par Ceki, novembre 21, 2017

This is not the first time that Kang In (The Cat Funeral , Romance Zero) has been caught up in a scandal. The famous member of the super boy band Super Junior turned actor has had two DUI accidents, one in 2016 and the other in 2009. Luckily, the only thing he crashed into was a street lamp. However, some fans were so disappointed that they even started a petition to have him kicked out of Super Junior. 

So what happened now? The police received a call in the early morning of November 17 that Kangin assaulted a woman (thought to be his girlfriend) while drunk. The incident took place at an adult entertainment facility in Nonhyeon Dong. 

 It is reported that the woman at the scene was his girlfriend but the exact truth is unknown. Kangin  was drunk but not totally intoxicated. There was a minor brawl but they  made up on the spot and the case drew to a close. If the scene became  hectic and the victim had signs of injury then it would've become a  criminal case. However, the victim did not want to punish him so he  wasn't officially arrested.

In response to the issue, SJ Label issued an official apology on his behalf while disappointed SuJu fans are bombarding his IG and demanding that he leave the group. 

Hello. This is Label SJ. We deliver our stance on Kangin's latest case.
First,  we apologize for causing a case for public criticism. During the event,  Kangin became involved in an argument with a friend at a gathering with alcohol, which turned into a misunderstanding and led to their summons  at the police station. He has apologized to the person involved, and the  issue was resolved on the spot.
We apologize again for creating a disturbance despite Kangin's hiatus and time of reflection."

Sources: (1), (2)

kangin kang in super junior assault scandal