53 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 15, 2024
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 1
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5

target audience is me

I am clearly the target audience for this and I didn’t know it.

who would have thought we’d get an adorable penguin themed BL? not me but I’m here for it.

maybe it’s the right timing or what not but this is a super sweet, silly, absolutely ridiculous series and I love it. I had the biggest grin on my face watching it.

sometimes we just need something that lets us shut off our bains and enjoy.

I also gotta give it to wetv they are stepping up their game in their productions this year, knock knock boys, monster next door, and now caged again. my hats off to you.

as for the series we’ve got some mystery and magical moments that intrigue me and I’m curious to watch it all play out. I’ve not come across a theme like this before and it’s pulled me in even though I didn’t think id be a fan of they type of series.

casting was fantastic in this. Jay does a phenomenal job at being a penguin.

I’m seated. I’m excited. and I want more.

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BL Compilations
14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 15, 2024
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 4
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

quirky romcom with some darker aspects

Overall: I enjoyed the fantasy aspect and the dynamics ,but too much time was spent on the villains. 10 episodes about 40 minutes each. Aired on GagaOOLala and WeTV

Content Warnings: fight, manipulation, kidnapping, held against will/injury, bullying, trauma, illegal activities, attempted murder, violence, blood, grief

What I Liked
- dynamic between the MLs
- an inexperienced character who was intelligent and stood up for himself (that walk in that orange top was amazing)
- sweet/caring moments
- the ghost/goddess character
- I laughed several times
- some mystery
- Porsch & Arm
- had a realistic fight followed by apologies
- episode 10 wrapped up well

Room For Improvement
- a bit choppy at times, started with a flash forward and then went back and forth on the timeline especially in the beginning of episode 2, some scenes jumped from one to the next a bit abruptly
- wish they had kept 1 aspect more secret
- odd, why wouldn't he just want to go to the other pole where they do live
- cliche thing that happened in the beginning of episode 2
- that was not enough consequences at the end of episode 2 or later
- (neutral) comedy sound effects, mostly fine except I didn't like the gulp noises
- nonsense/because the writer said so stuff: why was the truck be parked there and how did no teacher/staff notice what was going on, why weren't the police been contacted on multiple occasions, odd reasoning for not going to the hospital
- too much time spent on the villains, could have tightened up pacing in places
- the first time gap was too long without communication

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9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 1, 2025
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Junior's Queen Energy Made the Show

What I loved most about this drama was how Sun, a carnivore, was constantly taming his instincts so he doesn't literally EAT Junior for lunch, but Junior tried whatever he could to tempt him. He even used catnip on the panther. Literally, that shameless penguin was born with no fear, cuz he was courting dead the whole series.

Listen, Caged Again was nothing to write home about. The premise of the show was quite unique, interesting and different from the same school based bls we always got. So although I was sceptical, I still tuned in for it. Unfortunately, it didn't live up to my expectation, the execution and the plot was all over the place, and everything was frankly a mess. Some of the characters were dumb as rock, nonsense misunderstandings that could be resolved if they just spoke dragged the pace, how that whole kidnap thing ended was so stupid, I'm still asking myself 'who dafug wrote this?' and I have like a billion questions as to how the penguin and the panther integrated into society with no legal papers. That last villain vs heroes stand-off had me shaking my head in judgement, literally the eff was that?

Yes, so many things made no effing sense and was flat-out ridiculous, but I'll give them this, the two leads, although new, did well with their acting. Junior stole the show for me, that penguin was such a drama queen and I loved every time he was on screen. Not gonna lie, with how the whole plot was all over the place, I thought I'd end up disliking the series, but, I liked this show more than I thought I would. I had some good laughs. Sun and Junior had good chemistry and entertained me with their antics. Their two friends were an okay addition as well, although not really sure what was up with them, and I liked how meta the Goddess was too.

Scenes that made me went hihi:
- In the beginning when Sun saw Junior as food in all those fantasy tripping sequence. Lol, like damn, don't eat your classmate.
- Junior turning his ruined gym uniform into a tank top, and doing a runaway show in the school's hallway. Slay!
- When Junior tried to seduce Sun by wearing that penguin suit. And I can't believe it worked, cuz all he did was lift Sun's arm and put it back down. Sun, honey...stand up!
- That whole catnip scene had me going... boy, do you have no regards for your safety? That penguin was shameless.
- Sun wanting their baby to have the face of a penguin and the body of a panther. Like??? then he got disappointed they couldn't have any. I'm glad they got a fish, hopefully they take it to the zoo and it becomes a person too.
- Junior waiting a few months, then started planning his life of moving to Bangkok and marrying someone else. LMAO, that penguin's sass needs to be studied. Sun lucky he showed up in time, boy was ready to move on.
- How sassy, naive, adorable, innocent, honest and bold Junior was. I loved how he was always true to himself and was unapologetic. He did this whole human thing better than most of us.
- That temple fair date that ended with them in the gambling club, but Junior just went with the flow, putting his dancing and gambling skills to use. Like, children, does this place look like a temple to you?? also how Junior got that piggyback ride... such princess behaviour, I stan!
- Sun's future job where he was an actor/stunt-man. LOL, the part when he fell before they even hit him, then after he was so proud like he did such a good job. Boy???
- That obvious green-screen North Pole :((((
- I also like how deep Sun loved. He found Junior and made him his whole world. Those two truly deserved their happy ending.

All in all a fun show if you go in not expecting anything, matter of fact, don't even question stuff, just go with the flow. You'd like the penguin for sure. So, I'll recommend it if you are looking for something to watch, just to watch something. I look forward to more work from the two leads, Ben and Jay, really liked them here.

Happy New Year.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 30, 2024
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 2
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 3.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0

Jay IS the show... the rest is average...

There is not much to say about this show. It's silly, it's cringe and it's cute too. Jay playing the "pengun" is the star of the show who delievers his character to perfection. He's direct, he know's what he wants, he is more mature than most in his emotions and without him, the show would fall apart. That part of the script was good, the rest of the script was medicore at best.

So, if you have nothing better to do, the show is watchable, if you have better things to do, you may skip it.
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ariel alba
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 18, 2024
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5

"The song of the heart" and the fairy tale

Film and television have told stories in which human beings become animals. In 'The Lobster', 2015, a film by Yorgos Lanthimos ('The Favorite', 'Poor Creatures'), one of the most original voices of the new Greek cinema, brings in this work, which sparked great discussion after winning the Jury in Cannes, David, played by a great Colin Farrell, in his mandatory stay in a hotel full of singles where he has to find a partner with whom he shares something in common within 45 days or he will be transformed into an animal by choice, as happened to his brother who was turned into a dog and is now in his care.
The script of this film, which provoked very mixed reviews, but whose originality was never discussed, was awarded the ARTE International Award for Best CineMart Project 2013 at the 42nd edition of the Rotterdam International Film Festival. The reader will remember that, set in a dystopian near future, the film tells a love story, where the search for a romantic partner is a matter of life or death.
Asian teledramaturgy is not far behind. In 'A Good Day to Be a Dog', a South Korean fantasy rom-com, actress Park Gyu Young ('Celebrity') plays a woman who is cursed to transform into a dog when she kisses a man. A math teacher will come to his aid, the only person who can undo his curse, but who is afraid of dogs due to a traumatic event that he no longer remembers.
But what if the story were reversed? What if, instead of humans becoming wild creatures, the latter were the ones who would transmute their short, small wings, and their clumsy gait on land and their elegance under water, for two feet, useful upper joints, and the ability to walk upright? If instead of people becoming agile and skilled predators, like most felines, these were the ones who would transform their bodies equipped with powerful claws and teeth into individuals with scant fur and a capacity for inventiveness and intelligence, which distinguishes them from the rest of the higher animals?
But why does it seem like I'm talking about penguins and black panthers?
Well, because these animals transform into human beings is Potae Anusara Korsamphan's proposal in 'Caged Again', a romantic and fantastic comedy with an LGBT+ theme with a very original premise and charming character dynamics. Yes, it's true: Disney has previously told us stories about fish and mermaids that become humans, but I'm not aware of any stories about seabirds and big cats transformed into people, much less in non-animated fiction. Although it is also affirmative that we have a giant white teddy bear who, miraculously, turns into a young man.
This absurd comedy, a very stimulating and highly symbolic rarity, follows Junior, a young penguin with the ability to listen to and understand human language, who, transformed into a young boy, flees the zoo in search of achieving his ultimate goal: traveling to the North Pole. However, he will be trapped once again in a mysterious male boarding school. In it, he meets Sun, a quiet and reserved black panther who has also taken human form and after being betrayed by someone he trusted, he no longer seeks to have new friends until he meets Junior. For Sun, the former penguin is the best and only true friend he has ever had in his life. They will both live incredible adventures and maybe…, maybe they will find something more.
In their adventures, Sun and Junior will meet the boyfriends Nat (Arm Sappanyoo Panatkool) and Ton (Apiwat Porsche Apiwatsayree), a couple of BL actors already known to the public for playing Jaonan / "Nan" and Sippakorn in the 2022 drama 'Ai Long Nhai'. Both will welcome the boys under their roof.
Such a plot seems impossible to develop without falling into ridicule, but the debut Thai director shows that, by taking reality to its extremes, as a good comedy does, she manages to illustrate her interest in making her declaration of principles about the possibility that beings Humans and animals can live together in harmony.
As a curiosity, just the day after the premiere of the series, on Saturday, November 16, more than 200 monkeys escaped from a cage at the municipal animal center located in the Thai town of Lop Buri, dozens of kilometers north of Bangkok, to invade the surrounding streets, climb onto the roofs, enter a police station and some homes. The only thing missing, to match this fact with the plot, was that the macaques, before escaping, had had the capacity to transform into humans.
In the main roles of the series that tells an unconventional love story, which mixes elements of magic, fantasy, adventure and teenage romance, are actors Ben Benjamin Greenwell, in his acting debut, as Sun, and Jay Sorathon Chaloemlapsombutis ('I Will Knock You'), like Junior, who manage with their performance to put the audience in intense reflection about freedom, love and the beauty of life. Both actors share a natural and electrifying chemistry that brings a tender and refreshing vibe to the series.
After watching the first five episodes of the 10 that the series has, we can make some preliminary assessments: not only will we find these two animals converted into humans. We will have a monkey transformed into a student named Jodd (Jaonine Jiraphat Sodjam) who will walk not from branch to branch, but from adventure to adventure, helping his friends, especially June, who is being chased by members of an illegal trafficking gang of wildlife, and a learned owl who is very intelligent, but needs to gain discipline, who will also support the rest of his schoolmates and whose name is Jeng (Nokia Chinnawat Phattharathanachot).
Sun and Junior will have an ally in the centuries-old goddess (Panpan Yeeyee) who can only be seen by those who are not human, and who will also enter human bodies to help the animals turned into people.
The fact of not having a high budget is one of the reasons to highlight the music, the beautiful cinematography, the production design and the impressive special effects, which give authenticity to the elements of fantasy and magic.
On the other hand, the costume design and set design allow us to enhance the fascinating world created to put the characters in it.
Cleverly, the series plays with the idea of ​​the predator that is always trying to catch its prey, and a prey that instead of fearing feels safe around the predator. But also with other concepts, such as the panther as a symbol of bravery and the energy of the night, as an allegory of courage, valor and power.
A panther has transformed into a young man. And there we see Sun showing the wild, stealthy and solitary nature of one of these mammals climbed in the trees, from which it also stalks its prey.
The scriptwriters did not miss anything: Thamuya Thasananukulkij, Krongkanok Ruetaimas and Supoj Norrabud always kept in mind the panthers' love of swimming.
We can see that it is a very fierce and aggressive spirit animal towards enemies in its constant confrontation with Nam. It seems that for Sun, the character played by Jeng Chotipat Suthadsanasoung, a young actor whom we have seen in the BL series 'The Trainee ' and 'Fish Upon the Sky', is a spotted hyena with whom he will compete for food, shelter and to protect Junior.
In the same way, as an animal of power we distinguish Sun as a being that helps us not fear the darkness, but rather see it as an ally from whom we can learn great powers and lessons.
Junior's character is just amazing. And the choice of the actor to play him helps greatly in this. Like all penguins, they can swim at high speeds. Friendly, faithful and inclusive, Junior accepts the friendship of those who approach him.
Intelligent, with excellent orientation skills, he can join any academic club he puts his mind to.
In my opinion, the creators chose the penguin and the panther out of all the animals to make them the protagonist of a BL because this feline, as an animal totem, is a symbol of protection and power; for being respected as true martial artists of the animal world.
The panther is synonymous with superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, agility, endurance, durability, healing and senses. There is a belief that whoever has the panther as their totem will have the blessing of a fierce and aggressive totem. Likewise, because it is associated with the sun, and solar vitality in some cultures; for its ability to stealthily follow its prey for hours until the perfect moment to strike; for its ability to guide people through challenges and provide strength in difficult times. The stealthy and solitary nature of the black panther is considered a representation of inner strength and the ability to navigate life's obstacles with grace and resilience.
And these qualities will have to be demonstrated by Sun around Junior throughout the series.
While the penguin is the favorite because these seabirds have a love story that has made everyone who knows them fall in love, never better said. The way he courts the penguin and the commitment he shows has made him a symbol of fidelity and love in nature.
'Caged Again' shows that when it comes to love, communication and fidelity, penguins are excellent teachers, and can teach human beings how to live as a couple. They are a symbol of deep love and loyalty. They signify a lasting commitment and a lasting union between two people. They have only one partner for life, so they are known for their loyalty and fidelity in love.
Penguins can communicate and express love through their unique and distinctive vocalizations. These vocalizations are so special that they are often called "the song of the heart" as they represent the love and togetherness of these couples.
It may be very strange for some people, especially because of its very concept, but if you can get past that there is a series with very interesting humor and romance, and a story that will provoke mixed thoughts in the public.

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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 2, 2025
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

A Recipe of Randomness

While I did find the series to be entertaining, there were a lot of things that were happening. You have got to keep count on how many arcs present and time skips there was---especially in the end.

The main premise of the series was brilliant and unique! It is rare to see this type of genre played in the BL scene. However, the execution felt a bit lacking. Some scenes felt rushed, and some were too out of place, and some would be even better without them. We are watching a BL series, not an action series.

The whole ride felt like trying to sew pages of a manuscript that was blown by the wind. That was the main problem I had with the series, especially it only having 10 episodes in total. It would be understandable, or even better if it was a series with 20 or so episodes. Fitting it all in 10 does not really do justice to the plot.

In the visual FX aspect, they did okay. It is hard to have a higher budget on the animals, but given the circumstances, it was good but not great. On the other hand, the pairing of Ju and Sun was great! They had their chemistry, and their acting was on point. You love how quirky and Ju is, and the seriousness of Sun does not feel forced.

There are scenes I would love to see removed or changed, but I also understand why they were there in the first place.

Overall, a good series to watch when you're bored or when you have no more to watch.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 7, 2024
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 2.0
Histoire 2.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 3.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Don't Waste Your Time

I don't want to comment much. There is nothing good about this series apart from Junior's character, he looks very cute, relaxed and innocent. the rest is bad. I give a score of 8 for Junior's acting, Nam is quite good too. Sun, he is good looking, but his character is lifeless. As for the plot, I don't know what to say? the plot is very weak, lifeless, there are many scenes that I feel are unnecessary, unimportant, and don't build anything to help the plot run well. If you only care about Junior you can watch this series. don't expect anything else. don't waste your time.

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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 7, 2025
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

There are many BL series being released in Thailand now, this one is not one you need to prioritize

It is a Thai BL series with a very strange story. The absurdity of a panther and a penguin from the zoo turning into two human boys in high school who also fall in love with each other. Also with action elements when they are hunted by some trafficking guys/hunters and then some invisible goddess who helps them.. it's just a bit too much and so many unexplained gaps in the story.

The two main characters do their best though and the chemistry between them is good, we will definitely see more of them later on. The series has some cute romantic scenes and is one of the most innocent BL series that Thailand has produced in recent years, no nude scenes and no jealousy dramas at all. But no, I'm sorry but this one doesn't even reach an average rating for me.

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Jeff QF
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
Il y a 24 jours
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

Who'd Have Guessed Such A Silly Premise Would...Work?

I started watching Caged Again as a silly little distraction from other "serious" shows, and ended up falling in love with it. On paper, it shouldn't work but it does. Just the right amount of high school angst, "who I am really?" reflection, silly situations, humor, 4th wall breaking, and serious topics/tension. Even the now-commonplace BL ingredient of a time jump at the end made perfect sense in context and was absolutely delightful. Give it a try - it's worth it.
Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
Il y a 13 jours
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

"i want to be alone with you"

i click this because i thought this gonna be cute fluffy and make me smiling on entire episode (which is yes) but i dont expect those dark twisted humour, being betrayed by their friend is one thing or bullying but fucking ilegal wildlife trade on plot, and my baby getting hurt because of his zookeeper who he adore so much is pain me.

this series is toooo realistic for series with fantasy tag. like i've seen a lot of people who after being judge their wrongdoing but instead reflec they start bullying and those i want to slap him at least for once. nam arc will always make my head hurt, but then the zookeeper arc, damn this show is just show how much worse a human than an animal or even a ghost, i dont understand what his point like his bf always want to give up the idea of doing those ilegal bussiness but yeah he's not listening.

i love jodd and jeng. too. they really cutest duo alive, and when jeng get out from that freaky club, JENG THE MAN YOU ARE ( sorry i really love nerd boy), and jodd who doing his tt because he doesnt want his parent worried, he such a cutie. and another freaky couple who lived near that forest is like cherry on top, i love they actually had daughter in the end, and the teacher who can wear anything she want in the end tooo, like girl you slayeeddd, and school keeper who can find her happiness in her new realtionship, oh my god i love they actually had their happy ending

this is series has a good plot while there some missing one or two, especially with the audio or some awkward camera angel or those imagination of both main charater that go wild, like it kinda turns me off and just skip it for most of episode. but it worth it when you bored and want something new

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 7, 2025
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

Plot is a little weird but hear me out….

If you had to do a double take at this synopsis, don’t worry. You read it completely right: This plot is wack.

Silly plot aside, there are some profoundly existential scenes and dialogues questioning the meaning of ‘being human’ and what constitutes an existence worth living. I started watching this series for the hell of it but one episode turned into two, and then four and five, and before I knew it, the entire series had come and gone.

The relationship between Junior and Sun develops organically and at its own pace over several episodes without rushing into anything. As they navigate the world in their human forms, their attraction towards each other is obvious but largely unspoken, paving the way for an innocent and sweet teenage relationship.

The editing of the series could have been a little tighter. Some parts of the story felt disjointed and there are many random plot holes in this quirky storyline. But its quirkiness is also what makes the storyline so memorable.

More reviews:

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 3, 2025
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers


Parten de una premisa distinta por no decir única en el mundo del BL tailandés, eso creo que es un puntazo a su favor porque puede atraer a muchas fans al ver una sinopsis que se salga de las bases ya establecidas (las grandes empresas tienen que comenzar a cambiar su estrategia en cuanto a trama argumental si quieren seguir manteniéndose con cuotas de audiencia altas). Debo recordar que al principio me dio mal rollo y pensaba que era zoofilia porque no sabía que Sun era una pantera negra, entonces si quitabas ese dato a la ecuación y reducias la sinopsis a una frase era , un humano se enamora de un pingüino-humano , claramente ZOOFILIA, pero por suerte no ha pasado. Que es raro de narices que una pantera negra se enamore de un pingüino si, pero vamos a fluir con la trama. Me dió la sensación desde el principio que Sun estaba enamorado de Junior pero incluso antes de su transformación , rollo que se hubiera enamorado Sun cuando todavía era pantera, no se sensación.
La trama tiene muchos huecos y cosas que las resuelven a prisa y corriendo y claramente siempre sale a pedir de boca de los protagonistas. Los primeros capítulos con el chaval del bullying, me parece que acaban rápido y son un poco un sinsentido. A ver lo que puedo inferir es que los guionistas lo hacen para demostrar la personalidad de Junior pero preferiría que se centrasen más en rollo como es posible que se transformen los animales en humanos y que animales en humanos se han transformado o la red de tráfico de animales. Pero bueno como he dicho, hay muchas deficiencias. Lo que si que no me ha hecho NI PUÑETERA GRACIA la gestación subrogada, cuando los gays que encontraron a Sun y Junior que querían tener descendencia. No podían adoptar ,no padre tenían que COMPRAR BEBES, y me da igual lo que la gente pueda decir rollo las costumbres de los países y adaptarse a otras culturas, pero la gestación subrogada es COMPRAR BEBES. No te estoy diciendo que no puedan tener descendencia pero no sé existe algo llamado adopción... Mira que te puedo pasar completamente los agujeros en el guión pero que me vendas la gestación subrogada, por ahí no paso. Porque aunque hubiera huecos, veia el amor de Sun a Junior, como es introvertido pero poco a poco cambia por Junior para estar junto a él.
Los dos últimos capítulos son bastante omitibles sobre todo el último donde veo que ha sido un final apresurado donde todo tiene que salir bien para los protagonistas y que puedan cumplir sus sueños (Polo Norte, los followers, etc) aparte la escena esa de cama muy fuera del lugar , siento que la industria del BL últimamente, si no hay escenas sexuales , los productores tienen miedo de no ganar fans.Yo sinceramente prefiero romances cutes como el principio de la serie que escenas de cama.

Buenas actuaciones de los actores que hacen de Junior y Sin para ser su primera serie como protagonistas.
No he sentido ni pena ni tristeza porque la segunda pareja no haya llegado a nada. Esos dos actores no pues sinceramente, me dan bastante igual, ya les vi en Knock Knock Boys y tampoco es que me alucinase su actuación.

El mejor personaje de la diosa me ha encantado.
La cita también ha sido buenísima ver a un pingüino ludópata y antes un pingüino en un prostíbulo ha sido interesante y gracioso.

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Caged Again (2024) poster



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  • Classé: #2895
  • Popularité: #2188
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