Un bon lakorn (grâce au CL) si on aime le mélo
Drama qui aurait dû être plus court (16-18 épisodes au lieu de 22) mais les réalisateurs thaï aiment délayer...Le contexte est inhabituel : un bar à hôtesses gigantesque (mais les clients sont presque tous bons-enfants ;) :)
Donc le climat est plutôt gris, avec agresseurs sexuels, gangsters, etc.
L'histoire est "presque" réaliste : la FL manager de la boite, enquête sur la disparition de sa sœur +/- liée à la mort de la mère du ML. Le CL est explosif, avec des moments très cute, mais le personnage principal de la série est la tante, dont la personnalité n'est pas vraiment cohérente.
Remarques :
- A quoi sert la police en Thaïlande ?? Les héros vont toujours se frotter seuls, sans arme, dans de coins louches, à des gangsters.
- les filles qui se font agresser n'essaient même pas de se défendre, elles ne savent que crier ?
- pourquoi dans les dramas, les evil characters sont intelligents, rusés, découvrent facilement de secrets et indices super bien cachés, alors que les gentils (pas toujours très futés) pataugent ?
- la séquence "pardon/empathie" de la FL à la fin, n'est pas du tout crédible. Je sais que c'est un must dans les séries asiatiques, mais ....
Les acteurs sont très bons, ce qui nous tient accrochés jusqu'à la fin.
Parce que la réalisation est too much : longs arrêts sur les regards, scènes inutiles, OST omniprésentes et perturbantes.
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Very draggy
"Nabi" is my first lakorn. The first few episodes start off well. My only complaint in the beginning was the ML constantly grabbing the FL and dragging her everywhere. A few times would be okay, but I could've started a drinking game with the amount of times he did it. Towards the middle, the show quickly became draggy. The cause, I think, is likely the writing. They obviously had to stretch a simple storyline to 22 episodes and it was tiring at times. I didn't help that what happened to Nabi's sister and Kawin's mother was revealed so early on...So why did I stick around? Two reasons, really. Fah and Joss had great chemistry and I genuinely like the cast. They were all doing the best with the script they were given. Nat, especially, was able to carry most of the show. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to carry it through that terrible ending. I mean, are you kidding me? Half the characters took stupid pills towards the end and you cannot change my mind on that.
To improve "Nabi," I think the writers should've incorporated more flashback scenes. I really enjoyed the ones they did show and thought it added more depth to the characters. Nabi and Kawin's were particularly touching. Also, more time should've been given to Luke and Jan's characters who ended up being glorified extras. I guess that also goes for Wa and Sirin, who were basically forgotten, despite them being the mystery of the show.
I was entertained for the most part but I was not satisfied with the ending. I will likely never watch "Nabi" again, though I look forward to the cast's other projects.
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Watch it for Wee
Nat Myria Benedetti just became my favorite actress! That woman acted her arse off as Wee. Wooo....did she! I really kept watching because oWee and Nabi were both strong woman who couldnt be stopped. They went head to head and toe to toe and never back downI enjoyed Wee so much- i hated her, felt sorry for her, went back to hating then was proud of her. Personally if i was Nabi, I wouldnt forgive her, but im not in the show. The other part, was boring. I manley continued watching to see how Nabi was going to catch Wee.
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Promising, but disappointing.
First Impression:I first started this drama with pretty low expectations because I was bored in life. After the first few episodes, I was pretty hooked on the storyline and was expecting more for the climax and ending. However, it is sad to say that I came out disappointed with the last 12 episodes of the drama.
Story: 5.5/10
The story description pretty much summarizes the first ten episodes of the drama. It's exciting and you just can't wait for the next episode to come out. However, by episode ten, you're just waiting for the big reveal and the ending. With the viewers believing the drama will end at episode ten, we all left disappointed as the story gets unnecessarily dragged on. The last twelve episodes are repeats of the same conflict and unnecessary build ups to a very disappointing reveal. This drama could've been solved in 10 episodes, but nope, we need all the non-existence sweet love scenes and unnecessary "that was dumb" moments. In conclusion, the story line seemed promising but beware to be disappointed.
Acting/Cast: 7/10
This is my first lakorn of both main leads and so not a very good first impression.
Let's start off with the lead actress: Fah Yongwaree Anilbol. Fah is no-doubt gorgeous and stunning. However, the character she played on the other hand is not that great. I tried to understand her decisions and her feelings, but I just couldn't empathize with her. Nabi was the, "I'm tough but soft inside" type of girl. Independent, sure; but very, very, very emotional. More so than her character needs it. It's understandable that her only family, her sister, is missing, but as any Thai lakorn, the acting has to be over the top. But Fah does seem like a promising actress. She reminds me a lot of Mai Davika and Mook Mookda, so I hope her future roles would showcase her skills better.
Next, we have the lead actor: Joss Wayar. Okay, bit biased, but he does have a hot bod. However, that does not blind me from his lack of character development in the drama. I wished they focused on that a little bit more in the drama, but the transition of a bad boy to a good boy after falling in love was just non-existent. You just assumed he became a good boy because he fell in love with Nabi, there were little no scenes showing the progression (even after 22 episodes). Typical Thai drama troopes but how it was laid out in the drama was just terrible. Overall, hot, but hopefully his upcoming roles will redeem this role.
My favorite character of all: Nat Myria. She is a goddess! I love her acting. I know, I know, she plays the villain chacter, but I couldn't help but fall in love with her character. Why couldn't the writers do the same for the two main leads? But, Aunt Wee is such a complex but human-like character that brings out the evil and good within people. She had reasons for her action, although not excusable, and even though she was greedy for love, she didn't put herself in the spotlight for attention. Her character development was the best among all of the characters and her ending was beautiful.
Okay, next is Luke and Jan who plays Nabi's best friends: Pong and Saen. Um, so, no thank you. At first, I was rooting for their character but then you just realize that Saen is too good for Pong and needs to move on. But I'm looking forward to seeing Luke act in "Oh My Boss". I wish the best for Luke and Jan's future in the Thai industry and will be looking out for them in the future.
Last two chacter that I believe needs a shout out is Win's parents: Chet and Wa. Oh my goodness, how did the best guy in the world fall in love with the worst human on earth? Chet, Win's father, is the sweetest, lovest, most understanding guy ever. On the other hand, Win's mother, Wa, is the most manipulative, self-fish, and conceited person ever. No surprise, Wa passes away. Yay, no one really misses her. On the other hand, Chet was probalby the one of the best actor to watch out there. My sisters and I even joked how if we were in Nabi's place, we would've picked the dad over the son based off of their character in the drama (LOL).
And all of the other characters don't really matter so let's move on!
Music: 7/10
This drama makes sure you never forget the theme song. The song was good, but I would never listen it again just because it brings up the bad memories of this drama.
Rewatch Value: 1/10
I wish I could put this as a 0/10, but MyDramaList won't let me. Never will rewatch this drama. Erased it from my Watch History and my mind. Just, no. Maybe in like 20 years to rewatch Aunt Wee's scenes, but otherwise, no thank you. Did not enjoy the drama, don't even know why I finished it. Could've been better. Literally skipped all the main leads scenes since it was just so hard to watch them be together. The writers tried to make it look "romantic" but it was just a big no-no sign of an abusive relationship. I seriously don't know how they rekindled their love (magic?).
Thank you to those who made it to the end of my rant. If you haven't seen this drama, this is a warning. Watch at your own risk, not really worth your time. But if you loved this drama, I respect your decision. There were few redeeming qualities of this drama (aka the aunt) but it wasn't enough to save this drama.
To those who have finished the drama, didn't you find it funny how they dragged on the drama for 22 episodes and the producers finally decided that it's too long and did not one, but TWO time skips in the last episode? No? Just me, welp. Bye!
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This show is a rollercoaster.
Honest Review:From the very first episode till the last one, it was a rollercoaster ride. I started this after Fai sin Chua cause of Fah and Joss as leads and damn.
Yes, this show was a little draggy but damn it let entertained throughout!
A very cliché typical lakron but like many others, this one keeps you invested till the end. The start was great and the first 4/5 episodes sucked me in and I couldn’t wait for the next episode to air but later on I did get a little bored and didn’t care about the airing schedule but it soon picked up on the spice so it covers up for the draggy part.
HATS OFF to the lady playing “Aunt Wee” cause DAMN? She popped off that lady gave it all and which is why I think most people continued till the end for her outcome. She gave her best!
Fah was CRAZY good and after seeing her potential previously in Fai son Chua, I wasn’t surprised by her amazing skills! Joss on the other hand kinda disappointed me. I know he’s great but I just didn’t find his acting impressive which is why I vote the cast as a 9.5/10.
And DAMN LUKE? He is so fine. He played his role superrr well and I had a good laugh thanks to him! That dude can ACT and oof I can’t wait for his new lakron as the lead!!
LMAOOO the OST/Song was pretty catchy I keep singing it every now and then although I have no idea bout the lyrics lol.
Since this lakron isn’t a typical ROMCOM that you can binge watch, I give it a 5. You can watch it if your feeling too happy lately and need stress and headache LOL
It was nice. It kept me invested and entertained! The leads have good chemistry but MAN I must warn yall, the lakron was SO CRAZY THAT EVEN I WENT CRAZY WATCHING IT. Man I couldn’t stop laughing in the last episode for some reason???? Lol either way, give it a shot! The visuals are pretty good haha. Oof and can we get a Fah and Luke lakron please?!
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Utter trash. Garbage writing and garbage directing. I don't blame the actors, they did their best with the s*** presented to them. Nat is the MVP, in terms of acting and in terms of getting away with everything she did. The romance was lacklustre since all we got were forced kisses and hand dragging. The plot went nowhere post ep. 2 since the mystery (not even sure thats what I should call it) was solved so early. The 22 episodes were all filler, this show should've been max 12 episodes. The fact that we never even found out who Rin's baby daddy was (yeah yeah, they hinted that it's Cherdchai's friend, but we never really got to know) goes to show that the writer and director have zero respect for the audience.
Wasted my time watching this, thank goodness I watched it in x2 speed and even then fast forwarded through the show. Honestly don't understand why producers are still pouring money into this type of garbage and giving these types of scripts a chance to air. I'll be taking note of the director and writer for this show in order to blacklist them.
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Lack of logic, police, "evidence", and revenge.
So, I liked the start of this lakorn. Lots of angst, slap and kiss, hate, shooting, dragging women around. Just your everyday lakorn things. Then it got draggy and not witty. Just fist fighting. Again, your everyday lakorn things.What I liked:
- I liked Nabi, she was really pretty. I liked Kawin, he took off his shirt every other episode and I liked the dad. Wee, Kawin's aunt, was a great actress but her character was such a complicated, terrible one.
- I liked the premise of the plot. The whodunnit. Then it became the Weedunnit. That's when the drag began.
Character rants:
- Wee was meant to be sympathized with. She was bullied and never loved and bla bla bla. But she is a killer nevertheless. Like idk how they brush that off.
- Especially Kawin. God, if that man didn't distract me by being shirtless through half of the episodes, I would've imploded. HE'S SO UNREASONABLE AND SUCH A HYPOCRITE. He makes Nabi absolutely MISERABLE because he thinks her sister killed his mother. He literally treats her like a whore. Then he wants to save the woman that killed Nabi's sister and make it easier for the aunt. He's so loyal to his aunt/ surrogate mother who is cuckooo and went miles to defend her. It was crazy. What's crazier is that this mofo, who never ONCE believed Nabi ended up with her.
Like you were being your aunts lil guardian but that woman KILLED your mom and your gf's sister. She even tried to kill your dad AND gf. TWICE. WHY WRITERNIM WHY
- Wee had a good character thing going on where she defended her family and got amnesia but her LIVING WITH THEM? OMG. GIRL YOU FAKED IT ONCE WHY NOT TWICE
Plot stuff:
- This would've been so much better if Kawin didn't get to have his cake and eat it too. Nabi lost so much. But Kawin gets his aunt and girl friend.
- I NEVER say this. EVER. Like ever cus I'm a romance fanatic in anything. But in this drama, they should have chosen either the family theme or the romance theme. Not both. Cus Nabi deserved better than to live with her sister's killer. She should've been an independent baddie like she was born to be. A lil dumb at times but still a baddie. Kawin never gave her the benefit of the doubt but this dumb bitch, even made excuses for him. EVEN WORSE. She forgave her sister's killer and her attempted murderer. I love you sweetie, but as hot as Kawin is, he is also absolutely fucking psycho like his family. Pls leave.
Advice for the characters:
- Kawin, my boy, just stick to being pretty. And stop dragging women around. Not cool, my man. Be better.
- Kawin's dad, you are just made without a brain, eh? Like was her killing your wife and almost you not enough? ARE YOU ALL STEWPIDDD? Pls just stop being such a goofy ass and get your shit together.
- WEEEEE YOU'RE SUCH A GREAT VILLAIN. Next time just makesure you only kill people that hurt you and in secret. I love villain's like you but I was not a fan of your redemption arc. Idk why. I love that you saved her family and the love blinded assistant. But at the same time, you're like evil. IDK why everyone forgave you. I wouldn't have. Sirin that poor girl did nothing and got BURIED 6 foot below the ground ALIVE. Choose a less painful method of death too. Being buried alive is just not it. Thnks.
- Nabi, girly, leave that man. This ain't worth it. That family is batshit crazy. Go home.
- The love blinded fool with a name I can't spell, phapaeblablabla. I'm sorry you died. Next time try harder.
Anyways as per our usual lakorn traditions, the crime rate, gun violence rates, and sexual abuse rates are sky high. There is no sign of police and the ones that are there are pretty fucking useless. The people have to find evidence to give the police. The police don't do that shit in lakorn land. It's a DIY.
If you're bored out of your death or like a supervillain, watch this. If not and you want to have your sanity, kindly skip.
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Interesting, but disappointing
Nabi my Stepdarling was my second lakorn, as i initially viewed kleun cheewit and really enjoyed it. What really attracted me to the drama was the male lead, joss, who was very handsome. Not to be bias, but I was interested in the show mainly because of him, however after viewing the first few episodes, I realized it was not as boring as it looked.Story
The story was not that interesting, as 80% of it entailed nabi finding her sister after she somehow disappeared without a trace. In terms of development, at first it was the type of drama that left you interested on what was to come in the next episode. It involved many secrets from different parties and I guess that’s why it made me interested to keep watching. However, it became draggy and completely unrealistic and there were barely any romantic scenes between the main leads. I was expecting Kawin and Nabi to develop their relationship but they made Nabi too stubborn and seemingly not interested to engage in any romantic relationship with Kawin, which was confusing as it is clear she loves him. Overall writing was okay, but not that great.
The casting was a very good choice to me. Aunt wee’s actress was the best. The main leads (Joss and Fah) were good, however certain scenes they did were hard to watch because their acting was a bit shaky
Music was okay, but became annoying sometimes.
Rewatch value
Unlike other dramas, such as Kleun cheewit, this drama is not rewatchable in my opinion. It was just so disappointing as there were high expectations on how it would turn out.
Overall, it was an okay drama and would recommend.
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hehe... why i said underrated because the 2 lead role not giving a chance to be together from the start of the series till the end is not about their love life its about revenge and im looking forward for their love story, i mean they should focus how the guy like the girl and same as the girl how he like the guyanyway joss is so hot im so inlove with him... hoping for more series for him
and luke i think here is the newbie he is still young but still handsome
i wish joss could do some romantic drama more and gosh he is sososos hot and i just love watching him naked haha... peace but the series is wholesome but its more on revenge...
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This Lakorn could be so much better.
I really like the beginning, but as everyone else said, it gets really bad from the middle.But i don't think it is to long, which is weird because I say that to most Lakorns. I think they set the focus incorrectly and left out good opportunities. I think it is a very bad script and their for i fell sorry for the great actors.
An example:
At some point the FL hides a box with memories that the ML is looking for and cannot find. After that, the box is never mentioned again. This box could be an opportunitie for a good conversation between both.
The end is the worst, but not because of the aunt, but because even at the end there is not really a cute scene between the ML and FL. They love each other so much.
I think the FL is displayed too weakly. She work in an very hard place for years. Why does she acted like she does?
The story between the friends of the FL is a real disaster. That could be much better. They aren't really in love, they would have needed more love in the story and not a couple together and apart.
Last word:
I love the actor there for i am really sad. I hope for an other lakorn with this actors together. Above all the main actors with a much better story. Rewatch for the actor.
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Way to long
Ok so this drama was a little to long for my liking i feel it could of been sumed up in less episodes.The characters were ok i guess however my favourites were saendee and pong thought they were great,not so much nabi and kawin to be fair they kinda got on my nerves by episode 18 never felt no chemistry at all,she seemed to spend the most part being dragged here and there a little like the storyline🤨
I didn't get it when knowing that her sis obviously didnt have her phone earlier on when she was first nearly killed did she still see her sis number pop up on her phone and knowing aunt wee is trying to kill her decide to go to the construction site😒pretty dumb🤔 hmmmmm,also really didnt like the fact that they seem to downplay the fact that the aunt is murderer and that she felt no way to think its ok for her to kill people off like it was nothing,saying oh we cant turn her u
she just needs help,mate surrogate mother or not she killed your mum not to mention the woman who you supposedly loves sister,murder is murder no which ways about it🤨
All in all i doubt id watch it again i only watched it all to see the outcome which wasnt great, but not to bad i guess 😑.
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