The actor Lee Ji Ah returns as a headstrong woman in Queen of Divorce.
Queen of Divorce is the story of Kim Sa Ra, South Korea's top divorce mediator, and a cunning lawyer, Dong Ki Joon, working at the divorce settlement firm Solution.
The first teaser of the K-drama has just been released. It offers a glimpse into Sarah Kim's impeccable record as a divorce resolver with a 100% success rate, fiercely punishing malicious spouses.
Their divorce resolution firm Solution caters to those trapped in agonizing marriages yet unable to break free. From grabbing collars and hair to even engaging in brawls, the lives of the clients are nothing short of hell.
Kim Sa Ra, the team leader of Solution, expresses her relentless dedication, stating, "I want to save those whose marriages are hell," determined to alleviate the grievances of her clients regardless of time and place.
Dong Ki Joon (Kang Ki Young), the consulting lawyer of Solution, runs around to assist Kim Sa Ra, but his sloppy actions add a comedic twist to his character.
But Kim Sa Ra is always there for her team. She shows up like a superhero to rescue Dong Ki Joon while he is being subdued by a man in black, offering a tantalizing glimpse of Lee Ji Ah in action.
Furthermore, the confident smiles of the team members demand attention. Their unwavering camaraderie is evident, whether tackling dirty work such as shoveling or carrying out risky tasks like secretly carrying a child when everyone is asleep in the early morning. Their unity in pursuing a common goal shines through.
Queen of Divorce will premiere on January 31. Watch the teaser below.