Abandonné 31/40
35 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 20, 2024
31 épisodes vus sur 40
Abandonné 42
Globalement 2.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Disappointing Script, Too Many Side Characters & Poor Character Development

Ep1-20 is extremely boring, except for scenes in Germany on Ep20. Leads have very little screen time together, too many unrealistic office scenes - lavish office, huge staff in an early startup. Styling of FL is terrible, all the ugly matronly suits & dresses like old ladies would wear. Too many side characters with developing relationships. Recommend start watching from ep20.

From ep20 to ep31, the lead's relationship moved too fast it felt empty. Still so much screen time were on the side characters, the leads emotional development were not there - those heart-to-heart and life-changing conversations that deepen the relationship were not there for the main leads, ironically the side couple Lillie had some good tough conversations. It's all just fluffy screen romance acting that lacked sexual tension and intensity from 2 intense characters. The chemistry was just too boring. Boom one night stand, Boom saying I love you. Boom moving in. Boom meeting parents. Boom one problem & breaking up moving out. Do they have a Time Machine that can skip ahead ??? Or is this a director's choice or bad screenwriting ??

Ep 30/31 & Ep32 preview - Just when I thought it's safe to keep watching to the end, ep30/31 is changing my mind. FL XJ, the usually logical, kind and thoughtful person would suddenly become so stupid - believing in her ex-boss's lies knowing she's the scheming villain, stealing HT's confidential business plans, secretly signing a deal with HT's competitor to retaliate (stupid move), quitting her “job” & ran away - what ???? She’s the soul of the company and ran away from her own business !

The whole thing makes no sense, and the over-acting screaming fight/break-up scene makes no sense. FL character has been a smart successful engineer, suddenly became a reckless emotional idiot, this character flip doesn't align with the first 20ep. HT is that hot sexy ruthless stone-cold business genius that makes him dangerous and exciting, and he flipped to become a lovesick puppy who compromised everything for XJ . Both characters lost their smarts and edge that would've made a great story.

Dropping this drama.....tired of being bored and the bad script / screenwriter. The great cast couldn't save the show.

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8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 15, 2024
40 épisodes vus sur 40
Complété 1
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 1.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Mind-numbingly predictable CEO romance with hideous aggressive OST and no chemistry.

First let me say that the best part of this drama BY FAR, was He Rui Xian's incredible performance as the 2FL. She's so amazing and deserves high caliber 1FL roles.

The rest of this was, to put it bluntly, total crap.

While it would take a dissertation to fully enumerate the ways in which this was crap, I will do my best to keep it brief.

*No ML/FL chemistry. I dont know where the problem lies. Maybe Kai keeps getting handed FLs that dont mesh well with him. Maybe he has a really hard time letting go in front of the camera. Maybe hes RL gay. But whatever it is, this is another flat Kai Soso performance, lacking sexual chemistry, passion, and depth.

*Flat ML performance. Kai is good in some situations and dramas, but this isnt one of those dramas. Its impossible to distinguish the difference between his "straight man" character, or just his limited acting ability.

*FL is not sexy and has a bad haircut and boring clothes. Shes cute. And she is a good actress. But shes not sexy. She should be playing roles other than romance FLs

*Kiss scenes are tame

*Moderately high cringe-factor

*Slow slowwwww pacing. This should have 10 episodes shaved off

*Tired, cliche storyline. The actual business story is good. But every other aspect of it is insultingly cliche.

*Mediocre dialogue all the way from beginning to end.

*Background music is stupid and out of touch

*OST is so aggressive it should be arrested and tried for assault.

*Characters are simplistic and too perfect, like a teens dream of what life is like and what people are like, and a teen's dream fantasy.

*They take an indoor cat, in a cat carrier, to the park for its birthday. They lay out a blanket, and put a TINY HAT ON THE CAT. The kind with an elastic chin strap. Then they let the cat out of the carrier. And the cat stays on the blanket. It stays on the blanket, and just... sits there. Mkay. This is the kind of show we are dealing with here. If any one scene could sum up how I feel about the show, its that one.

I would recc this to mushy romantic sentimental people whose favorite color is fuscia/magenta/hot pink, and who still have at least one stuffed animal on their bed.

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Abandonné 26/40
Queenslay Jema Flower Award1
26 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 18, 2024
26 épisodes vus sur 40
Abandonné 2
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 2.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

The Han Ting Massacre: A Betrayal of the Book

For those who have read the book and are considering watching the drama, please, for the love of all that is holy, don’t. For those who haven’t, the drama might be palatable, but anyone who tries to both watch and read will likely suffer a heart attack from sheer anger.The actors are fine, but the script is a catastrophic failure. This drama is a textbook example of how not to adapt a novel. This review isn't about the explicit parts—I wasn't expecting any of that anyway. My issue lies in how the writers have butchered Han Ting's character, making the drama a bland shadow of the books storyline.

In the book, Ji Xing is a formidable and dreamy character, often unreasonable but in a relatable way. Her interactions with Shao Yichen or Han Ting are complex and layered, reflecting real-life arguments and emotions. Han Ting, on the other hand, is sharp and uncompromising, always putting his ambitions and goals above personal feelings. This stark pragmatism defines his character. For instance, when Ji Xing asks if he would ever prioritize her over his work, Han Ting bluntly replies, "In my life, love is not everything. I won't be able to give you the kind of love that sacrifices everything for you. "The drama, however, portrays Han Ting as a softened, lovesick version of his book counterpart. They sanded down his edges, making him more palatable but significantly less interesting.In fact theres a point she asks what he would do if she refused to let him invest and he replies he would destroy her company saying that he will leave no room for any competitors however how small. Thats the Han ting i epected the one i got let me not say more

The book's Han Ting is never heartbroken in a conventional sense when he learns that Ji Xing is engaged. Instead, he views it as a matter of bad timing. The drama, on the other hand, infuses him with a shy, almost bashful demeanor around Ji Xing, which is completely out of character. The real Han Ting would have gone after what he wanted with unwavering determination.
In the book, after their one-night stand, Ji Xing starts avoiding Han Ting, leading to a mini-fight where Han Ting bluntly tells her that she likes him and knows he likes her, which is why she's behaving like a spoiled child. This sharp exchange highlights their dynamic. In the drama, such scenes are diluted. Even when Han Ting reports to his grandfather in the novel, he is unyielding. When his grandfather mentions that shareholders are against him, Han Ting coldly replies that he will just clear out all the shareholders. Such ruthlessness is completely lost in the drama.

Han Ting's characterization isn't the only casualty. Shao Yichen's portrayal is also disappointing. In the book, Ji Xing and Shao Yichen share a strong and loving relationship, marked by numerous arguments yet a palpable love. Their bond reflects the intricacies of daily life and love. Even though it's clear that Yichen won't be Ji Xing's final partner, there's a persistent hope that they might resolve their issues. A poignant moment in the book is when Ji Xing dares Yichen to leave during an argument. He does, but soon returns, confessing, "Ji Xing, you don't know how much I love you." Their love, though fraught with problems, is deeply emotional. Ji Xing's heartbreak when he leaves is profound, and she holds out hope that he'll return as he always did. She even dresses up specifically for him on her birthday, only to be disappointed to discover he has moved on. Her breakdown at this revelation, and Han Ting's comforting presence, is a touching scene ( to which they ommited and added that after that she had a one nights stand with Han TIng).However, the drama adaptation significantly diminishes the chemistry between Ji Xing and Yichen, seemingly to highlight the main love storyline between Ji Xing and Han Ting, which develops later. This was a mistake, in my opinion. Modern dramas have successfully depicted main leads' evolving love stories without undermining previous relationships. The scriptwriter unnecessarily tarnished Shao Yichen's character (including the needless subplot of him marrying Ji Xing's friend, who was merely a college classmate in the book). This seems to have been done due to the usual trope that whoever doesn't end up with the female lead must be portrayed as wrong or flawed.

The writers undermined not only the characters but also many nerve-racking moments in the book that would have made for a captivating show. They simplified such a fantastic story instead of portraying its complexity and depth. Han Ting's character was watered down to make him more palatable, causing drama watchers to miss some of his best moments from the books. Similarly, the dynamic between Yichen and Ji Xing was diminished, losing the poignant "I know it's hopeless, but I still wish" sentiment.

While Ji Xing's character seems elevated, the true tragedy lies in the wasted potential of Tan Songyan's acting range. Imagine the breathtaking performance she could have delivered, portraying Ji Xing in her full, complex glory—childish yet mature, reasonable to the point of almost unreasonable, emotional yet composed. The beauty of Ji Xing's internal struggles, dealing with a man like Han Ting despite her simplicity, her struggle, and joys in being with him, were missed. Her triumphs and the delicate balance of her contradictions could have created a character so compelling that audiences would be left craving more. This rich tapestry of Ji Xing's character was an exquisite opportunity lost, leaving us with a portrayal that barely scratches the surface of what could have been an unforgettable performance.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
10 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 25, 2024
40 épisodes vus sur 40
Complété 5
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

What's Love Got to do with Business?

Had been waiting for this because I've never seen XK in a modern and also to see how he and Seven would work out chemistry wise. Overall, the story in particular didn't disappoint. I had seen a few of the supporting cast before but was unfamiliar with many others. The story had a few couples but the main theme was separating business from emotions, what love really meant, and not regretting the choices you made; giving those that deserved it a second chance. A play on the famous late Tina Turner song, what's love got to do with business?

Pros: The chemistry between the leads HT and JX was off the charts. They were just too stinkin' cute and you were laughing at the silliness and being giddy with all of the sweetness. Plus the comedy from the others, was great or when you had a sad/tense moment, a little comedy made the scene so much better. XK nailed the part of the domineering, ruthless CEO HT with a heart of gold to a T. Man could undress a woman or in this case JX with just his eyes any day of the week. It was sugar and spice and everything very meow. For the most part, the story was incredibly realistic and refreshing when it came to real life world things and people. Both leads had great friends and wing people. JX was a person who started at the bottom of the business ladder and slowly rose to the top, though of course with HT's help. My other favorite characters were XM, LL, LLJ, SZZ, TS, XYX (though he sucked in relationships, he was a great friend to HT and others), and unlike many others, I had no problems with QZZ and SYC getting together, though I really didn't know why, after her wedding, QZZ basically disappeared from the show. Also LLJ's mom, JX's parents, and grandpa Han were awesome as they weren't toxic but just genuinely worried about their kids and did the best they could to help/advise them.

The other couples ended up being QZZ and SYC but they seemed to get together quickly, like the show was trying to rush along their stories as well as XM and LLJ; though both liked the other, they didn't really get together until the end and the love triangle of LL, XYX, and SZZ. Honestly, felt like LL and XYX were the most compatible but it was also understandable that he had serious insecurities that he hadn't worked through and SZZ finally grew up enough to deserve her as she slowed down to understand that she really needed stability and not just money and power. So in this case had they shown XYX working through his issues for her, they would have worked out too. But at least he became a good friend to her as well admitting where his faults lay and that he lost her because of them but to not regret letting SZZ go. So that was very intelligently done.

HT and JX got together really quickly and the phrase "I love you" popped out way too soon. Their biggest issue lay in their very horrid lack of communication. He kept business secrets from her that she should have known about and important as well and she basically ran her business with her emotions, even listening to ZD (a villain) over her own boyfriend; here's an intelligent woman doing really dumb things. She treated all of her employees like they were supposed to be friends; which when they backstabbed her, she was shocked about but it was her own fault. Furthermore, she couldn't separate love from business (hence the title of this review) and her view of love was a little too grandiose to reality while his was subtle and in the way of "actions speak louder than words" manner which is more realistic. Their breakup was needed and mandatory to grow into evolving themselves. That said, I will speak more about that in the cons.

The antagonists (4 in total); cousin (who finally towards the end figured out that blood was thicker than water and to leave HT alone or he would ruin her), Zhu asswipe (a criminal that kidnapped JX and really hurt HT; hopefully got life in prison), Chang He (HT's competition but also did plenty of illegal things himself like enable Zhu and other business dealings, got arrested), ZD. I will talk about her in the cons because out of the 4, she was the worst and probably the most annoying antagonist. She started morally grey and then they turned her into a stalker and I was done.

All of the settings, especially faux Germany was really nice, glad they taught the leads some basic German. The OSTs and most of the costumes fit too. Also the fact that not only had he loved her since college but that they had actually met somewhat as kids was a nice touch of how truly destined they were. I like the extra episode as it shows what his version of love for life meant.

Cons: I have to speak about the break up because even the book readers said it was off. I was able to fast forward most of it and not miss much because while HT was poisoning himself with alcohol, crying, lighting sparklers, just pining in pain; other than their initial argument, JX didn't shed a single tear. Sure she was sad but she cried more over her breakup with SYC than HT. She just went home, moped a bit, and then quit her job, leaving her company to merge on its own and flew to Germany to study more. Like what even? She opened his safe without permission to find documents; that was so weird to me, a total invasion of privacy. I don't know why he didn't call her out on it. If it wasn't for HT she wouldn't even have had her company let alone what it became. There were some things he couldn't have told her due to confidentiality agreements, yet she threw a tantrum at him. As soon as things she didn't like in her personal life happened she bailed out on her company and left. Yet returned to a VP position. She was upset when some other company had thousands of employees go jobless overnight but her own team; she was ok to dump on LL and SZZ like it was no problem. In the real business world, that's a career killer right there. Like damn girl; emotions and business aren't the same thing! They should never be combined. He apologized 7 (no pun intended) ways to Sunday including during their public forum and even after the kidnapping thing when he was already very injured; meanwhile she never uttered the phrase “I’m sorry.” He was always her buffer and it wasn't fair to him especially in business at all. Yet she was as much part of the problem as he was, if not more so. In her mind, he had to conform to her standards but she didn’t have to reciprocate. I hate it when they gloss over women's accountability like that. According to readers, a lot of important conversations weren't included and that would have helped bring more gravitas to that part of the drama.

Also her lightning quick transformation into understanding business and finally pulling emotions out of it was way too fast. It was like a flip of a switch. Wish there was more cohesion and a smoother transition of that. Furthermore, how he just randomly came upon her in Germany though he was looking for that same guy she met, also could have been done smoother. Another contention I had was what I call the "Superman effect." When characters charge into a dangerous situation alone without backup or with backup far away. She was kidnapped and held on a high floor of an abandoned factory at knife point and you don't call the police until you're literally nearly there? Why bother? Because you're Superman and you can take a beating with a lead pipe to the back and fall 4 flights into a very conveniently placed air mattress set up by first responders because they somehow telepathically know exactly where you might fall. For a realistic modern drama, that was a huge issue.

I wish they had shown CH and ZD being led away in handcuffs for their actions in everything they had done against the leads both personally and professionally. As mentioned up top, ZD started as a morally grey gorilla glue character to HT, who never gave her the time of day in that way, but then she just didn't stop; no matter how many times HT told her to back off and even sold her shares and after he got hurt in the end she was still there like a bad dream asking him whether he regretted it and trying to get into JX's head a second time about how he'll cheat and lie in business to her again but thankfully this time JX didn't let her get the upper hand and stood her ground. This crazy idiot grew up with him and thought she owned him; she followed him to Germany, started a company in the same industry as him, and so forth just so she could somehow be with him. It's scary and quite pathetic that a person couldn't or wouldn't have their own identity just because they were so obsessed with someone. By the end of the show, I wanted her gone. Out of all of the antagonists she was the most ridiculous and annoying one and hardly realistic; no idea why HT never got a restraining order against her.

Only real point of contention with JX's clothing was why she had to look so matronly in the beginning? ZD and LL working in the same industry looked like professional businesswomen; only after her return from Germany that second time did she finally look and dress her age and like the VP she was.

Would I recommend it? Absolutely! Despite the cons, the pros definitely outweighed them. Though I do wish they had stuck some things from the novel as it would have made it better, it was still a very good show. I really hope XK does more of these types of modern romance dramas; he's very good at them. If you like great comedy, romance, and an overall good story that's very realistic, this is the show for you.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 23, 2024
40 épisodes vus sur 40
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

It’s A Nice Series

This drama has a lot of things going for it. The great performances by the leads is its strongest selling point. No matter what, I cannot fault their acting. Overall it’s a pretty solid and capable drama.

However, the screenwriters’ voice/views are at odds with the story throughout. There’s a fair bit of revisionism that frames things in a particular way, which the audience knows not to be the case. Or, they try to introduce things that were not developed adequately or shown at all to the audience. We’re just supposed to take their word for it.

Plus, when I look at how all the relationships are portrayed; they tend to contradict whatever views the screenwriters have on relationships, compatibility and the conflicts partners have, which leads me to believe the screenwriters have an odd view of the kinds of relationships they wish to portray. Surprising, it was this way for EVERY romantic relationship in the drama. And you know it’s a creative choice because the comments on the main page point out how different these things are to the novel.

The actual portrayals by the actors themselves tell a different story to whatever the screenwriters were selling and they were definitely trying to sell a viewpoint. It’s a shame the story didn’t align with it. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it; I’ll buy whatever a writer tries to sell me, as long as they know how to sell it and do it convincingly enough.

After a certain point, I wasn’t getting as much enjoyment out of the series as with the earlier episodes. I felt like the viewpoint/voice of the screenwriters was getting louder than the story’s premise by the halfway point and they just seemed to be at odds with each other. I did enjoy the last three episodes the most. I felt like all the different aspects were mostly on the same page.

Final verdict is that this series is a good watch. Somewhere between average and above average. You won’t regret watching.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Abandonné 27/40
14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 28, 2024
27 épisodes vus sur 40
Abandonné 0
Globalement 2.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 3.5
Musique 1.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Copy/ paste office drama and misery

First review ever!!!
This is not the most terrible drama on earth ever but it felt like a copy paste of so many other office dramas that I just stopped feeling the need to go on with it, because at some point it just felt like I could predict the whole story.

Even though dear and beloved Xu Kai was part of the cast, there was not one character that stood out for me.
Love triangle, obsession , sabotage , first love, enemy to lovers were all present but they didn't make much difference in the acting and storyilne.

I would say for the 27 episodes that I watched that the plot felt repetitive with the same pattern of problem and resolution coming and going almost at the same rythm.

I wanted to love the drama and root for at least one character or anything else, but ,that is a NO for me.
Don't bother , unless you are here for Xu Kai.

P.S :Also english is not my first language, so sorry for the poor grammar.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 25, 2024
40 épisodes vus sur 40
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

A love that grows instead of vanishing through the years.

- **Story/Plot**: 2.25/3
1. Synopsis (0.25)❌
2. Initial Impression (2eps) (0.25)✅
3. Genre Adherence (0.25)✅
4. Emotional Engagement (0.25)✅
5. Logic (0.25)✅
6. Plot Coherence (0.25)✅
7. Dialogue (0.25)✅
8. Pacing (0.25)❌
9. Character building/Development (0.25)✅
10. Story Richness (0.25)✅
11. Plot Twists (0.25)❌
12. Messages (0.25)✅
- **CAST/Acting**: 1.75/2
1. Lead Actor Performance (0.25)✅
2. Lead Actress Performance (0.25)✅
3. Main Couple Chemistry (0.25)✅
4. Supporting Actors/Actresses Performance (0.25)✅
5. Casting Precision (0.5)✅
6. Character Transformation (0.25)❌
7. Scene Stealers (0.25)✅
- **Directing/Camerawork**: 1.25/2
1. Camera Movement (0.25)✅
2. Editing (0.25)✅
3. Continuity (0.25)✅
4. Lips singing (0.25)❌
5. Visual Details (0.25)✅
6. Cinematic Tension (0.25)❌
7. Lighting (0.25)✅
8. Flashback Integration (0.25)❌
- **OST (Original Soundtrack)**: 0.5/1
1. Opening OST (0.25)❌
2- Ending OST (0.25)❌
3. Background OST (0.25)✅
4. Overall OST (0.25)✅
- **Style**: 0.75/1
1. Costumes (0.25)✅
2. Set Design (0.25)✅
3. Colors (0.25)✅
4. Poster (0.25)❌
- **Ending**: 1/1
1. Closure (0.25)✅
2. Emotional Impact (0.25)✅
3. Logic (0.25)✅
4. Personal Satisfaction (0.25)✅
Total Rating: 7.5/10 +0.25Bonus
>>>>Final Rating: 8/10

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Cet avis était-il utile?
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 24, 2024
40 épisodes vus sur 40
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Rewatch factor is high.

The story is standard. The acting is good. There were NO majorly irritating and constant villains.

The main reason why I am reviewing is to encourage viewers to just watch. Its a good drama as a whole. However ep 31- 40.5 has one of the most logical plot storyline I've seen and the ending episodes from ep 38 to 40.5 onwards has some of the most logical plot development and it didn't do a token ending. The ending made so much sense. Cdrama endings are usually the absolute pits. The ending is complete. I absolutely hate it when the director or writers loses the grip on their story. Yes the couple spend enough couple time to satisfy any of you who like romance.

And for Xu Kai fans- thank God he finally has a role where he behaves like a man and I don't feel sorry for him. I like Seven in a Journey Home but she is radiant here in the last 25% of the drama. She is her usual self acting well but she is comfortable, radiant and totally is Ji Xing in the last bit.

Just go past all those negative remarks. This is a good 40.5 episode drama to marathon through.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 7, 2024
40 épisodes vus sur 40
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0

The story is not as beautiful as the leads but ok

This is one of those dramas that offers great leads, amazing chemistry, golden light for as far as the eye can see making you feel all warm and gooey inside... All with the added bonus of a fluffy can and a fish tank that reminded me of dramas past...

It is also one of those dramas that you just you know got though censorship without a hinge, yet managed to keep it kind of subtle compared to others (focus word kind of) somewhere right in the middle of a scale from Road to Patriotic bordom (or Home) to Addicted heroin.

The friendships and side characters to their jobs without becoming to annoying, some twists or moments of affection are hinted just a little bit to much by bad directing. But other than that the sides even have some really good moments.

However I could not have cared less about the business slightly preachy (hens the I am sure it passed censorship well). It just prolonged the episode count and had me lower the score as some of those parts where so boring i almost fell a sleep. Luckily interactions between the leads where never far off.

So a decent watch that made me want to press that next episode button from start to finish, but also had me wanting to skip some scenes.

P.s. I am reallt bias about the two leads, but then again how can you not be with those smiles, abs and delivery of lines.

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celengan ambu
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 23, 2024
40 épisodes vus sur 40
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
"Thousands of times," answered Xu Kai (ML) when asked about the number of kiss scenes with Tan Song Yun (FL) in the Chinese drama "As Beautiful As You". not thousands of times, right?

It feels like too much. Plus there are lots of 18+ scenes, if you use food as an analogy, the Chinese drama "As Beautiful As You" is mostly tasteless, so it makes you nauseous.

Even though the idea is good, you know. About a young woman who goes into business for a noble cause. Obstacles arise because the business is not on an MSME scale. A business that requires large investments with large risks too.

Unfortunately the conflict that arises feels far-fetched. Like when grandfather Han Ting (Xu Kai) made a fuss about a start-up company that was only 6 months old. The owner of a business group like that, you know, he must know that the company has only been established for about 3 years. Where is there a Julid conglomerate with girls like that?

Luckily, the drama writer created a warmer drama with the presence of 3 friends of the female lead, including their respective love stories.

This cliche idea is the possible answer to the rating of the Chinese drama "As Beautiful As You" at the start of its broadcast being very low. The rating for this drama on Mydramalist was only 6.9, then it slowly rose and now, when I write this review, the rating has reached 8.0.

A neat plot is the strength of the Chinese drama "As Beautiful As You", as well as a coherent storyline, good music, very strong ML and FL chemistry and cinematography that is pleasing to the eye.

Even the casting of actress Tan Song Yun made me curious, because she was "tall", "didn't have a chin" and other beauty differences that were very large compared to actresses Bai Lu, Yang Mi, especially the beauty from the Uighur tribe, Dilraba Dilmurat.

(Sorry about body shaming, the appearance demands of celebrities are different from those of ordinary people. ???? )

Tan Song Yun's acting shines because of her high flying hours. He has been around the world of acting since 2012, even appearing on TV shows when he was 7 years old. No wonder his acting is good, it can match Xu Kai's acting, who has no less extensive flying experience.

If there weren't too many spices, I would really like the Chinese drama "As Beautiful As You". Lots of good quotes scattered here.

It's not surprising. The Chinese drama “As Beautiful As You” is adapted from the novel "As Beautiful As Beijing" (你如北京美丽) by Jiu Yue Xi (玖月晞). We know that Chinese philosophy is very "deep" and has been taught in families for generations.

I wrote the next review here:

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Cet avis était-il utile?
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 4, 2024
40 épisodes vus sur 40
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Best show ever

So, let’s set the bar low. This, dear readers, was my favorite show ever. But I mean EVER, not just in the c-drama world! This is how much I loved this show, so you can guess how much I’ll be gushing about the drama in this entire review (sorry in advance).

I’ve seen some comments about how the start up business plot was a bit forced… well, I have no idea how a company start up should looks like so, for me ignorance was a bless! Some said the plot was boring. yah… it has a lot of technical details (but it is, after all, a drama about a medical IA business). However, I love when they stuff shows with technical problems and tell us all about how they overcome them, instead of stuffing the shows with bunch of misunderstandings and fights, so for me, this was a perfect roller coaster of emotions plot.

Talking about my opinion alone, let’s begin with the actors. I have to say that I have a crush for Tan Songyun. She has this natural, strong way of acting that makes me forget that I am watching a show, then Xu Kai, was the perfect ML, with a not so talkative character, he doesn’t need to say a bunch of things for us to understand what’s in his mind. The chemistry between the ML is absolutely astonishing, the relationship they carry is beautiful, strong, clear, undramatic, with no huge misunderstandings happening, at least, it is the type of love that would really love to have!!!

Also, I absolutely love the fact that this 40 episodes show, doesn’t have a single boring episode, yes, perhaps if it had less 10 episodes there would be less not-so-interesting things happening in between, but still… it managed to put me, at the end of every single episode, in a completely Aweee mood. Mission accomplished, I would say.

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5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 25, 2024
40 épisodes vus sur 40
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Best C-drama with the best OST 2024

This drama was an absolute masterpiece from start to finish. The scenery, the OST - especially the song "You are Everything" by Saji and Hooleeger, the talented cast, the impeccable settings, the captivating romance, and the well-crafted plot - there was never a dull moment. Even the side characters were excellently portrayed. Believe me when I say this is one of Xukai's big breaks. Like this drama is so so good. Top notch.

I was a bit apprehensive when I saw Xukai taking on a more mature role, but he exceeded all expectations and showcased his amazing versatility. The chemistry between Xukai and Seven Tang was wonderful to watch. In fact, all the actors, including the skilled portrayal of the villainous characters Cheng He and Zeng Di, delivered outstanding performances that really drew me into the story. They acted so well that I ended up hating them.

The ending was perfectly paced and didn't feel rushed at all. The special episode provided a satisfying conclusion, though the death of the character Han Ting due to old age was heartbreaking. Him using the forgiveness card on Ji Xing once more before dying made me burst into tears. The bittersweet nature of the finale struck the right balance, as not every story can have a completely happy ending. We got to see Han Ting and Ji Xing's happy moments, their marriage, pregnancy, kids, and them growing old together.

I also adored the cute cat character Dahuang. Even the Mother and Son duo (Lu Linjia and Mrs. Han). They were the comedy part of the drama ???. While I had some minor quibbles with certain characters' storylines, such as not being able to see more of what happened to the villains, Cheng He and Zeng Di, after they got investigated. They deserved harsh punishment, especially Zeng Di. I also felt like Huang Wei Wei's storyline was left unfinished - she deserved punishment too. I didn't like how Wei Qiu Zi's story was written off, but I liked her a bit despite her flaws. I also wished for more scenes with Li Li and Su Zhi Zhou in the special episode - they deserved more screen time!

Overall, this drama deserves a 10000000/10 rating from me. It had everything - drama, comedy, romance, family, friendship, business, breakup, colleagues trust, relationships, lots of kisses, both happy and sad moments. This drama has everything you want and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an impactful and well-crafted viewing experience. I don't think there will be any drama like this, honestly but let's look out for more upcoming dramas.

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As Beautiful as You (2024) poster



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