
Edit Reset Button Not Working

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Hey, recently I added an incorrect streaming service and wanted to rectify it immediately, but when i clicked the reset button only the notes are removed but the streaming service itself was not. I refreshed to check and saw the streaming service is still there and the notes are empty. I did deleted\ it individually but still the same outcome.

Has my edit been retracted? Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks (:

EDIT- I noticed it is not working for any edits I tried to reset.

Yuanwei Volunteer Staff
Has my edit been retracted? Am I doing something wrong?

I don't see any edits from you in the panel unless it was already rejected. Did you receive any rejection message for it from any of the staff? If not, then your edit was reseted.


I don't see any edits from you in the panel unless it was already rejected. Did you receive any rejection message for it from any of the staff? If not, then your edit was reseted.

I did not receive any rejection message from any of the staff, an edit I made still shows up on my side but I guess it okay since it has been withdrawn from the staff side. Maybe its a bug or it is taking time to update.

Just to confirm clicking the reset button is enough right?

Yuanwei Volunteer Staff

I did not receive any rejection message from any of the staff, an edit I made still shows up on my side but I guess it okay since it has been withdrawn from the staff side. Maybe its a bug or it is taking time to update.

Just to confirm clicking the reset button is enough right?

Hmm... Might be a bug. You could try cleaning the cookies and cache and log in again on MDL to see if it's still showing on your side.

But yes, clicking the reset button is enough. You can even click it twice to make sure.


Hmm... Might be a bug. You could try cleaning the cookies and cache and log in again on MDL to see if it's still showing on your side.

But yes, clicking the reset button is enough. You can even click it twice to make sure.

Okay Thanks for your help!

cleorio closed this avril 3, 2024 02:00
xxmai locked this avril 3, 2024 07:27