par DramaNoona, janvier 7, 2014

Why Asian Dramas? Article Pics/Why3_zps2acd242e.jpg

So what is it about Asian dramas?  Six months ago, I would have looked at anyone talking about Asian dramas with a blank expression, not getting it at all. Now, I look at people who have never watched Asian dramas with that same blank look. I’m not really certain I can adequately explain my obsession and why it exists, but I’m going to give it a try.

These are in no particular order.

I love the actors, from the main casts to the supporting casts and even the extras. Compared to Western TV, at least in my eyes, the actors look more like real people. Less make up, less perfectly crafted hair styles, less plastic like bodies/faces. They just look and feel real. I’m not sure how their acting training is approached, but the people feel more natural to me. Granted I don’t speak the language and there are only so many subtleties that can be picked up through subtitles and body language.  But regardless I feel like the acting just flows better, as if I really have become a fly on the wall for people a few thousand miles away. A big example for me is City Hunter.  This was one of my very first dramas, so it already has a special place in my heart. However, from the main cast to the supporting cast I felt like the people were real (as long as you don’t pay attention to the outrageous storyline).

I have a five year old son and there are just too many things in American and British shows that are allowed to be aired that I do not want my son to see. Which means that most shows that I might have an interest in must be watched once my son is in bed.  I work full time (sometimes more as I’m salaried) and I work a later shift in the day.  This doesn’t leave a lot of time before my bedtime to watch these shows.  But with Asian dramas I can watch most of them with my son and never have to worry that he’ll be exposed to something inappropriate.  The sheer number of choices is crazy; Sweet 18, Princess Hours, Heartstrings, You’re Beautiful.  I could watch TV for the next year and always have an appropriate show to choose from.  As an added bonus, my son’s started to pick up on words and asks what they mean.  Which, come on, that is super cool. Article Pics/Why1_zpsb4740e7a.jpg

There is so much focus on the flash factor, effects, gross out factor, and various other visual effects that a lot of story is ignored or lost in Western TV.  There are of course gems out there that defy this; however, I think that Asian TV dominates the story and character development market.  My favorite journey of character growth has to be in Coffee Prince.  The main four cast members change and evolve in a way that it just makes you feel closer to the whole story. There is a definite path, a predetermined number of episodes, a known ending…  All of this helps to sharpen the focus on the story and the people of the story.  Each episode (usually an hour) delves deeper and deeper into the relationships of the characters.  Be it a sixteen episode run or fifty, you can actually see the characters grow and evolve and mature in front of your eyes.  This might be the most important thing for me.  I really love the focus on people and relationships.

So far I’ve only watched a small number of dramas, but I am addicted to the plot twists.  Some of them are so outrageous and ridiculous you know it would never happen in real life.  I have to give a shout out to Boys Over Flowers here, I mean come on, the utter amazing ridiculousness of that show is fantastic.  Others are so down to earth and grounded that it sends chills down your spine, because it could happen to anyone.  I never know what is going to happen. I’m not certain how the characters are going to deal with the issues thrust upon them. I’ve no idea how they are going to handle the obstacles they encounter.  And each issue or situation or hurdle pushes the characters to grow and evolve and change.  It is a journey that I love to be involved with. Article Pics/Why2_zps96a7a992.jpg
Lastly, I wanted to mention the Variety Shows.  I do not watch American or British variety TV.  It has just never captured my attention.  However, Asian Variety TV tosses their hottest stars into crazy games/places and films it.  Oh boy what a concept!  I love seeing them as people, just regular folks having to deal with silly and physically challenging situations.  I think I’ve watched more Running Man than actual dramas combined.  I laugh like an idiot with each episode and leave it feeling good.

I know there are so many reasons that I’ve missed.  Arguments to make in favor of Asian dramas that I should make.  The feels and reasons I love these dramas are endless.  But I think for a first attempt at putting my feels into words I’ve done a decent job.  In the end, I doubt that I’ll ever be able to adequately portray all the reasons I’m obsessed, but I think that is also the allure.  There is just something about them that once you open yourself to it, well it just takes hold and makes you excited for the adventure.