Première place pour l'intrigue sportive, dernière place pour la romance
J'ai commencé ce drama en raison de l'intrigue sportive. La romance était un plus dans l'histoire. Si le côté sportif est satisfaisant, la romance fini en dernière place.Toute l'histoire baigne dans l'industrie automobile. La plupart des personnages ont le nez dedans depuis qu'ils savent marcher. C'est un monde de passionnés, tant par les pilotes que les ingénieurs et ça se sent.
Shen Xi est une ingénieure intelligente, mais très distante et fermée. Chen Mo Bai est un pilote passionné et lumineux. Le contraste entre les deux aurait pu être intéressant, si Shen Xi n'avait pas été un tel mur de briques. Pendant toute la durée de l'histoire, elle ne montre rien à part une ou deux esquisses de sourire. La direction du personnage n'est pas bonne. Bien sûr, c'est une femme introvertie, hantée par son passé. Mais être aussi fermée tout du long ? Non ! Je ne vais pas remettre en cause Alice Ke, car je n'ai pas le souvenir de l'avoir vu ailleurs que dans Copycat Killer qui est un film assez sombre, donc je n'ai pas de recul sur son jeu. Mais c'était un personnage intéressant, bien que décevant et absolument pas attachant.
En tant que duo (on parle de couple qu'au dernier épisode de toute façon), on comprend qu'une relation de confiance est capitale. Chen Mo Bai ne remet jamais en doute la parole de Shen Xi. En retour, si elle doute une ou deux fois de Chen Mo Bai, elle capitule, car la confiance va dans les deux sens.
En revanche, lorsque l'un rencontre un problème, l'autre vient à sa rescousse et c'est tout. Ils n'avancent jamais ensemble, c'est dommage. De plus, le schéma se reproduit tout au long de l'histoire.
La romance n'est pas franchement engageante. Si on sent les sentiments de Chen Mo Bai, c'est bien différent du côté de Shen Xi. On peut sentir que l'amour plane, mais ça ne se concrétise jamais vraiment.
En soit, ce n'est pas un mauvais drama, car il est clairement axé sur le côté sportif. Raison pour laquelle je l'ai commencé - donc sur ce point, je suis pleinement satisfaite. En revanche, la romance s'est avérée inexistante. Pour moi, il s'agit d'un drame sportif avant tout.
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We Go FAST Through the Censorship Process...
This is one of those dramas where we witness how patriotism and propagande pretty much take away all the focus from the otherwise ok plot. A drama with some really good characters, friendships and relationships that just do not get the time they deserve to develop and give us our romance and fluff... Instead we keep on seeing how evil the foreign countries can be... How they just discard the Chinese engineering, and that China is better off fighting alone... or together with other Chinese people... putting trust in pretty much any one outside Chine is bad... and so on and so on... Between the moments of Go China we get to see opposites attract, trauma will confine you but love, trust and the mother land will set you free...The pacing for the couples is frustratingly slow, and on again off again at times even if most of the characters are lovely. I did find it hard to relate to their choices. The drama could have been 10 episodes or less if they just cut out the flashbacks, slow mo, and repetitive stuff.
That said I did find myself curious about how things will turn out, I was rooting for the couples, and the umbrellas in this drama where top, top, top!
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What kind of ending
Ko Chia Yen plays Shen Xi quite well, and Zhai Zi Lu is the reason I watched this series.Up until episode 15, I was still excited to follow the story, but as it progressed, I felt it was dragging, and some scenes seemed unimportant, not significantly affecting the story.
The ending left me really disappointed because, in my opinion, it didn't feel like the right conclusion, and some episodes were cut, leaving the story unfinished. It's a shame, even though I find the storyline interesting, and the main characters played their roles well
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Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
I enjoyed this one a lot! Maybe it’s because I’ve watched too many dramas lately with evil 2ML/2FL, deceptive siblings, and manipulative co-workers. This drama was refreshing with a solid cast that didn’t always get along but the reasons behind their actions made it okay.ML, I’m a new fan. Handsome, charming, and charismatic, he made me smile and cry and not want to FF his scenes. He was younger than FL but show didn’t make it an issue. ML was competent and respected and I loved that! FL captivated me too. She portrayed her quiet inner turmoil well, making me root for her. It did get a little long towards the end… I wanted to see more change in her.. although I guess she is who she is till the end.
The change in racing threw me off. It would have been nice to see them finish their original goal… although I know nothing about racing and I can see people questioning how accurate it was portrayed. I’m guessing not very accurate.
My biggest con though was the business scenes and too many characters trying to speak English with too many accents. I cringed with every new speaker… except James Lee… although sadly his perfect English suddenly seemed out of place. The flow was lost and in real life, there’s no way they understood each other. I barely got it with subtitles and then not really 😂. Wish these dramas would stop forcing it when it comes to speaking English.
It’s not impressive when it’s that broken… imo.
Overall, I did like it and thought it was a fun watch!
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its actually kind of good
i actually really liked it... despite the propaganda feels it had, it was pretty good. although the characters didnt have enough time to develop actual relationships, i think thats also reasonable considering the BAGGAGE they had. the two main leads had a lot of things to deal with from their past so they didnt have the ideal conditions to form a relationship really fast. they also both had their own goals in life, that bc of their past, they were extremely set on achieving. however, they also couldnt deny their feelings which is why their romance was a really slow burn one. i think it was pretty realistic, so if youre going for a typical romance drama this isnt it, this is real.Cet avis était-il utile?
Nothing special about the plot, and Zhai Zi Lu did an exceptional job with his character.
"We Go Fast on Trust" is another Rom-Com about a smart female engineer and a professional grand pix driver.I am watching this drama because it is short, and I like the ML, Zhai Zi Lu. He is a good actor who can act well. I like him a lot, especially in My Calorie Boy. He has acting talents and has great potential. I know little about the FL, Ke Jia Yang, except in Copycat Killer and this drama.
I have mixed feelings about her character, Shen Xi. I like that she is smart and an engineer with no emotion regarding her love for Chen Mo Bai. One could argue that she has done a good job portraying the character, but I am unique, and I was hoping that she shows some emotion when he expresses his love for her.
There is definitely not much romance between them compared to other RomCom dramas. Kudos to Zhai Zi Lu for acting so great during emotional scenes, especially when he found out that he was the cause of his mother's dad. It was a tear-jerker scene.
Some of the supporting cast do not act well, like James Lee, who played Lin Shao Qian, Ma Yin Yin, who played Chen Mo Fei, and Jojo Chen, who played Zhao Ying Ning.
I enjoyed the drama, and Zhai Zi Lu did well leading the ensemble, and kudos for his acting ability. I gave it a 7.5 rating because I didn't like the ending.
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Thousond Years Till Dawn
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the rational meet emotional.
The ML and his sister's dynamic was a well written. How she is torn between the company and him is an amazing well written plot point.How these two grew to trust each other was heart warming to see. She always go back and forth from being protective of him to being protective of the goal of the organisation.The 2ML well.. he was redeemable too in the end. He had growth he realised that it is not his to make a decision on the FL's life and kinda turned around for me.
The 2FL... I never disliked her through out the watch. It was more like seeing someone learning to understand love and learn that love is worth fighting for and not something to have in a convenient
Way. And with her she is not torn between the ML and the company she never was she was rational and business minded and admitted in directly that for the ML she is less special than the FL.
The squad? They were your one dimensional character line up but eh they were great fun to watch and how they switch up when they are serious is so cool.Only the manager dude got a lil depth and it's because he falls for the 2FL in the end.
The ML? He's whipped for the FL yet doesn't neglect his dream to go fast for the FL. He maybe childish but he's the lil push the FL need. He slowly by the last half started to mature and think about her opinions. He to me was the only character that didn't change much. Same passion. Same Chen mobai.
"Drive the car till it fly"
The FL? She slowly came out of her shell. It was good to see someone change for the better and smile a lil more. She is smart yet feel insecure about her abilities and the ML helped her navigate through it and "become her ocean" he was on the run to prove her right. The only person he slows down for.
I love her and the ML's sis dynamic too!
overall a good watch. the childish guy falls for the mature engineer.
nobody is watching it though so I shall keep this to myself.
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The racing topic is very interesting, exhilarating and yet with a dark mood. The drama is very captivating and charming in its own way. The storyline is written well. It's a bit slow to my liking but i don't really mind that.
I like the ending. The ML completed his journey. At first all he wanted to be fast and furious to win. But afterward winning has a different meaning to him. He resolved his misunderstanding with his sister and acknowledged his responsibility to his family business and he found the way to the best of both worlds. Plus he has a GF/best engineer and all of his companions. Showing the last race is not necessary because it is not his last race. And technically it's not as exciting to show to the audience because Formular E (electric cars) is slower and his previous races.
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We go fast .. pass on side characters
There's a lot of enjoyable aspects of this drama but # 1 reason is always:1. Zhai Zi Lu - ML. He is phenomenal. In the drama wasteland amongst pretty faces famous w/o much acting skills, Zhai Zi Lu is not one of them. I first enjoyed him as the sleezy boy in the Pavillion as a small supporting role then found him as the ML in Hello Debate Opponent S2 followed by Calorie Boy. He will be the reason you'll want to watch any drama. I love his expressions (go full force on ugly cry scene and not worry about how great he looks like some idols....). His voice is never dubbed which I think it should be a part of any actor's skillset (unless they really have a heavy accent that warrants it).
2. ML FL polar opposite personalities. They are not my favorite pairing in terms of chemistry but it's nice seeing a race car driver falling for a brainy girl. They complement each other and somehow it works.
3. Race car stories not so common. I mean how many office dramas have you seen vs race cars?
What I didn't like:
Zero to little character developments on supporting roles and there were a lot of potential too.
Draggy after abrupt break up trope ~ ep 16. Felt forced to prolong the series into a different direction making you pretty much want to 2x watch it through.
Patriotism -- hmmm is that due to censorship? suspicious....
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Worthy Racing Drama - Good Acting & Nice Characters
I went in for 柯佳嬿 who played the first female lead, Shen Xi, and started to like 翟子路 as Chen Mo Bai. The story at the first 5 eps was a bit too slow, i admittedly fast forward few times, but not when the two leads are together. You can trust 柯佳嬿's acting, very expressive eye and emotion. 翟子路's acting is also improving by each episode. The focus is not too much on love story, but has some technicality about racing and shots are entertaining. The story line also developed very well - and we can see the characters' development and changes in a positive way. I also liked most of the female characters: Chen Mo Fei (Mo Bai's sister), Chen Mo Bai's childhood friend (the VC representative),Cet avis était-il utile?
A feminist non-recognized drama
It’s my favorite Chinese drama so far. The story is really different from what we’re used to see on dramas, the main female character is a really intelligent woman and the male character is a man who supports her and do not feel threatened by her intelligence and abilities, on the contrary, he likes her for that. That is RARE in dramas.The romance develops slowly but it makes sense with the whole plot.
I really like the main actors acting, the photography and the whole environment of the drama. It’s really relaxing to watch and totally worth it to watch it several times.
It’s sad that it didn’t get the audience it deserved!
Really love it!
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Fun but ending is meh
it's cute and short, low budget but racing is not a theme that you see that often.ending is a let down, i didn't think it was the last episode but here we are
still give it a 8, mainly bc the two main leads are cute, the guy should play in a bigger budget romance drama for sure.
i feel like the range of emotion of the fl were better at the beginning, towards the end it didn't feel genuine
if you into racing and romance this might be for you, just be aware that the last couple episodes drop in quality
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