11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 17, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 5.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.5

Confused Feelings!

I've a mixed feelings! I really love them as a couple: the way they look at each other, the chemistry, the sexual tension and all. It's cute and fluffy and also hot af!

It became clear their r/s isn't the healthiest one on episode 1, but I let it slip since I enjoy watching them. And, I did enjoyed for 1/2 of the show, until it just gets worse. It came to a point that I can't overlook the toxicity anymore.

The way ML is overly possesive and everything, I can't.

Even last episode is somewhat toxic, although the bed scene is kinda hot.

Oh well, as I said, I've a mixed feelings

All I could say, it could have been 10/10, if we take away the toxic behavior, which is what I don't understand what makes Yaoi writer thinks toxic is necessary.

But, I guess people do like it, hence they make it.

Whether you like this show or not would depend on how comfortable you are with toxic r/s. If you have high tolerance, the couple is actually very nice to watch, and you most likely would like it. Othwerise, you end up confused like me .LOL

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9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 15, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0

Started with a light breeze that turned into still air

I honestly don't know how i feel about this series. The premise of the story was interesting, and Japanese BL dramas, heck Japanese dramas in general, tend to have interesting character design set in contexts that are seemingly mundane but actually have a somewhat refreshing perspective. However this series failed to draw me in, from the main characters that i just simply could not connect with, to the overuse of manga cliches i.e. having the two main leads faces hover less than 5cm away from each other as they stare at each other and the camera zooms in. Also, too much chin grabbing... I did not find the characters compelling and I couldn't tell if it was because of the actors or simply how the characters were originally designed or the dialogue (internal dialogue's included) that never quite seemed to connect the characters (or maybe that was the entire point of it, in any case it didn't work for me).

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Cet avis était-il utile?
9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 16, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

Relación curiosa y sensual

Digo "Curiosa" porque no se muy bien como describir la relación entre los protagonistas. Creo que es una de las cosas que me atrae de esta serie, que no es la típica relación/historia. Cuesta al principio entender la dinámica que tienen, saber lo que sienten o piensan realmente (bueno, no estoy segura de que lo sepa todavía).

De lo que estoy altamente agradecida es de la actuación de los actores, quería remarcar esto, como tan sutilmente hacen sentir con sus sensuales interacciones, casi sin palabras.

Interesante como poco a poco se van desarrollando las emociones y pensamientos que tienen. Echaba de menos estas series dónde gradualmente te van metiendo en la historia y sus sensaciones. Como espectadora ha ido cambiando mi opinión y mirada hacia los personajes a medida que van pasando los capítulos.

Os la recomiendo.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 16, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 5.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0

Frustrating BL story due to so much miscommunication but good chemistry & production

I'm quite ambivalent regarding my appreciation of this drama. I enjoyed the premise of the story...I really liked the submissive and dominant undertones and the imbalance of the relationship. It is not an healthy romance but it is for sure very compelling. However, I was also deeply annoyed by the stupidity of one of the character who is so dense that it gets very quickly ultra frustrating. I can find interesting tropes around miscommunication and I'm usually pretty receptive to jealousy plot but here I was really not convinced.

I still enjoyed the series thanks mainly to the impressive performance of Higuchi Kouhei. He was the highlight of the show for me: each of his scenes were really believable, even when the scenario was at his lowest. Mashiko Atsuki was okay but not at the same level in terms of acting skills but to be fair, he played also the most frustrating character. Nevertheless, the chemistry between the two main actors was great overall and the sexy scenes were really super hot.

The quality of the production and making was pretty good with some lovely opening and ending sequences supported by a nice soundtrack. It was pop and romantic and I never skipped it.

I would recommend this to people that are looking for a BL series with cohabitation trope as well as lot of sexy moments and who do not mind toxicity / red flags in the romance. If you really dislike miscommunication issue and/or really dumb/dense hero(ine), you might get very frustrated as well but as it is very short and supported by good performance, I still think its entertaining qualities outweighs its flaws.

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17 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 18, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Oooh gwooorrrl

I’m hooked. It’s been a hot minute since I seen a good Japanese bl love scene and baby this one is taking top three. The way this drama is directed is one of the best I’ve seen. Everything is paced well and even the flash backs are well placed within the storyline.
Everything about this drama just screams perfect. From the cinematography and color choices to the actors and the storyline. Genuinely one of my favorites so far and definitely top seven BLs of this year!
I don’t want this to ever end *insert crying emoji*. Episode seven is by far the best episode and gave me butterflies *insert giggling emoji*.
If I had one critique it would be the ending. We’re given this great spice scene but myself personally would have liked a more developed character growth moment even if they had to rush it. The ending to me felt a little incomplete. The character Yoh is just so dense tbh like he clearly doesn’t know how to read the room *insert sigh emoji.”
Anyways it was still one of the best dramas we were given this year and worth the watch.

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13 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 13, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 4.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.5
I found the show to be quite adorable. However, I must admit that the plot did not leave a lasting impression on me. Nevertheless, what truly captivated me and kept me glued to the screen was the undeniable chemistry between the main leads. It was simply breathtaking and left me in awe. The way they interacted with each other was truly remarkable and made the show all the more enjoyable.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 13, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Have Segasaki and Yoh ever actually dated?

I liked the aesthetic value of the series. The cinematography was beautiful, the visuals were on point, the intimate scenes were done beautifully, the plot was interesting… at least until we look at it closely. Then it starts to raise a lot of red flags and shows Segasaki to be abusive and controlling.

My main question is have Segasaki and Yoh ever actually dated? It is not once said that the two are together. Yoh is introduced as Segasaki’s slave. Maybe a bit extreme choice of word, but that’s what he is. He cooks, he cleans and takes care of everything home related for Segasaki. Yoh did everything Segasaki told him to, never said no to things, and showed immense guilt whenever he did something he felt like was not good enough. He was not allowed to go places, meet friends… unless he was given permission.

Which brings me to their intimacy. I know Yoh is shown as a willing participant, as someone who might want that to be a more regular occurrence, but is sex really what he wants? He might be craving attention and love from the person he is dependent on. Was that something he actually wanted from the start? Or did he just fear saying no? Did he think he is not allowed to say no? Their situation raises a lot of questions when it comes to consent. But it seems like that is something that is not ever properly addressed. I don’t mind when series have dubious consent or non-consent, but it needs to be properly addressed and not just accepted as something that is okay to do.

I did enjoy certain aspects of the series and I think the actors had great chemistry. I do wish some things had been done a bit differently (or more clearly expressed). How the whole question of consent was kind of brushed over didn’t sit well with me, and it did bring the rating down a bit. Also, Segasaki’s new work partner… why, just why?

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5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 16, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers


Not one of my favorites that I've seen from Japan, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy this series even a tinsy little bit. My Personal Weatherman brings about a toxic tale of poorly executed love and its downfalls.

Let's Dive In.

One reason this series doesn't do it for me is because the leads kept going in a circle and achieved no real resolution, nor did they ever give themselves time to be open and honest with one another. I saw another comment where someone said this couple doesn't do talking and instead they're the masters at paying attention to each other's subtle messages, and once seeing it from that view, I understood them a bit better, but I'm the type of person that's always second guessing what someone is thinking or saying or feeling about me, so I would've loved it if at some point in the series they had a sit-down and open conversation on their feelings towards one another.

And circling back to the no real resolution -- Well, they don't. They'll continue to go in a cycle of Yoh feeling like his life means nothing and Mizsuki will continue being jealous any time Yoh hangs out with his friends and will continue being shut off about his feelings. This also goes for Yoh who wants Mizuki to show some sign of want and need, except he only ever communicated this when drunk. And the way Mizuki manhandled Yoh just wasn't my cup of tea. But besides that, the actors had great chemistry and great intimacy.

I liked the best friend of Yoh, I think she was a great addition to the story and I liked all the added Manga effects whenever we saw her or whenever she was around Mizuki.


Story: 7.5/10 - It's very intriguing to see their dynamic, and I kept wondering how they're going to inevitably fix it, but nothing is fixed, and they're still obviously going to have problems in the future. but nonetheless, this was a short and easy watch with me finishing in one sitting. I liked the best friend and her husband a lot.

Ating: 9/10 - Good! Nothing inherently bad or inherently good, but it works for this series. Kouhei's (Mizuki) acting stood out the best with having the fake persona around others and his real one around only Yoh.

Music: 7/10 - Didn't pay it much mind, but I liked how the music wasn't overbearing during their intimate scenes and we really got to see and hear everything going on.

Recommendation Value: 5/10 - Not something I'd recommend to the regular ole' BL fan. It's very twisted and very dark, reminding me of my hatred of My Beautiful Man, but at least this one isn't as bad. But I have a plethora of other JBLs that hit the mark, so sadly, this one is a no-go.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
12 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 16, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Musique 1.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0


This is one of those BLs where you will have quite a difference of opinions. Frankly, I am a bit surprised that anyone found this series even remotely entertaining, to any extent an affectionate BL story, or even well-acted. It actually sickened me to watch this series as a gay person to see so much toxicity detailed under the guise of love. And apparently audiences fell under its spell because it is presented so prudently.
I do not want to spend too much time on the toxicity of this series especially for those of you that have seen this and still see it some sort of ‘love story’. Even if I numerically listed the breadth of examples, you will still not see its harmfulness. And that saddens me. For those of you who have not seen this series, then look out for them with an open mind; they are glaring and obvious and disgusting and you cannot sugar-coat their effects. Hopefully, you will see them.

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jon conn
10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 14, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

Is it or isn't it?....

It's weird...It's not's's not weird..and the final verdict is ................................................................................................................................................................IT"S WEIRD.....

Seriously maybe I need to watch this again....I think I kept thinking they were going to cross the line! The 1st Ep really put me off! Maybe I didn't catch a lot of the attributes I see posted here in other reviews. I'll admit another viewing mabe be needed here.
Yes, ??to writers and producers for presenting a different type of human relationship and the turmoil associated with same sex relationship in a still very unaccepting role family or societal acceptance...In an over-all general sense. I could go on....which this lack of emotional support all leads to insecurity, communication issues and in this case weirdness.
However, to me this series seems like a stage play that was adapted to film. I think it needed more density. The intent and intensity seemed very inconsistent a lot of the time.
I kept thinking Yoh was going to run away... and I think he should have!
To me his internal dialogue didn't match his outward behavior which is troublesome for me to watch and see. I hope to see Mashiko in a less controversial BL in the future. I think he could be very charismatic in the right role.

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En cours 8/8
14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 8, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
En cours 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5

Sensual love forecast

Wow this BL is better than I expected. With every episode, it explores the sensuality of their connection infused with such chemistry between the two. It explores the depth of desire and the vulnerability of our heart. No, I don't support the red flag character of Mizuki but the drama is beautifully shot as we witness the journey of intimacy between the two that unfolds like a breeze even though it’s just for contract, I can tell that they like each other.

Not done with this BL, hope it doesn’t disappoint!^^

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Cet avis était-il utile?
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 10, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

So nothing actually happens?

So how does this story go from Yoh being a sugar baby/housewife to just the same exact spot? I hoped he would have sold that manga and made some money to live on his own for a bit and get out of there. And the toxicity of this relationship, just from episode one. But yeah, I'll never hear the word "sunny" the same way ever again.
I also really wish they put Mizuki's perspective earlier on, and that for the love of whatever god everyone believes, can they actually tell each other how they feel??? The miscommunication is just so very wrong. His jealousy of Manju, or the fact that Yoh actually has friends, and Mizuki doesn't at all, his possessiveness and need to control Yoh is very uncomfortable, that I feel bad for Yoh and that he has to deal with such a shallow person.
And the fact that he could not even tell Yoh that he actually loved him, which he could have just said. and was not reading from the manga pissed me off. Like how was he supposed to take it with all of the mixed signals you were giving him all of the sudden? And I'm sorry living for someone for about 3 years and just being obedient to whatever they say? That's a red flag to me. I get that Yoh was basically already in love with him, but usually you starting dating someone before you move into their house and make curry on demand.

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My Personal Weatherman (2023) poster



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