! Ever since I was in highschool, I have an obsession with Asian cultures around the world and I first got introduced to anime and classic manga, but later on, i discovered universe of dramas! And ever since then, I have been watching dramas nonstop!
(rakuten viki was better that netflix - change my mind )
My favorite tags/motives in drama is: adapted from manga/anime/movie/webtoon. LGBTQ+, enemies to lovers, a big age gap, first love, character evolution, magical realism (yea like in murakami books), horror stories ,urban legends,a morally gray characters and REALLY MOREEE ★★ | (at this moment only in polish)
 Jeżeli poza oglądaniem dram, anime i czytaniem mang lubisz czasami poczytać i książki - zerknij na profil Kawki. Już od ponad roku współpracujac z wydawcami staram się szerzyć miłośc do literatury azjatyckiej (i nie tylko) wśród polskich odbiorców. |
some weird facts aboute me: ★
- i love some musicals but not all of them (sweeney tood YES but phantom of the Opera NO sorry)
- coffee is the basic building block of my body srsly
- my temper often gets me into trouble ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)
- multitasker its my second name

“Silence, I discover, is something you can actually hear.”
― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore ★

“I dream. Sometimes I think that's the only right thing to do.”
― Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart

(stuck in visual novel games era)
10 - 9,5 | PERFECTION - this is exactly that one and only drama which broke my heart for some reason |
9,0 - 8,5 | GOLD - something close to perfect, but it didn't fully move me |
8,0 - 7,5 | GOOD - titles to be watched only once, there is nothing worth repeating in them |
below | BORING - wasted time, or something that just pissed me off |