As we all know, Japanese movies and doramas are not often available on legit streaming sites like Netflix and VIU which means that they rarely get ENGLISH subs unless we got lucky and a fansubber decides to sub it. Then at that time, we can all say "Yatta!!". LOL
So then, this article is dedicated to Japanese fansubbers who does this for the love of the Japanese community. Some of them are members of MDL and some are not, but all of them deserves a thank you!
The list I will be putting up DOES NOT consist all the subbers, but only a handful that subbed some of the eiga/dorama I've seen recently or those that left an impact on me.
Hajimemashou! はじめましょう!
1) SARS-Fansub (Search and Rescue Subbers) - Amrayu, a part of the subbing group, was kind enough to answer my queries.
If you don't know SARS, then I don't know about you! Haha!! They subbed Hanazakari no Kimitachi e 2007. One Iconic line from that dorama "Homo janai!" They also subbed Hana Yori Dango and Gokusen.
Started Subbing (Year): 2004
First Project: Kamisama mou sukoshi dake (as a solo project under amrayu), Gokusen under SARS-Fansubs
"Kamisama - one of my favourites and I wanted to see a good version of it, so decided to sub it. Gokusen - another team was subbing it but kept delaying it, so we took it over to finish it. Lots of people were doubting that we could finish it because it seemed cursed? "
MDL Profile:
Other SNS Accounts/Website:
Twitter: @sarsfansubs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarsfansubs/
2) HPriest - He has recently subbed some of the best drama (at least for me) last year. Some of them are BG: Personal Bodyguard, dele, Iari: Mienai Kao and Tourist.
Started Subbing (Year): 2008
First Project: Puzzle
"Nobody was subbing it yet and it featured Ishihara Satomi in a lead role. Back then she wasn't as popular as she is now and I simply wanted to try if I could sub a show."
MDL Profile:
Other SNS Accounts/Website:
Twitter: @hpriestsubs
Instagram: giantkanji
3) SkewedS - Best known for subbing Code Blue series, most recent Code Blue they subbed was Code Blue: The Movie. Some of their most recent works include Laughing Under the Clouds, Sensei Kunshu, Backstreet Girls, and Over Drive. Ais, a member of the group took the time to answer my queries, he was (is) also a part of SARS-Fansub.
Started Subbing (Year): Personally 2003, Skeweds 2006
First Project: Zone Forever Sub's ZONE's "Good Days" music video (Ais), Jigoku Shoujo Live Action 1 (SkewedS)
"Well, I didn't choose it, and I was just a QC." (LOL Ais)
MDL Profile:
Other SNS Accounts/Website:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AisIceEyes; https://twitter.com/tl_skeweds
Facebook: http://facebook.com/TL.SkewedS
Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/tl_skeweds
4) Gifted Ones Sub - She subs mostly older doramas like Oda Nobunaga 1998 with Takuya Kimura (Yes! I had to mention him. LOL.), Oshin and Kamisama Mou Sukoshi Dake (in collaboration with SARS).
Started Subbing (Year): 2011
First Project: Koukou Kyoushi 1993
"I think the first project I worked on was Koukou Kyoushi 1993. I really like the drama. For its time it did really push the boundaries. However, do note that I didn't translate the subtitles myself. I asked the original subber if it was okay for me to transcribe and sync their subtitles to higher quality RAW videos."
MDL Profile:
Other SNS Accounts/Website:
Website: https://www.giftedones.net/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/keiko1981
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/giftedones1981/
5) RJGMAN56 - He's fairly new in the subbing community, but he has a handful of titles completed already and some of them are ones that you'd think "would probably not get subbed" some titles he has worked on are The Time of Backlights, Call Boy, Does the Flower Bloom, Shino Can't Say Her Own Name and Kareshi wo Ron de Kaimashita. All his works are hard-subbed.
Started Subbing (Year): 2018
First Project: First attempt was with Otousan To Yobasete and the final episode of Career but he considers Fugitive Boys as his "first official project".
"My Japanese wasn't excellent and I didn't know how to acquire subs for it, so it was tough to translate it by just audio alone. It was on dailymotion so I had no feedback but I thought my translations were not bad. Not 100% accurate but it flowed smoothly. "
MDL Profile:
Other SNS Accounts/Website:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rjgman56/
Website: www.rjgman56subs.com
6) Blitz Fansub He has subbed a handful of movies and doramas, one of them was the very sweet HajiKoi and the remake of the English series Suits. Most of his subs are hard subs unless you are his patron, where you can get his soft subs.
Started Subbing (Year): 2018
First Project: Survival Wedding (based on his completed projects)
MDL Profile:
Other SNS Accounts/Website:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blitzlilz
Website: https://blitzfansub.com/
7) eveychooey - This subber I just recently noticed. She subbed 3-Nen A-Gumi and she's rather fast. She has also subbed the 2-Episode SP for the same dorama. I honestly have not seen her other works but choosing to sub 3-Nen A-Gumi, for me, was a good choice!
Started Subbing (Year): 2018
First Project: Daisy Luck
MDL Profile:
Other SNS Accounts/Website:
D-Addicts: Profile
IG (non-drama related): @eveychooey
Here are other subbers whose project I usually look out for. Unfortunately, I was not able to get the other details about them but they're still worth the mention.
8) dlueey - She has recently subbed Les Miserables SP, Impossibility Defense, and the 5-Episode Kakugo Iika Soko no Joshi.
Other SNS Accounts/Website:
Livejournal: https://dlueey9.livejournal.com/
9) mottofreaky - Best known for subbing Kahogo no Kahoko dorama and 2018 SP. This drama introduced me to Ryoma Takeuchi.
Other SNS Accounts/Website:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mfsubs (for subs updates)
LiveJournal: http://ihsarafes.livejournal.com/
D-Addict: Profile
Some other names you may encounter: Heiwa Fansub, Earthcolors, Avallac'h, vulcan300.
If you do have the time, and you've seen some of their works, please do thank them. Also, if you have the means please support them by donating, especially to those who have Ko-Fi account or Patreon accounts!
Do you have a favourite Japanese Fansubber?
Do share your thoughts in the comment box!
P.S.: Most photos are searchable via Google Image, some I took the screenshot myself.
Previous Articles: Last Friends: Why I HATE and LOVE it, 10 Japanese Actors and Actresses that are also Seiyuus, 10 Japanese Movies and Doramas I wished had another season, Five Japanese Actors and Actresses with Filipino Heritage, Currently Watching: BG ~Personal Bodyguard~, A Stalker's Guide to Takuya Kimura (2018), Takuya Kimura's Hair Style Evolution, Why You Cannot Not Love Kimura Takuya.