8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 12, 2014
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5
I really liked Attention Please. It's something different than what I'm usually used to, but it's totally fun! The main character, Misaki, was likable to me at first, but then she did start to get on my nerves a bit. Still, I found her to be endearing. Her problem is that she's very self-absorbed, but she makes up for that in her confidence, quirkiness, and optimism. This drama is the first I've ever seen having to deal with cabin attendants. It was interesting to see the training aspect of it all. But even if you don't plan on becoming a cabin attendant, you can apply the lessons in this drama to any occupation you're thinking of entering. When things get hard, don't give up.

Attention Please is not a must-see, but it's a decent enough drama. It has everything a drama addict needs to make it "good enough". It's got drive and it's got spunk. You want to see Misaki make it to the end.

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7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 17, 2011
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
This drama, even though it lacks in some parts, it truly really fun and interesting to watch. It is about how we grow up and learn lot of stuff that will help us through life always staying true to yourself, not changing but evolving into someone better.

The story is really funny to watch, mainly because all the characters are well written and interesting without overdoing it. Also I liked that unlike most dramas, this one doesn't really have a super dramatic arc. Besides I think the way it starts, with Misaki becoming a flight attendant only to impress boys is really different and is only an example of how the rest of the drama goes. If you liked the first episode, you'll love the whole drama, but if you didn't, you probably won't like it.

I loved how Ueto Aya acted in here, the whole drama is about her character Misaki, and how she struggles to find her place, and although it was a difficult part to play, because it was a lot of responsibility, but she completely pulled it off. I also loved Ryo here, this wass actually the drama where I met him and fell in love wih him. Besides, this was the drama that he starred after 1 litre of tears, and it was a great choise because after seeing him all dramatic, people could appreciate that he could also be funny and cute. The whole supoorting cast was good, their character helped to create what was going to be airport environment, which was almost another character by itself in this drama.

I watched this a long time ago, so I don't remember the music really well, but I do remember the main theme, which was a cover of "Pretty Woman", and I simply loved it, it was funny and cute, and very fitting for the main character.

I've watched this drama several times ever since I first saw it, and never get tired of it, it's the kind of drama that I watch when I just want to see something funny.

Overall, this is a great drama, if you like comedy combined with a little depth, this is your drama.

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6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 30, 2012
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
Story: It’s a really funny drama, one that made me laugh countless times. This drama is very light-hearted and fun with very light romance. It’s a good drama for when you finish a deep and serious drama, a take-things-easy kind of show.

Misaki is the type of girl that would actually annoy me in real life. She hardly takes things seriously, well for her it is serious, because she’s always joking around, trying to be funny. But the characters in the drama don’t see the sincerity of who she is. She hates when things get tough between friends and is always trying to lighten the mood and break tension. Though at times she seems very careless and thoughtless, especially with friends, she really seems to come through for them in the end. One of the best things about this show is how you see Misaki gradually mature. She comes to understand how things are in her life and what she needs to do to overcome the obstacles in her path.

What I really like is how the drama takes place behind the scenes at an airport. You see the classrooms, the mock cabin where the girls practice being in an airplane and the hanger with all the planes. Not only is the drama funny but I actually learned a lot about planes and safety on them as well. I even gained a little respect for them. I, as well as Misaki, learned that being a cabin attendant is more than just “being a waitress in the sky.” While I have no interest in any career that deals with planes or airports it’s a good drama that is really worth watching. It’s just that once you watch it, it’s not one of those dramas where you wanna keep rewatching. At least it’s like that for me.

Music: After a while I found the music annoying, mostly because it’s played a lot. But over all the songs aren’t bad, they’re nice with a nice beat.

Cast/Acting: I rather liked the cast. The best, of course, was Ueto Aya and Nishikido Ryo. While they didn’t have good chemistry as a romantic couple they definitley were good together. They seemed to get along good and were very carefree.

Aya was brilliant once again. I really fell for Misaki towards the end because of her. She really gets into her role, it’s as if she is Misaki Yoko, a carefree-tom-boy-rocker, who doesn’t take things seriously.

Ryo could have done better. His acting wasn’t half as good as it was in 1 Litre of Tears, which seems to be his best drama. But that doesn’t mean he was bad. He was very sweet, funny and easy to like. His character was more laid back and I think that’s why I didn’t really like his performance. So I don’t blame him. Don’t get me wrong though, he did pretty good.

Rewatch Value: 6


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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 8, 2012
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
This drama showed to the people that being a cabin attendant takes more than having a beautiful face. This drama's plot is about showing the maturity of a person who thought of becoming a cabin attendant not because she really wanted to and just because she was thinking that it would just be her serving food and drinks to the passengers. The plot was very fun and there was rarely a dull moment when watching it. It kept making me want to watch even though she was so hopeless and immature. The mild romance in this drama did not matter to me. I am not one who watches a drama to fulfil her need for romance.

The acting was very good. Sure there were some who did not do that well but mainly this drama had great acting. Maya Miki and Ueto Aya doing their best with their role and finally managing to show us that they both matured by the end. It was definitely refreshing to watch these two act together as well as the rest of the actors in this. Aibu Saki, was okay. The chemistry between aya and ryo was rather obvious but at the same time they were awkward because their feelings were also awkward.

The music was funny and very fitting to the story and the character of misaki. Rewatching this would definitely be as funny as the first time. I have already rewatched three times and enjoyed it every time.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 30, 2011
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0
Story- Had an interesting start. The writers did a great job of writing Misaki\''s character growth. She matures into a real cabin attendant but still keeps a little part of her rough edge. The romance part as in most J dramas lacked. I feel like there was room for more comedic moments. The end was cute.

Acting/ Cast- The lead female was very fun to watch. The actress did a great job. The supporting cast filled their roles well.

Music- The theme song is a remake of Pretty Woman. A cool rock version. There wasnt too much music in this one.

Overall- A drama to entertain you when your bored. Not one of the best J dramas Ive seen. I didn\''t bother to watch the specials for this one.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 22, 2019
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
С удовольствием посмотрела эту дораму. Во первых, тут много красивых женщин, в коем веке...
Во вторых, я люблю фильмы о профессиях, они очень интересно показывают те стороны профессии, о которых совсем ничего не знаешь, может быть и поверхностно или неточно для тех кто работает там, но для нас - ничего не знающих - очень познавательно. Начинаешь уважать, хотя о чем это я - уважать надо все профессии.
Ну и конечно, как в любой дораме здесь в наличии морализаторские истины: вжность дружбы, поиск себя, преодолении страхов, стремлении быть первым и т.д. и тому подобное.
Чуть чуть любовного интереса с Nishikido Ryo.
И несомненрый плюс - юморной и веселый сериал.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 4, 2020
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 5.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.5
Besides being a total sucker for romance, for some reason I also love watching 'girl-pursuing-a- career' dramas. Starting from Devil Wears Prada & Nanny Diaries, later I ended up seeking after those in asian waters, too:)

The airport sure as hell offers attractive careers. So, far, I've seen a girl trying to be a pilot (Miss Pilot), a cabin attendant (this one) and even working in the plane control tower (cannot remember that one's name).

One thing the MOST annoying the hell out of me: their "english". In this drama especially, they say "cabin attendant" like, in every other sentence. Of course they actually say "kabin atendantO". The "o" on the end is what especially annoys me with japanese. Just like thai, who for some reason suddenly are unable to pronounce "s" when it's in the end of the word (office get always pronounced as "ofit", also don't know why don't they use thai word for it), japanese for some unknown, mysterious reason make the ending "d" sound like a harder "t", plus they do - just as they do with the actual "t" - put an "o" in the end of such word.

So, instead of apartment, they say: "apartmento".
So, instead of 'bed', they say: "betto".
How they pronounce 'cabin attendant', I've mentioned it already. It is said like 1000 times in this series, and annoyed me to no end.
Japanese (and not only japanese, chinese speaking countries, too) have problem with english. They keep stepping on their own tongue, saying "L" instead of "R" always, mispelling this and that even after they learn the language, which is worse than not knowing it at all. I don't wanna judge. I am not a native english speaker, either. I'm just suffering, that's all. I love listening to a melodic language english is, and listening to most asian people speaking english is suffering for me. I love listening to their native languages, though. That's part of my love for watching dramas, because each language is unique and has its own magic and atmosphere which is part of the whole experience. So, if you're japanese, just speak japanese!!

Now. To avoid english-speaking asians, I try to avoid dramas with such themes that take the characters to doing that (for example, whenever they make foreign trips it's a MINUS for me, lol). But the aiport job dramas were so attractive for me I still wanted to watch it. I remember though, that while watching the other drama set in control tower, I was seriously worrying that planes might fall from the sky, because who in the world would understand THEIR english besides japanese? Seriously. Nobody (I was so grateful for the subtitles, subtitling ALL the dialogue, luckilly besides japanese they subtitled also their english, with english subs. else I would be totally lost:D), so the drama in control tower was really filled with thrilling stress for me, even more than the scriptwriters intended:D

But this drama is about the girl just wanting to become air stewardess. Personally I found this better than 'Miss Pilot', which had better side characters, but was kinda unrealistic (total amateurs being hired as pilots) as I felt guilty about the main character not knowing the basic thing about planes. There were mechanics in the hangar who knew more. And being a pilot I think you should understand the machine? But no, this is just about being great as a flight support staff and once again, proved that less is more. I enjoyed all the journey, the training sequences, everything.

So, despite this not being "special", I rate the drama considerably high:)

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Abandonné 2/11
Jay noona
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 18, 2020
2 épisodes vus sur 11
Abandonné 0
Globalement 1.5
Histoire 2.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musique 1.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
i dropped it
i don't know if i should give it a try but i couldn't continue really
it's like much more a long documentary film .. about air hostesses

this is really frustrating
although the summary was really promising but the drama's events very poor
and talking about air hostess in details as if you are taking a training

the site mentioned the genre is comedy
i didn't find anything to make me just smile

it's very boring really and didn't attract me at all :\

i thought it will be much more fun and interesting but i got bored after 1.5 ep and start to watch on the fast forward button

i even watched the sp. ep on the fast button and i understood it all
it's kind like a movie more but related to the drama
extremely boring :\

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Attention Please (2006) poster



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