A close but non-sexual relationship between men — this is bromance. Most drama fans adore bromance, often more than the main couple of a drama. Think of Goblin, Tatta Hitotsu No Koi, Heartless City, Nobuta Wo Produce and Shut Up Flower Boy Band. All of them wouldn't be the same without the deep friendship between the male lead and often the second lead. It seems like the male friends understand each other to a level only man can understand. There are no games and sexual background. So they can only be human beings without any role model to follow — they are funny, cute, honest, loyal to the core.
But why should women live without this amazing friendship? All I wrote so far is adaptable for women too. But there is no word for this. Sismance is the logical pendant but sounds like a synonym for menstruation. Soulmate would be excellent but is often used for romantic relationships — maybe Soulsis?
Anyway here are some amazing “female bromances:”
CAUTION: Minor spoilers for Kleun Cheewit, I Need Romance, Nana, Angry Mom major Spoiler for She Was Pretty ahead.
Jee and Dao (Kleun Cheewit (2017))
Let's start with my all time favorite Soulsis'. Dao is Jee's best friend. She is her friend, her family, her assistant and flatmate. Jee is impulsive and hot-tempered. She has a kind heart but learned to hide it behind a thick wall. So other people think she is a cold, calculative, arrogant beauty. But when she is with Dao, she is funny and cute and is not afraid to show her weak side maybe because Dao is a soft and an obviously kind person, it is easier for Jee to feel free to show her soft side as well. At some point, Dao is too emotional and makes a wrong decision. She needs Jee's rational thinking to realize her mistake. A perfect friend is not always the same type of person but a supplement!
Woo In Young, Hyun Joo and Seo Yeon (I Need Romance)
These three girls are so funny. When they are together their behavior is foul-mouthed, sloppy and in-your-face. In real life, one is very stiff and old fashioned, one somehow cute but also a business woman and the third lady is a model with an absolute sexy and free lifestyle. Only together they can be in this easy manner. So sometimes such close friends are rather needed to not create a totally new side of each other.
Hye Jin and Ha Ri (She Was Pretty)
It is unusual that such a beautiful and idolized person like Ha Ri has a close friend who look like Hye Jin. They live together and substitute the family they are missing. They talk about everything, also about critical topics. The most important point here is: They love each other enough to forgive. When one of them does a betray-like mistake she feels so awfully guilty and suffers so much that it is obvious how much she values her friend. (Never forget it is not enough to forgive someone who did wrong. This person has to forgive herself as well) Moreover the other person waits for her to confess, even if she already knows what her friend did. It is a gesture of trust and respect.
Nana and Nana (Nana)
Nana and Nana couldn't be more different. One is cute, shy and a bit naive. The other one locked up her heart but is cool and straight forward. Even if they don't share the same dream or at least have similar attitudes, they like each other just for the way they are. Nana admires her cool friend for being tough and living her dream. The other girl likes that Nana is cute and pure — something she wants to protect. When it comes to love one of them is lucky and the other is sad but between Soulsis' there is no space for jealousy! They root for each other even if one of them is lucky while the other is unhappy.
Bang Wool and Gong Joo (Angry Mom)
The most important point is perfectly shown in Angry Mom, when Bang Wool meet up with her old friend Goong Joo to ask for help. Even if Soulsis' lose sight of each other for years they will be there when their (former) friend is seriously in need for help, because no woman will ever forget her best female friend and the connection between them. I quote the mom of a friend of mine: ''Girls, of course you should find a good man, marry and get children but when you grow old, you will realize in the end there will be always your female friends who catch you if you fall.''
So even if there is no correct word for this “female bromance”, it is important as well and at least for me as adorable as “male bromance”. What do you think about it?
Do you know more drama examples?
Is there a better word for female bromance?
Do you have or wish you had a Soulsis?