Namae wa Léo
Largement chroniqué, Netflix oblige, je ne me cacherai pas dans ma tanière pour donner, moi aussi, mon avis sur Lion no Kakurega. Fan de Yagira Yuuya depuis son interprétation de folie dans Aoi Honoo et sa piqûre de rappel tout aussi folle dans Gannibal, il y a deux ans. Seul son rôle d'Hokusai m'a déçu ces dernières années, m'attendant à une interprétation plus habitée. En premier rôle dans un mystery drama où la famille, le handicape et la paternité est au cœur de l'intrigue, je m'attends à quelque chose de fort. Peut-être un peu trop.
C'est ton tour Yuuya-kun.
Alors qu'un mystérieux garçon de 6 ans apparaît dans la vie bien réglée de cet employé de mairie, et de son frère autiste, l'enquête sur la vérité se déroulera sur les 5 premiers épisodes, mettant en même temps en place les personnages et l'intrigue. Le reste des épisodes perdent en rythme et ne sont que du remplissage, malheureusement. Basé sur les relations entre les deux frères et ce jeune garçon, cela aurait mérité plus de développement. Quitte à négliger cette enquête qui tourne souvent au bidon. Mukai Osamu, Okayama Amane ou même Sakurai Yuki campent des personnages trop inquiétants pour être réels. La mise en scène est grandiloquente lors de leurs apparitions, ce qui gâche complètement le plaisir de notre enquête. Et cette propension de la réalisation à vouloir faire passer de gentilles connaissances du héros pour des machiavels commence à me lasser depuis le temps. J'ai eu tellement de mal à finir Shinhannin Flag qui en est la quintessence
Les nominés sont ...
Le plaisir, vous le trouverez plutôt du côté des émotions procurées par le trio
Yagira Yuuya, Sato Tasuku (6 ans, mais déjà 2 ans de carrière qui dit mieux) et surtout Bando Ryota. Autant, il était insupportable dans Shinhannin Flag et d'autres mystery dramas. Autant, c'est le point fort de cette série. Si Dustin Hoffman mérite son oscar pour Rainman, ce n'est certainement pas autant que Bando Ryota. À la fois touchant et drôle, il excelle en génie de la peinture qui s'ignore, bourré de ses doutes et trop occuper par la gestion millimétrée du quotidien. Gestion qui par sa neutralité et son calme sonnera un peu faux pour Yagira Yuuya qui me déçoit par le jeu choisi. Voulant trop paraitre "normal" et "sympa" anesthésié par les difficultés d'une vie subi et non choisi. Décès des parents, prise en charge de son frère, renoncement à ses rêves pour devenir... fonctionnaire, célibataire, blablabla... Et tout ça avec le sourire par ce que "shikatanai".... Énerve-toi, un peu, mon gars. Le parti pris d'en faire un antihéros gâche complètement le rythme. J'aurais aimé des courses poursuites, des sauts d'immeubles, etc... non, juste un petit bleu dans l'avant-dernier épisode.
Le Roi Lion
Ceci dit, violence, il y aura. L'ombre de la violence conjugale plane sur bon nombre d'épisodes, ce qui, même si elle semble mal amenée, fait toujours du bien en rappel sociétal. La bonne humeur se dégage tout de même de l'ensemble de l'œuvre qui est à la limite du feel good. Preuve cette ending qui accompagne les happy end d'épisodes, par une des meilleures chansons de Vaundy, lui-même un des meilleurs artistes de la génération Z, surtout pour sa crinière de lion.
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Underrated and sad show :(
The show showcases the different perspectives and struggles faced by the main characters and it evokes really strong feelings throughout the show. Some aspects of the actions taken by Aoi could have been approached more appropriately. But, the dynamic of Hiroto, Michito and Lion/Shuuto was lovely throughout the series. Ep 10 was so sad 😭 . Overall, the show is a must watch for this year!Cet avis était-il utile?
Family and Personal Growth
Overall, this was a great series. The script was heartwarming and inspirational, but had some weak aspects to it. There were a few underdeveloped sections to the story, but this was only a minor thing for me. The main annoying sections for me involved the character Kaede because she was very unlikable in the first half of the series. However, this character changes by the 7th episode. I was tempted to drop this due to this character but continued because I was very invested in the mystery and family dynamics. This had a great cast which did an incredible job with their characters. This also had beautiful cinematograph and excellent editing.Random Note:
The brief opening credits were awesome.
The main underline theme is the importance of communication. However, there were so many other little lessons incorporated into this series.
The established family bond between the two brothers and the bonding development between the other characters was great.
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Sad, funny, wholesome and great
What a nice series. First a story of two brothers were one of them struggles because he is on the autistic spectrum and then the struggles with the estranged sister and her little son. It's a journey of growing and understanding.The standout of the show was the acting of Bando Ryota who plays Michito. He was so amazing, with all his expressions that it felt extremly realistic. With his painting background he was a perfect choice for this role. Also the other cast did a great job. Cinematography and production value was high, the script was very good.
This series was sometimes very sad, it was sometimes very funny and it had a great balance. I can recommand this series, even when it was sometimes hard to watch.
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Una bonita historia que toca fibras sensibles.
Me llamó la atención porque había leído buenas críticas respecto a las actuaciones así que comencé a ver la historia sin saber bien si era un drama romántico, dramático, suspeso... pero oh sorpresa, es una serie dramática familiar humanista, de esas historias en las que los japoneses son expertos en contar y te tocan fibras sensibles. Es hermoso ver como todos los personajes brillan en cierto punto de la historia, dandoles su espacio y reconociendo que cada uno es una pieza para armar el rompecabezas que es el drama en sí.Y sí, las actuaciones son uno de los puntos más fuertes que tiene, solo ver a Bando Ryota dándola vida a un Mi-kun autista puedes ver el compromiso y el esfuerzo que hizo para interpretar al personaje con todo el respecto del mundo. Yagira Yuya nunca lo había visto antes, ese hombre es más de cine pero sí sabía que era buen sctor y aquí lo comprobe... y el niño que interpreta a Lion-kun es una joyita con futuro.
El drama toca temas de la sociedad actual como el autismo y la violencia familiar pero pese a esos temas fuertes la historia te atrapa desde el 1er episodio por la gran química de nuestros 3 protagonistas, que te hace que les tomes cariño y te enfades con los villanos, sufras cuando algo está mal, etc.
En medio de tanto remake o adaptaciones de mangas llegó una historia como Lion no Kakurega a salvar el 2024, una historia familiar bonita y llena de sentimientos.
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foi muito apaixonante acompanhar a alcateia do pequeno lion, conhecer o hiroto e o mi, e poder assistir eles crescendo juntos, sendo felizes e descobrindo o que querem na vida.a história é de uma excelência que nem da para descrever em palavras. A forma como foi se desenvolvendo, preenchendo as lacunas, falando sobre o autismo e como impacta a vida das pessoas ao error, principalmente irmãos, foi perfeito. Não tenho palavras pra descrever o quanto eu amei e me envolvi nesse drama. Muitoo boom!
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Linda Wollenberger
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Emotional look at what makes a family
I thought it was really well done and wished it had more episodes. The cast was great, especially the little boy, Sato Tasuku who played Lion.....and Bando Ryota, his portrayal of Mi, someone with Autism was so carefully represented from his eye movements to his hands, feet, etc. You could feel every emotion right along with him. I feel like I must have missed something why the physical abuse that was found on Lion at the daycare was not reported. I thought any daycare/school, etc would have to report that. Perhaps it's different in different countries. Or at least the oldest brother, Hiroto would have taken pictures in case they needed proof of the father's abuse in the future..... Hiroto has so much pressure on him, he was always so calm and kind. Okayama Amane who played the man who helped Aoi was so mysterious for most of the episodes and I would have liked to have had his character's back story flushed out some more. Did he turn himself into the police because he helped her evade them while she was in hiding? He did nothing but help abused families....That kind of made me sad. Overall I loved the relationship between Lion, Mi and Hiroto. Lion was so pure and it was sweet to see how he helped calm down Mi at times and they helped each other without realizing it.Cet avis était-il utile?
But for now, I just want to say how amazing it felt to start a drama and instantly love it (it's been a while since that's happened to be, excluding rewatches). And I already see myself wanting to rewatch this in a few months, despite how stressful it can seems sometimes, because I truly just want the main 3 characters to be happy and experience freedom in their own ways.
The relationship between the brothers and the child is so wholesome and loving, and I think that is enough of a reason to pick up this drama
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A wholesome family series !
One of the best JDramas I've seen.Although I just stumbled on this series .The show hooked me from the start .The characters are so lovable . I quickly found myself waiting for Saturdays just to see these charcters .Very well paced with a very interesting plot .I've grown so attached to the characters. I'm gonna miss them so much 😭
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