Born: March 25, 1975
~ I like her best with black hair or the red hair she had on MAWC - I think they suit her best and make her shine. The lighter brown colors tend to drown her out, while the darker browns (as in photo above are nice on her). ~ I love the freckle on her nose ^^ My favorite roles she's played that I have seen: Infamous Chill Sisters, My Rosy Life and Make a Woman Cry.
DramasInfamous Chill Sisters (2006)
She's an army girl in this drama. It's her job she decided to have because it's what her dad wanted so bad. She also is proud of it. She meets Park Hae Jin's character Ha Nam in this drama and with his endless pursuit of her heart, she falls hopelessly in love. But it's not an easy road for them because of her profession and age. But they were my absolute favorite couple in the drama. I adored them together ^_^ This is the first drama I saw Lee Tae Ran in and I instantly became a huge fan of hers. I went into this drama for PHJ and ended up finding another actress to adore. Yes, Lee Tae Ran has since become one of my top actresses. This drama is a family drama about the daughters of a military man and they all have the synonym "chill" in their names. It portrays the love life and work life of all the girls born to a man who wanted a boy. Seolchill (LTR) who works in the same profession as her father used to in order to be filial. Michill who is a jealous "twin" sister to Seolchill and is treated harshly by her father, she is flamboyant and arrogant and falls for a man her sister liked. Tengchill is the youngest and gets herself into trouble and winds up pregnant and marries the man despite objections and it will show their growth as a married couple. PHJ was under Seolchill in the army and now pursues his dream of becoming a fashion designer. It's a very good family drama and I enjoyed watching it and I still enjoy rewatching it (especially PHJ and LTR's scenes).
My Precious You (2008)
She plays a radio PD and falls in love with a man she puts on her program. I liked LTR's romance the most out of them all - it went from dislike to love (I like romances that do that). The man she falls for is a divorcee with two children and an evil ex in the background ready to claw her way out -_- Their relationship is tested a few times. Would I recommend this drama?... Probably not because the writer does something so stupid to one couple toward the end that made me really upset -_- The writer made me care for and fall for another particular couple and yet she tore that out from under me so rudely -_- But if you want to watch it, just beware of this issue. I do think it's worth watching at least once (if only for LTR and KSS).
Comrades (2010)
In this, she is a North Korean soldier who separated from her love who is now a South Korean soldier. I can't say I remember her part in the drama well - she is on the cover photo and is considered a "main lead" in this drama but she was shown so little I can't possibly call her a lead. She's more like a background side supporting character than anything. Here is a clip from the drama of her and CSJ: CLIP (They are basically star-crossed lovers). But this drama in and of itself is WONDERFUL!!! If you like Korean war dramas based back when the Korean War was happening - this one should be on the top of your list! It has amazing bromance between all of our awesome S.Korean soldiers, a BEAUTIFUL OST, and a story that will make you happy and shed tears of anguish. It's a story that cannot and should not be forgotten. I LOVED it - it's my personal favorite war drama I've seen. Kudos to all the actors/actresses who were a part of this splendid drama! *I'm in need of a rewatch*. The quotes in this drama are also outstanding! You will fall for Choi Soo Jong in this for sure! I listen the song Chinguyeo to this day! It feels so nostalgic.
My Rosy Life (2005)
She plays the sister of the main lead in this drama. She was dumped by the man she loved harshly in the past. However, she ends up meeting him again after he's married (to her classmate) and they continue their affair for four years. When her sister's husband cheats on her - she realizes the seriousness of her own actions and just how painful it can be to the other party involved. She starts to question if her actions are justified or not. She eventually has a shift that happens halfway through the drama and she wakes up to reality and a new love will be introduced to her now seared heart that doesn't believe in love. I loved this drama - it was very well put together and very well written. I'm not a fan of "affair" dramas when they glorify the affair - but I am a fan of a drama that shows just how hurtful an affair can be on the other parties involved. In other words, the dramas that show the negative side to an affair, and have our character wake up to that fact and learn from their mistakes. LTR's fashion was on-point in this drama as well - I loved just about every single item of clothing she put on her body and I loved her hairstyles as well - her makeup and accessories. (She's even gorgeous without makeup - as you can see in one picture in the collage). I recommend this drama - but it will also be sad to watch as the main lead has cancer. (and it could be a trigger for anyone who has had a cancer patient in their family - as this drama shows it slowly day by day and painfully too). The entire cast was awesome in their roles. and the OST was also beautiful.
Kings Family (2013)
She's a married woman who is unloved by her mother, blamed for countless things, and treated as less than family by her own mother. She is married to an immature man who is jobless and relies on her for money. She has 2 kids and is doing her best to make it in the harsh world with only her income. One day her husband decided to "cheat" on her with a woman who gives him $100,000 - he thinks it's his ticket out and easy money. Now she has to deal with her family's hatred and her husbands "affair" - she does her best to try and get him to come back to her (seriously most women wouldn't have done the things she did to try and get him to stay). She realizes money isn't saving her relationships with anyone and so instead of saving she begins to do the things she's restrained herself on before. She is a woman full of sadness - who only longs to be loved. She just wants to provide for her family and make the best of what they have. She was my favorite character and her brother in law was my 2nd fav. & her sister (younger) was next. but unfortunately I did get a bit tired/bored toward the end, but it's a good drama nonetheless. I hated her mother and her older sister in this drama (they were absolutely horrible and to me had ZERO redeemable qualities - I didn't like them not even in the end). I wasn't too crazy about that far into the future scene at the very end either. It was weird to say the least.
Make a Woman Cry (2015)
She's an actress who is married to a business man who doesn't truly love her. She is a big mouth but hilarious at the same time. She is looked down upon and disregarded by her husband and made to look crazy by her sister in law (who happens to be her husbands first love and she (LTR) knows it). Whenever she tries to expose things it always gets turned back on her. I adored her crazy character in this drama - she was awesome! A bit dimwitted but at the same time very smart lol - she made this drama so fun to watch - whether you were sympathizing/empathizing with her or laughing along with her - or even at times crying with her - she was a joy to watch. (the other storyline was also really good - but annoyed me in the later half after that "secret" was revealed - I was angry how they let that woman keep such a grudge for so long). This drama does a good job at staying true to it's title. The things a couple of the men did or said in this drama to these women were definitely things that would make a woman cry.
Goddess of Marriage (2013)
She is in an unhappy marriage. Basically being controlled by her in-laws and can't do anything that will disgrace their name. She is a slave of the family. She get's cheated on daily by her husband who only married her because he lusted after her. (he's nasty). That entire family is despicable. She's suffering but puts up a facade and pretends she's alright. She puts a fake smile on and tells the world that she is in a happy marriage, when in reality she's miserable. But it's also the life she chose because of her ambition. She threw away true love for fame. I think she made very poor choices in life. I watched the majority of her scenes (skipped through a few in the end). Yes I skip-watched this drama - it was the only way for me as this drama is dreadfully long and boring. It's not worth your time. I enjoy watching LTR & LSW so I insisted on watching it - but if your not a fan then save yourself! I didn't particularly like her character because she was full of ambition (and I hate that in people) but I did like pieces of her character and some scenes. This drama would make people not want to get married. (if they based marriage on what they see in this drama).
A Wife's Credentials (2012)
She plays a top school teacher who is very career minded. She is married to a dentist and has one child. She finds out her husband is cheating on her with one of her students mother. She deals with it calmly but is very hurt by it. I must admit I skip-watched this entire drama and finished it in one day. I absolutely did NOT like this drama one bit. I only watched LTR's scenes because I detested the "affair" relationship that this drama was focused on - I thought it very immoral and disgraceful. I did not support the affair at all - neither partner in my eye had the right to do what they did - their partners did nothing wrong to them but be too focused on work and not thinking about their spouse enough. They each could have talked to their spouse and tried to fix it or if it ended up being unfix-able then they could have gotten a divorce and met whomever they wanted after that. But what they did was just plain shameful. (Sorry to any fans of this drama - but it was NOT my cup of tea at all). I do NOT recommend this drama. Because I am a fan of LTR was the ONLY reason I skip watched this drama - if you are not her fan then it's not worth skip watching. IMO.
~ Other Dramas ~Goodbye My Love (1999) (She is a side character in this one and doesn't get much screen time. She likes the main lead.) This drama has a very classic feel to it throughout. It's a good drama but hard to find, and it also has a sad ending.
Yellow Handkerchief (2003) // Who's My Love? (2002) // Now is the Time to Love (1999) // Steal My Heart (1998) MV // The Woman Who Wants to Marry (2004) // Navy (2001) // Best Mother (2005) {If anyone knows where I can watch or download these please let me know ^^}.
Reunion 'My Rosy Life' OST by Lee Tae Ran ^_^
You can find more info on this actress here: Wikipedia
She has played multiple roles as Kim Hae Sook's daughter - some of them that I have seen are: Infamous Chill Sisters, My Rosy Life, & King's Family. They also co-starred in 'Make a Woman Cry' drama but not as mother/daughter. In IFCS (KHS) is a loving mother to (LTR), in MRL (KHS) was a woman who abandoned her daughters, and in KF (KHS) is very very mean to (LTR). In MAWC she plays an obnoxious mother (you know the bar kinds that wear eyeshadow) who also abandoned her daughter (not played by LTR). --- Mother/daughter duo below --->
~ She's starred in 4 dramas (that I have seen) where she is being cheated on and 1 where she is involved in an affair herself. I hope she can land more roles where she is not involved in such things lol ~