par SeRose, février 10, 2014
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Do you ever finish watching something, a drama or a movie, and find that your head is bursting with ideas? "If only I just could just express this to the world! To a world that knows what I'm talking about and just 'GETS' me!" 
Do you keep up with drama news, and suddenly want to share your knowledge with the wider community? Do you have that creative fling, where you hands are just itching to write? No matter the subject, no matter the idea? 

You should need no other confirmation than to....

Write for MyDramaList Today!

Apply and you could see your beautiful words up on the front page of your favorite Asian drama website!

We are currently accepting applications for ALL writers.  Here’s what we’re looking for.

General Articles:
These can be topical, silly, informative, or whatever! If you have a great idea for an editorial or just a Top 10 list of something (preferably with a unique spin). 

Currently Watching:
Nothing’s more exciting that watching dramas as they air, as a community.  If there is a currently airing drama and you want to share your love and excitement, write a CW to persuade the rest of us here why you think we should be watching it too!

*For all General Article and Currently Watching inquiries, send a message to SeRose.

Movie Reviews:
For the times when you don’t have 16+ hours to watch a drama, we still have Asian movies.  And we need writers to recommend us something good for the weekend.  Write up a short synopsis of at least 3 movies of your choice, and why you should give each one a shot. 

*For all Movie article inquiries, send a message to rosefae72

Stalker’s Guides:
If you stalk love an actor to death, or if you’ve just seen a particular actor in a ton of movies/dramas, and you want to the world to know who he is and what he’s done, what’s more handy than writing up a guide?

*For all Stalker’s Guides writing inquiries, send a message to Elisabetta

Do you follow the world of Asian drama and keep up to date with what’s happening?  Then you can keep the rest of us informed too!

*For all News writer inquiries, send a message to Skye-N-Rain


How do I submit an article?

After applying, your managing editor will give you instructions on how to send him/her your draft, including any pictures/gifs you may have.

How often must I write?

Unless otherwise specified, MDL volunteers can write articles as often as they can. We know many of you have busy school and work related ventures. Or, you may just be too busy dramathoning. We try not to judge. ;)

Do I need to be an expert at Photoshop, HTML, coding, or familiar with anything with a long technical term?

No, you just need to write and provide some sort of visual component. Assistance may be giving by your managing editor if necessary.

REMEMBER: Your articles don't necessarily have to be the most original or unique, but they do need to be your OWN work, written specifically for this site. Please do not copy or plagiarize, or circulate a previously written or published story (your own or anyone else's).

How to Apply

  1. Send SeRose a Private Message (PM) for all General Topics or Currently Watching; Elisabetta for Stalker’s Guides, Skye-N-Rain for News, or rosefae72 for Movie Articles.
  2. Include which type of article you want to write (General, CW, Movie, News) in the “Subject” line.
  3. Summarize your ideas or topic, what currently airing drama you’d like to write about, or which movies (at least three) you’d like to review.  
  4. Hit submit. Your editor should reply soon to approve your topic, or give your some pointers on your journey to becoming a writer. 

Thanks! and the Editing staff is looking forward to a new season of many wonderful editorials!