Hi, so apparently, I checked other discussion threads about this issue, I tried writing reviews, adding cast that too from app, but my points don't seem to increasing. So I have two doubts to resolve.

1) When I am talking about points, I am not talking about contribution points, rather I am talking about the points that are shown in the section with followers and following list.  (My contribution points and coins are increasing but the point section in the followers and following list always appears 0)

So what exactly is this point section about. Is it different from contribution points?

2) Also, why is not increasing? Is it not related to editing casts and writing reviews?

Aoi Community Manager

Yes, that section refers to Karma points, and currently, it doesn't serve any specific purpose. It is different from contribution points, which are related to your contributions and activity on the platform. As of now, Karma points don't increase based on editing casts or writing reviews. If there are any changes in the future regarding the functionality of Karma points, we will notify users accordingly.

So may I ask how to increase this karma points. On what basis do they increase?

Aoi Community Manager

Currently, we have paused the Karma points system, and it will be reintroduced in the future.

Aoi closed this janv. 23, 2024 06:08

The contribution points don't appear to be moving though, does that only happen for VIP members? I've written 18 reviews of decent depth and length, over 7 weeks, and still at Level 0.  Also participated in forums, discussion etc. Not so much needing an ego boost, but wondering if the points system actually works?


The contribution points don't appear to be moving though, does that only happen for VIP members? I've written 18 reviews of decent depth and length, over 7 weeks, and still at Level 0.  Also participated in forums, discussion etc. Not so much needing an ego boost, but wondering if the points system actually works?

Contribution points are earned from  two things

1. Adding new people or new titles to MDL

2.if you go to a Title there is an option called edit page on the top right,there you can fill information on any of those sections that may be missing that way you earn contribution points (same with people's pages)

More info here: Editing and Submitting

if someone sees this and i'm missing any other way to get contribution points feel free to correct me

thanks very much for that information. It does puzzle me that reviews are not worthy of contribution points, as they are an important part of the platform.  thank you also for providing the links. 


thanks very much for that information. It does puzzle me that reviews are not worthy of contribution points, as they are an important part of the platform.  thank you also for providing the links. 

i think it comes down to objectivity (every way that you can get contribution points is a fact,be it production related,character/actors related or tags and genres (sometimes people mess up there).

Reviews are subjective and don't help the site store things in the database about any section.

That's all my opinion  though.Idk if there is a detailed explanation somewhere. 

I checked the FAQ again and it does mention reviews and discussions as contribution points. So maybe the system isn't keeping up with activity. FAQ for anyone interested in the specific wording 


I checked the FAQ again and it does mention reviews and discussions as contribution points. So maybe the system isn't keeping up with activity. FAQ for anyone interested in the specific wording 

There's a gray area in that wording in the FAQ section. It didn't specify which points you can earn by writing reviews. There are 2 types of points in mdl. One is Contribution Points, which you can earn only by adding/editing titles or people pages. The other is Karma Points/ Points, which was the original topic of this thread. And, as you can see the staff clarified above that Karma Points functionality has been paused at this moment. Karma points were used to earn based on your activities on this site, which is (or was) likely by writing reviews and making recommendations.