Total Sci-Fi Goodness!
While a lot of comments seem to be dissatisfied with this show, I thought it was really fun! I think they could have done a bit more with Erng's newfound abilities and the mystery surrounding her before that was all explained, but on the whole this show was funny, heartfelt, full of sci-fi goodness, and just a really good time.The acting was really solid, too! Nanon, of course, is a star and was able to affect me greatly with the most minute expressions. He was a great lead and brought a lot of charisma to a role that could have easily been insufferable. Namtan was a phenomenal actress as well, and really held her own against Nanon! Sing and Drake were funny sidekick characters (as per usual for them), but this show gave both of them a little extra when it came to their characters, allowing them to be more than just the funny best friends. It was really nice to see.
This show was fun and interesting, and honestly it was really different than most of the dramas I've seen. I had a really good time, and I would recommend this to just about anyone!
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Unique, Interesting, & Charming
The lighting, music, & overall tone are my favorite aspects. This show feels neo retro and reminds me of a 80's or 90's reminiscence show. It kind of reminded me of the first season of Stranger Things in that sense (lighting and nostalgic tone).I came into this show with little expectations, but was greatly surprised. The show seems like a simple alien show, but there's so much more to it. There's a huge focus on friendship, healthy relationships, and growth. I loved seeing Mew's and Errg's friendship, it was so beautiful (those foreheads touches were so endearing). Nannon is adorable and charming as always, even if his acting is lacking at times. The romance is great and for once the love triangle didn't totally infuriate me. It was handled in such a deeply emotional and mature way (plus some great chemistry).
The plot itself can be lacking, but there are many interesting and unique plot points along with some twists I totally didn't expect. It's a very cute story with aliens/supernatural elements and youthful relationships.
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UMG was a really nice and easy watching series. I thought it was something really really serious about aliens and all the fiction thing, but it was a nice surprise to see it was more a comedy thing and heartwarming. The story was really interesting, credible with some plot twists. The characters are really cute and funny at the same time. Their friendship was so cute to followThe casting was PERFECT, Sing and Drake were really fun, Milk is such a good actress and the duo Nanon × Namtan was so good I love them together. Of course, as a Namtan fan I loved her so much in this character, she was fun and so cute and so beautiful ♡♡♡
The music was also nice, very energetic, but It's a detail.
To finish I would rewatch the series is a need to watch something fun and if I don't want to think too much.
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Kudos for Trying
I placed spoilers at the end of this review.I give GMMTV credit for thinking outside the box and trying something different. This series had some interesting story ideas that were not well implemented. The script was messy and had many weak elements. It had a slow start, became interesting towards the middle, and then had a very lackluster ending. The script also had a lot of comedy that was missed placed. It had a fair amount of science fiction, but the scenes were not that suspenseful or interesting. The romance storyline was ok, but I could have done without it. I wished it focused more on the club/friend dynamic more. The actors were great with what they had to work with. Unfortunately, many of the characters were not completely fleshed out. See the spoiler alert at the end of this review if you want more information. The FX make-up and main costume used for 42 was not the greatest and appeared amateurish. I don’t even know what they were thinking with the second costume used for 42. It seemed most of the budget was used for the awesome CGI and cinemaphotography.
Random Note:
I want to see GMMTV continue with sci-fi shows, but use better writers. This easily could have been an 8- to 10- episode series because there was not enough content for 12-episodes. Many of the episodes had a lot of filler scenes that didn’t add anything to the main storyline.
I went back and forth about watching this. I was very interested after seeing the teaser trailer because of the sci-fi aspect, but was somewhat disappointed by the official trailer. However, curiosity got the better of me and decided to watch it anyway. The teaser trailer showed more potential and was more interesting.
********Spoiler Alert********
The character 42 was intriguing when she was first introduced but then was used more as a comical element in the middle of the series. The character development was better towards the end but they still had her in that horrendous costume.
I’m very puzzled by the name of the series. There were some hints of a romance between Erng and Mew but they never became a couple during the whole series. It seemed they were very attached to the series name, but didn’t know how to live up to it. The title could easily have been UMF (Unidentified Mysterious Friend) with the content we received.
The hinted love triangle was not that bad and was resolved very quickly.
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Could have been good if more effort was put in
A very interesting idea but this needed a bigger budget to be good.Some parts were weird and some were intriguing. They didn't know what to do with Mew's character. One second he is all over Erng and ignoring Fahsai, the next second its the other way around. The other characters were a bit boring too.
I lost interest in the alien thing way before, it didn't help that all of the alien stuff felt like props made in an art class. Its also definitely a choice to cast a dark skinned person and put them in braids to portray an alien. Could have made them green atleast.
Good acting by the cast.
I appreciate gmmtv for trying something different but come on, how will it be good if u don't invest in it
p.s: notice how this a space themed show and both the female leads ended up starring in gls which are also space themed 🤭🤭
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mixed thoughts
(will mark when spoilers are ahead)with some time to have this whole thing sink in, i found myself kind of remembering this as a lighthearted, cute, cringey, sci-fi drama. which is totally not what i think is what the director is really hoping for when it comes to the focus of this show?
while watching this series, i took things less seriously and just watched it as some feel-good break from life. the acting from the foreigners was just so god damn funny.
what disappointed me was how rushed things seemed. the ending was such a let down. erng went back without properly talking things out with mew, we did not even get a hug, if I remember correctly? the REAL erng was suddenly long forgotten in the drama and we didn't even have the two erngs meet.
nevertheless, i would be lying if I said I did not enjoy myself while watching this. it was very entertaining. mill's acting here was just.. CHEF'S KISS. amazing.
I will say however, the mock trailer of UMG seemed so, so much more mysterious and thrilling. the overall vibes, the atmosphere, the colouring. comparing it to the end result, this drama seems more colourful and more light. erng looked more disturbing(?) in the mock trailer, which made her look more mysterious as an alienated character.
(spoilers ahead)
when they introduced 42 as a character, it seemed so interesting. it was very intriguing until ssing's character took it in like a pet?? and 42 was suddenly a character that was.. cute. it was no longer all that intimidating which kind of disappointing. but still enjoyable.
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Wasn't Hyped Enough
i understand why people may dislike it somehow but i don't get at all why this series doesn't have any attention at all. the cast (and their acting as well) is amazing, the topic of the show - aliens, space etc - the sci-fi aspect in general is also something new and fresh, especially for thai series & gmmtv. i really like the ost, the colour palette, the editing, the entire visuals and aforecided cast! the plot was kind of messy, especially at the first part of the show. in the last episodes the writing somewhat improved, but still has its drawbacks. the whole thing could be better if it was about friendship and focused on the actual plot alongside with platonic relationships, not involving unnecessary love triangle and romance at all. the plot in general lacked a lot of details, it also shows that gmmtv didn't have enough budget to implement the idea, some characters didn't have "soul", at some points it was boring to watch because of how they just tried to fill the gaps with annoyingly long scenes that didn't even make any impact on how the following events unfolded. despite it all, i really really enjoyed this silly, sometimes illogical, but funny thing, and i think this show unfairly got much less attention that it should have been.Cet avis était-il utile?