I went into this show with Penthouse expectations, but it failed to deliver.
Initially, this show started off quite promising, but it soon petered out into something rather underwhelming that lacked any real substance. It really had so much potential on paper, particularly with that stellar cast, but somehow it all went awry, or perhaps it never really got off the ground to begin with. Either way, it's a great waste and a big shame.Disappointingly, the writers failed to give Lee Ji Ah an adequately strong and meaningful character, for which she so readily deserves and excels at. I can only hope that she lands a far better role in another show, pronto, as she is a superb actress. Notwithstanding, she was the saving grace of this show, despite her lacklustre roll.
Cet avis était-il utile?

Oh dear - I suppose I'm in the minority when I say that I had to drop this show in disgust. Terribly underwhelming and lacklustre all around. Ironic really given the popularity of this show, but ultimately it just never managed to escape the shadow of its precursor, Perfect Marriage Revenge. Go figure!Cet avis était-il utile?