1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 1, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0

Pourquoi tant d'ennui?

"Big Dragon" avait des défauts, mais il avait le mérite d'avoir une dramaturgie de meilleure qualité. "Sunset et Vibes" est assez ennuyeux. Pourtant placer une histoire dans le milieu de la Haute Joaillerie était plutôt original. Le personnage de Salin était plutôt enfantin et manquait de profondeur. On ne croyait pas à la relation avec Sun. Tout ça manquait d'intérêt, de profondeur et même de réelle sensualité. On aurait dit que les scénaristes voulaient profiter de la vague de "Big Dragon", mais en ne réussissant pas à nous faire vibrer. Je suis vraiment déçue. Une histoire plus fouillée, mieux ficelée aurait fait de cette série, un objet sympa. Je ne suis pas très critique en général mais là, je suis tellement déçue que j'ai lâché un 6/10. Il est pour les acteurs qui ont faits ce qu'ils pouvaient avec une histoire fade. J'espère les revoir dans un BL plus palpitant et mieux écrit.

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21 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 1, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 3
Globalement 3.5
Histoire 3.5
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musique 4.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Disappointing Sunset with No Vibes!

There was absolutely nothing in the show that worked for me except Sam and Yoh the side couple who appeared for only 2-3 minutes in each 1+ hour episode.

The trailer promised a fantasy element, but except for a few brief moments, I did not get that. What was presented was so anti-climatic that I would have preferred if they had stuck with Office Romance as the genre.

I had hoped Lin and Sun's chemistry would be the saving grace of this series, but unfortunately, I cringed at almost all their scenes together. Mos and Bank have more believable offscreen chemistry in their YouTube videos than in this whole series. That much-hyped and anticipated painting scene was meant to be iconic but it was a disaster. I am all here for artistic expression but this didn't feel like it was necessary at all.
Also, that necklace (you know what I am talking about) was UGLY.

Sam and Yoh were the only reason I kept watching this but they were also far from perfect. The screentime was very less to make their love story believable. I am still wondering how Yoh fell for Sam. But again , this was the only silver lining.
The other couples except Sam and Yoh looked forced and literally contributed nothing of value to the plot.

The dialogues were so poorly written that they felt like Chatgpt wrote them. A special mention to 'Khun Dad' !! Because NO.

Overall, I would NOT recommend this and hope the actors choose a better script next time.

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28 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 26, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 1
Globalement 2.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Musique 1.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

So sad!

Mos and Bank aren't my favorite couple but they deserve so much better than this. They need to get rid of the person who's telling them to do these horrible shows. This and big dragon are based on books that honestly are like 80% NC but the story in Sunset is so good but they turned their relationship and Lin into this immature puppy love BS. I was so looking forward to the confident and lovingly possessive Sun who can't keep his hands off Lin but I got this timid we can just hold hands Sun and I have to wonder what the screenwriters were thinking, or maybe the problem is they weren't. This show will be my biggest disappointment this year.

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18 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 31, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 3
Globalement 3.5
Histoire 2.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0

Horrendous, nauseating, and yet still boring as f.

That was awful. I'll start with the positives:

- Mos is supernaturally attractive. Every bit of him is stunning - hot body, porcelain skin, handsome face, those eyes, sexy voice, all of him.

End of positives.

This feels like it was written by a very sheltered 13-year old girl who inserted herself into the story as Bank's character. I'm not sure how else to describe his total lack of agency and relentlessly female wardrobe. You might think he has agency, but think about it - he's just a plot device, not a person. Even the one ability he has, designing jewelry (and the necklace is hideous), only exists when it's needed to move the "plot" "forward", and it's usually inspired by the supernatural elements of the story that are totally pointless and have no effect on anything.

I feel zero chemistry between Mos and Bank except insofar as Mos is so hot that he has some with anything that's in the same room with him. Partly because Bank's character is so vacuous and unrealized that there's nothing to be attracted to. Think about it. Describe his character: he... uh,... well,... he dresses like a girl. And wears so much makeup that if he actually were a girl, he'd look like a sex worker. That's really it. Oh wait, he faints a lot. A LOT.

This was the worst example of the worst kind of uke, who is incapable of surviving an average day without a seme to save him from drowning in 1 inch of water (this actually happens). Lin wants to use lovey-dovey nickhames, so he decides to call Sun "Dad". Not "daddy", which is at least an accepted slang term for an older (and generally wealthy) man, but "dad", which is only ever used in reference to your biological father (or occassionally a father-in-law) - is it possible for something to be more cringe? It's the ultimate infantilization.

The vaunted NC-17 scenes are so bad it's unintentionally funny. You get to see Mos's ass in the paint scene, so there is that, but that they didn't take off their high-fashion clothing first took me right out of the story. You could feed an entire village in Bangladesh for a year with what those outfits cost (in story). There's a BJ scene with slurping sound so loud that it would disturb Japanese people at a ramen bar. I guess Sun must have a micropenis, because otherwise there shouldn't be enough room in Lin's mouth to slurp anything.

One of the secondary couples has bird sex in a toilet stall while one of their fathers is watching while bent over backwards in a disturbing pose.

The only couple that's vaguely engaging also goes full uke-seme, the absence of which dynamic was what actually made them appealing - Yo behaved like a man, until he had a boyfriend, when he reverted to acting like a very sheltered 13-year old girl.

The production seems to think that loud = funny. All you need to do is have your characters scream their lines, and it's all very ha. (Or I guess it's "all very 5" for our Thai viewers.)

But worst of all, this was just dull. It wasn't fun to hate-watch, like Unforgotten Night - it just made me cringe almost continuously - and thank God for the +10 seconds button on iQiyi.

I can't recommend this - the only thing in it with appeal is Mos, and you can get anything you want of him and more on his instagram.

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10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 1, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 3.5
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

At last ... it ended.

I start with the first part of episode 1: A rich boy is in love with a boy who he met on a dating platform. Today is the day to meet and the "office worker" met the rich boy at the most elaborate and expensive location imagable. Because the rich boy is not especially clever, he never asks himself how the office worker could afford that. Of course the "office worker" is also a rich boy....

That's how the story begins and that's the quality the screenwriter put into their script. How this got funded is beyond me, it was boring as fuck, unlogical as fuck and the drama was there just to have drama in it.

At least camera work was stunning, so this gets a bonus point for that, but even with that, it's one of the worst Thai shows we have seen this year. I am just a bit sad that all the actors/actrresses had to put up with such a show.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 1, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 2
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musique 1.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers


Let's call a spade a spade: this was terrible. At no point was this something that could've been considered even remotely good.. scratch that. At no point was this something that could've been considered even remotely acceptable. What even was this?

It's an insane mix of genres, no one can tell what it's supposed to be because it's got romance, comedy and fantasy, in an office setting. I don't think the writers themselves knew what they were doing, how else do you explain THIS?

They spent an abhorrent amount of time focusing on jewellery making, finances, embezzlement, and patents. After all that, they couldn't even be bothered to make it interesting. All this trade talk that was used, I have no idea if any of it was right, and the jewellery making business sounds interesting enough, but leave it to them to make it as confusing and boring as it can be.

The fantasy aspect in a word.. ludicrous. You can't conveniently have it be a plot device to further some weird jewellery competition or the romance between the leads, and even if it has to be just that, you can't have it be as lame as this.
Ignoring it episode after episode, only giving glimpses of something that seems grand and complex, only to conclude it as a means for Lin to make that gaudy necklace felt like a slap to the face. And this should be hit with a copyright by the way, the way it felt like a blatant rip off of The Sign at points, someone call Saint.

Chemistry who? The smidgen that seemed to be there after Big Dragon despite the weird vibes they had to begin with went down the drain the minute someone on the writing team decided that “Khun Dad” was a sexy and cute nickname. Really? “Khun Dad”. I shudder everytime I think about it, and after that point, I was either nauseous or laughing for no reason or both. Because I didn't know what else I could do. I feel for the leads, I really do because they have proper chemistry in real life, and they got stuck with “Khun Dad”.
Such a strange relationship, Lin gets treated like an actual child, I can't figure out why they're actually into each other, but to make sure that no one doubts that they are, they're all over each other. And they weren't even good NC scenes!! The visuals I witnessed are going to be hard to forget.
You've got disapproving parents but the weird kind, over intrusive parents but the weird kind, and a parent who's son saved them but not really and it's just weird.

The two side couples were no better. Three, actually, but much like a lot of people and things in here, the third couple was merely a plot device for more Khun Dad. Of the other two, Sam and Yo had much more going for them than Pim and Prim did. I'm kind of over the ‘we've known each other from before but only one of us realises it’ trope, even without that, those two didn't really do anything for me, because they didn't even have enough screentime for me to figure out what kind of connection they had.
Sam and Yo were a little better, but so fast paced and impulsive. Not as characters, as a couple. I couldn't figure out what kind of connection they had either, but at least I believed they had one.
Which is what happens when you don't give a pairing with potential proper screentime and instead have dedicated time for office gossip, catty support characters and leads riding horses.

This was.. no good. I can't even say I'm dissapointed because all I feel is anger. I'm racking my brain, trying to think of just one positive, absolute positive, but I'm coming up blank. This was just not good.

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8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 3, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 2.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 2.5
Musique 1.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

A super big nope.

After watching the trailer, I had high expectations for this series, especially regarding the chemistry between the two main actors. Unfortunately, I was disappointed. Mos and Bank are not my favorite couple, but they undeniably have incredible chemistry and look very cute together. I hope to see them in a better series someday. The other actors didn't evoke any emotions, mostly because of the poorly written script, which made them come across as whiny children. The two secondary couples, Prim and Pim, followed the typical "I love you but I can't tell you" and "I've been dumped so I'll throw myself at the first bidder" trends, which were a bit annoying. As for Sam and Yo, their dynamic wasn't executed well. Their sudden relationship felt random, and Yo, who should have been portrayed as a responsible adult, came off as a whiny teenager.

The trio of friends also disappointed me, as they seemed like a group of pre-teens who suddenly became adults and didn't know how to handle life's challenges, and were a bit nosy as well.

The two protagonists were perhaps the biggest letdown of the series. The characters, Sun and Lin, had poor characterization. Sun is portrayed as a rich CEO who doesn't want to do anything other than run around with his boyfriend, while Lin is depicted as a rich spoiled brat who only cares about creating jewelry, without any other worries.

The plot idea wasn't terrible, but towards the end of the series, it felt like there were only NC scenes and nothing more. Every episode felt like a waste of time, and I ended up skipping so much because I fell asleep. The historical part was unnecessary and didn't add anything to the story, apart from the ugly necklace. Also, the water thing seemed like a poor imitation of "The Sign."
The "daddy" part was so cringeworthy that every time Lin called Sun that, a part of me died.
This was perhaps the biggest disappointment so far.
{Sorry for my English}

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Cet avis était-il utile?
9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 6, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 3.5
Acting/Cast 5.5
Musique 4.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Skip this one series FLOP

Started great and with every episode goes downhill full speed. Started with 9 and now it's at 3.
Stayed this long in hope it will get better.
It didn't.
I dunno if Lin is that bad written or what happen but it's awful, it looks forced.
Sun did good until this ep, jumped in hole with that fiance.
Sam is great. Yo is good enough.
Girls are ok, lil too dramatic but ok.
All in all extremely bad execution.
Shame on you (writers?) this could be top but it's FLOP
Waste of time, deff not worth watching.
Cet avis était-il utile?
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 31, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 3.5
Histoire 3.5
Acting/Cast 5.5
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.5

Very Disappointed

The visuals were the best part unfortunately… I don’t know if I will continue to follow MosBank work, this show has just turned me off. I know a lot of times they film a pilot before they have a completed script and it isn’t unusual for things to change. I also know if things change it is not the actors fault. That said the pilot was dark, sexy, had mafia boss vibes and I was excited I anticipated this show for two years. The actual show is timid, green flags that tried for dark mysterious moments and failed. I love green flags romances but this just pissed me off. Also this could have been 8 episodes maybe even 6, so drawn out. I cannot personally recommend this one. I have never witnessed such a complete 180 from pilot to actual product and I feel lied to.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 3, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 2.5
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musique 3.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

meh, just meh.

Sunset x Vibes is a visually stunning Thai BL drama that unfortunately falls short in terms of its storyline and acting. The integration of the mythical plotline feels forced and disjointed, detracting from the overall experience, leaving the plot underwhelming.

While the two lead actors, are undeniably attractive, their performances are monotonous throughout the series. Even the reveal of the mysterious caller lacks the suspense and intrigue it should have. The supporting characters, particularly the main leads' best friends, are overly cheeky and can be irritating to watch.

Despite its shortcomings, Sunset x Vibes boasts impressive cinematography and stylish outfits that are a visual treat. However, these elements are not enough to compensate for the lackluster writing and performances. The excessive steamy scenes, while appealing to some viewers, ultimately detract from the overall quality of the drama.

Overall, Sunset x Vibes is a disappointing series that fails to leave a lasting impression. While it may offer some eye candy for viewers, it's unlikely to be a memorable watch or generate much interest in the future works of the main leads.

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BL Compilations
16 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 15, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 9
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0

actors deserved a better script (watch suggestions)

Overall: with a better script/editing, I know that Mos & Bank would have been on fire, instead it was mostly failed comedy and cringe. The series was based on "Sunsetxvibes" by Rosesarin_ which I haven't read and I reviewed the series on its own merits (though I've heard the book is mainly smut). 12 episodes about 50 minutes each. Aired on iQIYI uncut Later aired a cut version on the Star Hunter YouTube Channel (episode 1 was about 1 minute shorter than the uncut)

Content Warnings: thought there was one towards the end of ep 1 but then it wasn't (tried not to spoil things), past parental abuse, punch, coercion, blackmail, non con video recording/sharing/outing, sexual molestation, fight, blood, past death

Watch Suggestions (prioritizes intimacy, the side m/m couple and the side f/f couple once I jived with them)
- episode 1 you could start it at 10min-13min, 22-29, 32:40-36, 39:45-45, this is a dream 46:30-48
(I don't have the energy to go back thru eps 2-3)
- episode 4 watch 18-19:30, 33:30-42, maybe 55:30 to the end
- episode 5 watch 7-10:30, 14-18:15, 31-end
- episode 6 watch 16:15-21, 25-28, 39
- episode 7 watch 4:30-5:20, 13:40-16:40, 19:30-24, 37:30-39, 41:30-44, 46:30-48
- episode 8 watch 2:15-2:45, 15:20-16:20
- episode 9 watch 18-21, 27:10-30:50, 32:40-35:40, 38:10-45
- episode 10 watch 12-25, 51 to the end
- episode 11 watch 9:30-17:40 (excellent side couple steamy scene), 47:40-49:50 (didn't really feel the paint but the main couple steamy scene)
- episode 12 watch the whole episode

What I Liked
- the m/m side couple
- there was an established m/m couple
- the intro (and cinematography/styling)
- visuals
- GL rep (not a fan of the dynamic until later episodes though)
- supportive sibling, friends & mom
- a funny moment of a character talking about if it was a movie and then it went into a flashback scene
- good consent in episode 4 with asking for a kiss
- that a main character wasn't totally helpless in episode 4
- a subversion of a common characteristic with the pursuee
- mutual want

Room For Improvement
- the pervasive comedy sound effects that did not make things funny
- the fantasy element was not well explained or incorporated
- his friends were annoying at times
- did not care about the business scenes or backbiting coworkers
- a ton of nonsense/'because the writer said so stuff', i.e. the beginning scenarios were set up to be steamy but then oddly g rated, a very odd location for a first date and posing at the door, people who've never kissed someone do not try to kiss like that (and it wasn't funny), who goes into a person's dungeon looking basement like that?, remembering something very traumatic and then designing a necklace, transporting something super expensive at night by himself
- that the offender in episode 4 was darker skinned and the 'I won't press charges, tell him not to do it again' bs
- the styling didn't work because of the bowl haircut and how a main character acted so childlike (pinky swearing with his dad as an example)
- very cringey 'Khun Dad', their relationship felt like a child and a parent at times which was cringey
- a female character oddly had a boyfriend
- the poor communication cliche/run away plot

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Cet avis était-il utile?
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 1, 2024
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 5.5
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Can’t fix bad writing

This is a prime example of good actors and good chemistry cannot fix terrible writing. Khun Dad is a terrible name to give to a lover. It was like the writer didn’t have enough for a story about Naga or a story about office betrayal so mushed them together without giving enough of either. So we ended up with a patchwork of story that was seriously unfulfilling. Also, gratuitous NC scenes were rife. All of the actors did an amazing job with what they were given to work with. I look forward to seeing the actors in better written work.
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SunsetxVibes: Uncut Version (2024) poster



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