The Heart Killers: Uncut (2024) poster
Votre note: 0/10
Notes: 8.4/10 par 1,645 utilisateurs
# de Spectateurs: 3,508
Critiques: 16 utilisateurs
Classé #683
Popularité #4227
Téléspectateurs 1,645

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  • Français
  • English
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  • Português (Brasil)
  • Pays: Thailand
  • Catégorie: Drama
  • Épisodes: 12
  • Diffusé: nov. 20, 2024 - févr. 12, 2025
  • Diffusé Sur: Mercredi
  • Station de diffusion initiale: GMM 25 iQiyi
  • Durée: 1 hr. 8 min.
  • Score: 8.4 (scored by 1,645 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #683
  • Popularité: #4227
  • Classification du contenu: 18+ Restricted (violence & profanity)

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12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
Il y a 6 jours
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 5
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5

Great Character Dynamics, Messy Plot, Fadel and My Mixed Feelings

After Episode 11, I read a comment saying, "This show reaches new levels of stupidity every week, but at least it's still entertaining as hell. Also, it has Fadel." That pretty much sums up why I like this show. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk—but stay with me for a second. Should you watch this? Refer to the final thoughts for a short answer.

(⚠️ Point 4 contains ending spoilers.)

This isn’t exactly a review—more of a discussion and is being written for future viewers to understand that by watching this show, they’ll attach themselves to characters they won't ever forget. The love you’ll have for them will overpower the moments when logic takes a backseat.

When the trailer dropped, expectations were sky-high, which led to massive disappointment for some. Not for me, though, because I didn’t even know this show existed until Episode 2 aired.

So, I think I can explain how *NOT* to get disappointed and just enjoy it for what it is because, trust me, you WILL enjoy it.
1. Don’t expect BDSM.
There’s barely any. The few scenes that touch on it might not even be enjoyable depending on the context. (Or maybe they will be for some?)

2. Is this just pay gorn?
No. It might feel that way in the beginning, but it isn’t just that. Though, I did wish they would just yk HUG sometimes instead of going all the way. Lots of hugs after EP8 tho and most NC scenes were vague ‘going all the way’.

3. Crime and logic? Forget it.
You’d think a story about Hitmen brothers would be action-filled and kinda thrilling with Romance making it all the better? but… nope. This is a ROMANTIC COMEDY, guys. There is some police involvement, but don’t expect anything close to a real crime thriller or something of that sort. Also, if you killed people like Fadel and Bison do, you’d go straight from the crime scene to jail.
That being said, everything is unrealistic af if you really think about it. And I get that not every show needs to be realistic, but when your plot revolves around crime/ this sort of premise, some logic would help make the show better plot-wise. The show lacks that. It has moments that make you go, Really? That’s how GMM is handling this? But despite those moments, the story keeps you entertained throughout. And the characters? They make it all worth it!! Just don’t think about logic and watch it to not miss out on the fun ig.
4. The Ending (Spoilers Ahead!)
GMM tried to give Fadel & Bison a vague redemption arc in Episodes 11 & 12, but honestly? We would’ve been better off without it. And, this pains me to say, but the show might have been more impactful with a bittersweet or even sad ending but a realistic/ logical one. But, of course, it’s GMM. They treat sad endings like the plague.

Now, Let’s Talk Characters.

I thought I had a lot to say, but now that it’s time… I have no words. My love for Fadel is overwhelming. He’s easily one of my all-time favorite characters. Joong Archen Aydin is SO RIDICULOUSLY HOT that I wanted to punch my laptop multiple times. Fadel needs to shoot me ten times and then kiss the pain away—okay, I’ll stop. But seriously, GAWD, the things sweet-talker Fadel could get out of me, I’d be for the streets frfr.

"There must be something seriously wrong with you if you like the smell of gasoline."
"Really? I'm an addict then."

His smile, his hair, his grief, his sharp words, everything about him is beautiful. And Joong’s expressive eyes? They drive me batshit insane! Bonus: The Episode 5 garage scene. "Excuse me, my car broke down." The way he delivered that line made it my all-time favorite NC scene and EP11: “Can we just hug for 10 minutes straight?”

Alexa, play Diva by Beyoncé.

If I had to describe Style in one word? DIVA. In one sentence? A forever-empathetic, sensitive lover boy whom social anxiety is terrified of.

Style quickly became the most enjoyable character, giving us so many iconic lines:
- "I’m already thinking of opening an OF, and you (Fadel) can be my first bang."
- "SHIT, KANT, YOU MADE ME HIT ON A GUNMAN! I could've made the headlines: Handsome Man Killed in the Woods."
- "Gorgeous man with clear skin found dead in a crop top. My dad will recognize me right away."
- And the most iconic: "Good morning, Khub."

He’s flirty, wears his heart on his sleeve, and puts on a front of happiness—until Episode 11, when he ugly cries and breaks my heart. He’s the definition of a 'girl bestie' who will bring joy into your life.

An actual puppy.
Bison is type of person who doesn’t have some grand ambition in life—he just wants a little bit of love and a home. The pain Khaotung expresses in moments of pure rage is phenomenal. His acting in this role was next-level, and his chemistry with First? Out-wordly!
People want complex characters, but they can’t even understand Kant. Everything he did was for his brother. No, he couldn’t just leave Babe with Style’s family and let the kid wonder why everyone abandoned him. Kant was trapped in an impossible situation and did his best to deal with it. He’s smart and loving, and while you may not like him at first, you will eventually.

Final Thoughts:
This show? A fun, chaotic mess. The plot? not the worst—just illogical at times(Or maybe I’m just being biased here). The characters? Absolutely unforgettable. Would I recommend it? Yeah, IF you go in with the right expectations (the ones mentioned above) and don’t want to miss out on the fun and AMAZING characters, aka your new imaginary friends.
This is getting long, but I think you can tell that JoongDunk will stand out more to most because both Style and Fadel are simply iconic. This is my 3rd “review” so please bear with me if this is not good, helpful, and fun. Like Kant, I, too, tried my best:(

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Cet avis était-il utile?
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
Il y a 5 jours
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

Heart Killers: The show that stabbed its own potential!

The drama centers around two hitman brothers, Bison and Fadel, which had a promising premise with plenty of potential for intense actions, some unhinged and unpredictable characters with some good cat-and-mouse deception.

However as the episode progressed, I felt the drama got a bit off track. Instead of diving deep into the high-stakes world of their jobs and the consequences of their actions and tricks, it leaned more towards the predictable love story angle a bit too much.
While the love stories were interesting considering how both the couple had such good chemistry, it ultimately overshadowed the core concept we started with. As a result, the pace of the drama slowed, leaving the tension and excitement feeling undercooked.

I also felt that the hitmen aspect of the drama wasn’t explored much. Instead of delving into the complexity and moral dilemmas of their work, it was used more as a convenient plot device to fuel clichéd subplots.

Characters & Acting-
Bison & Kant: Kant, a tattoo artist working undercover for the police is drawn into the world of Bison, a one-night stand. From the start, it was obvious how Kant was deceiving Bison and how well he was pulling it off. You could tell Bison genuinely liked Kant. What bothered me, though, was that by the end, I just couldn’t buy that Kant actually loved Bison. It felt too rushed and kind of out of place.

Though Fadel & Style were a better couple, hands down First and Khao's acting was exceptional! The emotional breakdowns and manipulation were so solid, it felt so real and believable.

Fadel & Style: Style, the best friend of Kant was introduced to Fadel as a distraction so Kant can pursue Bison. They were ridiculously fun and somehow the progress of their relationship made sense. From the playful moments to the deeper connections, their chemistry was natural, and you could really see their bond evolve in a way that felt earned.

However, Dunk’s acting, especially in emotional and vulnerable scenes, felt a bit over the top. I haven’t seen his other work but clearly, there is a scope for improvement. Some moments came across as just overacting. On the other hand, Joong did a good job portraying the distant character, his performance was convincing enough to like them as a couple together.

Overall, what could have been the drama of the year for me from GMMTV considering such a unique narrative turned into a melodramatic fiasco. While it’s definitely not the worst thing I’ve seen, this is more of a disappointing review because the first half was really strong and the last few episodes crashed.

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  • Drama: The Heart Killers: Uncut
  • Pays: Thaïlande
  • Épisodes: 12
  • Diffusé: nov. 20, 2024 - févr. 12, 2025
  • Diffusé On: Mercredi
  • Station de diffusion initiale: GMM 25, iQiyi
  • Durée: 1 hr. 8 min.
  • Classification du contenu: Pour + de 18 ans (violence et vulgarité)


  • Score: 8.4 (marqué par 1,645 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #683
  • Popularité: #4227
  • Téléspectateurs: 3,508

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