par darkn3ss, juillet 19, 2013

Currently Watching: I Hear Your Voice

I Hear Your Voice is categorized as a Romantic Comedy, Crime/Mystery, Melodrama. I can hear you say another one (see what I did there). Well if like me you were trying to avoid melodrama for the past year, let’s empty our mind and try to give it a chance.
“You’re innocent until proven guilty, unless you’re in the unlucky situation of being guilty until proven innocent” 

This drama seems to be like any other drama in the beginning. When the first image appeared I was telling  myself “ahh” here comes another high school drama, with misunderstood people and long over carried  resentment that will come  back to  bite  them in adulthood. But then by 5 minutes into the first episode I was in for a roller coaster ride. So I told myself that I should not try to condition myself in a pre-approved notion about The Drama. So now that you and I have understood that  we should  be a little open minded what  do we do? 


We start by meeting Park Soo Ha (Lee Jong Suk) (Goo Seung Hyun, younger version) one of the lead male protagonists - a 19 old high school senior with a troubled past.

Then we go meet Jang Hye Sung (Lee Bo Young) (Kim So Hyun younger version), the main female protagonist - a bored public defender with debt, in need of some motivation in life.

Cha Gwan Woo (Yoon Sang Hyun), a naive but well caring lawyer with a strong sense of justice, is the second male protagonist.

But let's not leave the supporting cast out, for in those first few minutes we also get to meet: Go Sung Bin (Kim Ga Eun) a high school senior who is Soo Ha’s classmate. Min Joon Kook (Jung Woong In), another central supporting character, or should we just call him the villain?  Seo Do Yeon (Lee Da Hee) a prosecutor with a tumultuous past who is trying to prove herself with a strong sense of justice.  Eo Choon Shim (Kim Hae Sook) Hye Sung's mother, a caring mother with a loud voice and a well-established personality.  

Now the question is what are all those people doing with one another?


There’s still a little over 2 weeks of this drama left and the only thing I can say is that it’s a must watch. It  actually gives a little satisfaction to everyone, be it you are a melodrama seeker, or you just want a light rom-com feeling, without leaving out the crime/mystery solvers in you. I found myself captivated by the uniqueness of each and every character, with the supporting actors doing a great job at  bringing out the best form of acting in the lead actors, and the leading actors actually doing their job of leading the drama.  

Well for those who live in America or simply watch Law and Order, let’s compare it to I Hear Your Voice, just that now we must add the ace card: Park Soo Ha and his hidden ability (that would probably surprise you).  Because I have to say that if they had him on Law and Order their job would be so easy.  Contrary to Law and Order where the emphasis is put on prosecuting criminals, I Hear Your Voice put more emphasis on the job of public defender giving and what steps these defenders take in order to prove their client's innocence or guilt.


There's no boredom, and even when the writers include plot devices that  have already been used a thousand time in a million dramas, you still find that it’s a much needed device, because it gives a more subtle, but powerful meaning to the acts of the other characters.  At the end of day you simply get taken in by the metaphorical subtlety that tells you that thought “justice” is blind, and there will always be someone out there that can hear your voice.  So if you really want to get a taste of a drama that calls for all of your senses, be sure to check this one out.