First of all it was the longest drama i ever watched, despite this i never once skipped a scene i watched all of them. The story line was one of THE BEST historical dramas i ever seen, i loved every bit and never got bored. The way the story was told is like unlike any other, it takes you from the ending to the beginning. Actors suited their roles gratefully.
but but but but......
personally the last scene was so frustrating to watch i almost gave up. at the end it kinda dragged but, would i say 39 hours were worth wasted hmmmmmmm probably.
I would suggest people to watch this do not let the length of the epsiod e put you off
over and out :)
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Ja Myung loved nobody else but Ho Dong, like what she said, he weighs heavy in the scale of her heart, but she chose her people (it's like rather frightening to have one person powerful in your heart).. onthe other hand, he weighs lighter in the scale of La Hee's heart, yet she chose him coz it's the truth, a simple little truth that holds her happiness, so why ignore it?... Oh, how can love built one's hope and dreams yet ruins one's life at the same time,,, there was no happy ending at all, but if dying together (Ja Mung and Ho Dong) with one sword struck between them, for that last embrace, is the happy ending, and so be it.
I hated Ho Dong, but pitied him as well.. in any case, will the ending of the story change if Ja Myung stayed as Puku with Ho Dong, if La Hee didn't loved him so much or Ho Dong only lead an ordinarylife.
''does love needs to be greater than desires?
or desires' much greater than love?...''
''will you fight for your love or choose what is more good for the many?''
In the end, there's only one choice to make... and last chance to be with the same feelings again... until death. I suppose it's a story about fighting and letting go of those feelings, in different consequences... but theirs led to their own destruction.
I have to agree that the ending have disappointed some of it's viewers, especially knowing that the planned episodes were cut due to low ratings and they have to make the story short and the ending revised as usual, yet i can say that they won to make it all heartbreaking.
I think that it has a much better story than QSD, unlike the latter which revolves around the main character.. i liked it how JMG made a bird's eyeview of everything, everyone has it's own story to tell.
Not to mention it's OST's Love Is Not A Crime and By Myself.. Oh so lovely songs, so pensive indeed.
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I am notoriously hard to please when it comes to dramas, especially historical dramas, but this one is one of my favorites. I gave this show a 9, which is an honor only a handful of dramas/movies have gotten from me.
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This time I stuck around till around ten episodes, and that's when it caught on me. It was hard to stop watching from then.
The outline of the story is clear from the beginning. But the narration, the plots and sub plots keep you engrossed.
It's a beautiful story..heart breaking-ly so, told through an awesome cast. There is no comparison to the actors- they fit their roles wonderfully. Especially, the negative roles.. are done to perfection.
There is a love triangle, or rectangle maybe- but between each, we see a different nature of love. The love stories of the two sisters- that are so entwined with the other- couldn't be more different also.
The best part, for me, was that as the story progresses, we see a different side to the characters, and how situations and choices make people what they are. This comes through beautifully.
This drama might take some time to warm up to, but it's definitely worth the ride. I loved it.
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Ja Must Go
Well, I had a little higher than usual expectations from looking at the cast members but at least it didn't take too long to show what it had in store for us. The drama kicked off to a bad start leaving an ominous bad impression. The first 1/3 of the drama was set in the past giving us a ridiculously boring and generic backstory of the leads, starting with their parents and moving on to their birth, early childhood, and teenage years. These kids turned out to be the worst part of the drama, totally unlikable – both the characters and the actors playing them. And it didn't get any better when we were introduced to their adult versions. The romance and love triangle were downright despicable, filled with self-pity, sappy motivations, and a bunch of whiny kids. A wild suggestion, why not take the drama from the beginning of episode 39 into a different direction? Extend it with another 20 episodes, remove the romance, have the FL be the empress of her nation, and conquer neighboring nations.Cet avis était-il utile?

Jung kyung ho never disappointed me. he's the best actor. how come he can portray different roles..he's eyes really amazed me..I really want him to look at me with those eyes... hahaha...warning: beware of his smile.. :)
its my first time to watch historical drama coz jung kyung ho was the main lead. but definitely its a must watch drama.. The story was really really good... :) so try it..
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It's worth the watch!
The start might be a bit confusing or something like "???". But as the drama goes, it's coming better and better. I gave it 9 because i am expecting more when ja myung returned to Nakrang Palace- like an intimate family dinner of her with the king and 1st queen, or in the ending like 1st queen atleast made a heartfelt farewell letter to Ja mYung (atleast the king said her name in his last breath). But as for the 1st queen, i was so disappointed on her character as Ja myung birth mother. And I want more of Hodong and Ja myung love story (could be a short clip for their reincarnation 😆)Cet avis était-il utile?

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Если бы не было такой истории в истории, её следовало бы выдумать. О короле Темусине (4-44, г. 18-44) ака принце Мухюле, повествовала 2 дорама этого цикла. Здесь он тоже в одной из главной роли, жесткий и порой жестокий правитель, о таком характере которого несколькими мазками нам поведал предыдущий сериал. У него старший сын - Хо Дон от первой, трагически закончившейся, любви с принцессой Пуё и пару жен в анамнезе, с которыми он не спит, чтобы не нарожать сыну конкурентов на трон. Что однако не получилось. Но речь в этой дораме идет не о нем, а о его сыне и дочерях вражеского королевства. А когда есть мужчина и две женщины, плюс борьба за власть и всё это приправленное мистическим предзнаменованием, то априори рождается ТРАГЕДИЯ. И я вполне поверю, что принцесса Наннан, разорвала военные барабаны в своем замке, чтобы Когурё смог атаковать без предупреждения (как пишут в летописях). Но вряд ли только из-за этого пало царство. Хотя к чести создателей, они тоже показали, что Когурё намного сильнее и целеустремленней в этой борьбе за такой плодородный кусок земли на побережье моря и в принципе, принцессе было обещано, что ее народ будет помилован, а не развеян по миру, поэтому она так и поступила. Но оставим историю - истории, а человеческую трагедию - на угоду зрителям.Дорама получилась интересная, романтическая, препарация власти оказалась более чем наглядна. Темусин все так же борется с кланами своего государства, которым довольно часто король не указ. Нет единого народа, как же труден процесс объединения племенных объединений.
А Когурё смогло удержать сломленное королевство Наннан всего 7 лет, а затем в 44 году его захватил император Восточной Хань Гуан У-ди.
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I have finally, after constant procrastination, finished the drama. Considering the time I put off between the first and second half of the drama, my memory might not be as fresh. However, the significant parts of the drama I have managed to retain.
The twist on the legendary myth made the plot of the drama much more interesting. If they had stuck to the original tale it would’ve been another Romeo & Juliet in a historical setting. A lot more than just romance comes out of the re-developed storyline. The drama explores the power tension between the neighbouring countries and the inner palace conflicts. The choice of survival and loyalty is threatened by emotions and morality and whilst watching, it was intriguing to see which characters chose what.
It is Ra Hee’s mother who stole the show. She was cunning and ambitious and I liked that she didn’t lose those qualities as the story progressed. Her character only had that one side pretty much but her strong and somewhat evil mind made her so much more exciting to watch. The other characters were actually great as well. Ja Myung was written in a way that digressed from the usual heroines. Usually heroines are backed by the heroes and they find their way towards a happy ending. Ja Myung stood on her own as a character. She didn’t need a hero as help and could easily live without one. Ho Dong was a great example of personal conflict. His choices were weighed by loyalty to his country and living by his heart. I enjoyed how Kyung Ho portrayed the character but my judgement doesn’t go without bias, considering how much I do like him as an actor.
The relationship between Ho Dong and his father’s second wife was most interesting to me. They both stood as obstacles in each other’s path, more so with Ho Dong being heir to the throne whilst she was only Queen by name. If not for the pressure from her father and her feeling of insecurity, I would guess that they’re relationship could have gone positively. Ho Dong was never against having a stepmother in the beginning and at the end the Queen did reveal a little of her regrets in not being the right mother for him.
The drama started out very strongly and I was hooked from the beginning. I think the political side of things did dry out the plot a little, after the emphasis on how the countries are neighbours but enemies as well was overused. I think I skipped a few of the council meetings and such only because they always ended up debating about how to gain power and what to give up yah yah. The setting, props and costumes were amazing. It’s set in the period for the Joseon Dynasty so the clothing is totally different. I would probably say it’s more fashionable and a little more extravagant but I enjoyed it. Especially what Ra Hee wore.
Ja Myung Go had so much potential and could’ve shown it if not for the cut. If it had the chance I think it would’ve made for an excellent drama. The ending was rushed and put together haphazardly so that whilst it did make sense, it also left me feeling empty. I did have fleeting moments of why I spent something like 39 episodes on a drama and had it finish the way it did. Yet, with the writers having to cram the cut episodes into the last couple of episodes, I think I do forgive them.
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