Married (2024) poster
Votre note: 0/10
Notes: 7.7/10 par 303 utilisateurs
# de Spectateurs: 1,280
Critiques: 9 utilisateurs
Classé #4753
Popularité #7942
Téléspectateurs 303

Ning Yue, une avocate d'intérêt public, semble avoir un mariage parfait avec son mari, Hu Cheng, qui comble tous ses besoins. Cependant, Ning Yue se rend compte que les actes de « sollicitude » de Hu Cheng l'ont en réalité poussée à renoncer à son indépendance, que ce soit en lui choisissant ses vêtements ou en l'incitant à quitter son emploi. Lorsque Ning Yue découvre que Hu Cheng la trompe alors qu'elle est enceinte de leur deuxième enfant, elle se décide à demander le divorce. Malheureusement, Hu Cheng ne se laissera pas faire si facilement, et menacera de ruiner la réputation de Ning Yue. Lorsque Ning Yue planifie sa stratégie de sortie, elle renoue avec un ancien collègue et avocat, Qin Can, qui l'encourage à quitter son mari. Ning Yue sera-t-elle en mesure de retrouver son indépendance et de se forger un nouvel avenir ? (Source : Viki) ~~ Adapté du roman de « Wo He Hun Yin De Zhan Dou » (我和婚姻的战斗) de Ji Liu Shang (姬流觞). Modifier la traduction

  • Français
  • Русский
  • English
  • Português (Brasil)
  • Pays: China
  • Catégorie: Drama
  • Épisodes: 24
  • Diffusé: nov. 28, 2024 - déc. 6, 2024
  • Diffusé Sur: Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche
  • Station de diffusion initiale: Dragon TV Tencent Video
  • Durée: 45 min.
  • Score: 7.7 (scored by 303 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #4753
  • Popularité: #7942
  • Classification du contenu: Not Yet Rated

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26 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 6, 2024
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 6
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Sometimes, It's Just Not a Happily Ever After

Well, this is not the “married” you probably were thinking of when you read the synopsis. It is more to me of a woman who finds her place and voice in a marriage that was crushed by her drowning from being controlled by her husband.

We are happily introduced to the married couple of Hu Cheng (Feng Shao Feng) and Ning Yue (Elvira Cai) and their beautiful son, Hu Zi Yuan (Andy).

Ning Yu was an award-winning employee on the Wall of Honor, a senior lawyer, a courtroom champion who rarely lost, and a rising star with a bright future in law. Her life was one written for a powerful career woman. But that was four years ago. Her home life was her new battlefield. She now stayed at home and took care of her husband, Hu Cheng, so he could focus on his work – Yaofeng Technology which he established.

Ning Yu gave up her career at the peak for her family. Did she regret. Not in the least. Not at the time. She felt that this was just a temporary retreat. She now felt she was taking her first steps to returning back to work. Over the past six months she had been offered consultation work with her husband’s support, working as a pro bono lawyer at a nonprofit service center. Her income was not that much, and the cases were trivial matters, but helping so many people in need made her realized she was valued.

Hu Cheng with his partner and confidante Zhou Wei (Victor Huang) were best friends who from college had gone through so much with making Yaofeng Technology a fortune 500 company. Zhou Wei knew all of Hu Cheng’s shortcomings and secrets. He always tried to balance him and counsel him to make sure he understood there is a difference between his family life versus his work life. Nothing or no one should come between that, if only he would have listened.

Cracks Being to Show…
Ning Yu loved her husband and was always easy going towards his every need, but somethings were a bit too much. She was not allowed to drink, focus on just getting pregnant again, because he felt Chinese woman looked good in a cheongsam dress that was all that she was pretty much allowed to wear at any event--so much so, when she had gotten her outfit wet when they were camping out, he brought her one of those dresses instead of jeans and lastly stopping at all cost her having a career again.

This was a poignant moment for Ning Yu when she told Hu Cheng that she was going to take a job offer to leave the pro-bono, nonprofit service center. Oh, that did not sit well with him. He tried various ways to convince her not to take the job until he relented. Or did he.

But as she was closing the deal to leave within a month, Ning Yu was given a case for a wife who wanted to divorce her husband. Her son found out and came to the center and blamed Ning Yu for trying to separate his parents. Not listening to anyone, he went to the second floor of the building and jumps.

This was the downfall of Ning Yu’s restart of her career. Hu Cheng took the opportunity to not only pay off the mother, the hospital bills but to also besmirch her name on the intranet to make sure that she would not get any job. He wanted to put her back in her “place” of being at home.

Meanwhile, Hu Cheng meets Tian Qiu Zi (Jia Nai) who becomes his mistress.

After the incident, Hu Cheng decides Ning Yu needs to get pills for depression. Again, another controlling way to keep her at home. Ning Yu believed that she didn't need any medication, but again to appease her husband she did. Still bothered by the incident at the center, Ning Yu went to confront Hu Cheng after seeing Zhu paying the woman at the hospital whose son jumped from the building, she wanted answers. Her answer was in the form of seeing him walking out of the building and putting Tian Qiu Zi in his car. This was a gut-wrenching moment for her. To see the man, she loves putting another woman in his car, her heart sank, and so did her believing him.

She did talk to him at home, but everything she felt was just more twisted way of him lying.

Knowing now that there is more than meets the eye with everything that Hu Cheng was saying she met up with Mu Xiao (Xing Yu Jing) her lawyer friend who now would become the ally she needed to start the process for a divorce. Ning Yu finds out everything with regards to Hu Cheng’s affair with Tian Qiu Zi and begins putting her plan into motion.

Mu Xiao does hire a man who follows Hu Cheng and gets damaging evidence to solidify Ning Yu's case to divorce him. The catalyst for her reconsidering is their son Hu Zi Yuan. They both love their son but at what cost could she leave her son in the environment with a husband who acted as he did. She did not want him to be this way. Divorce was the answer or would she give him another chance.

Trust One More Time...Short-Lived
After two incidences which we have Hu Zi Yuan being in the hospital for suspected leukemia and Hu Cheng being in a car accident. The car accident, I feel was the turning point for Ning Yu. She truly realized how much she still loved Hu Cheng. He in turned saw the look of desperation and anguish so he felt that he too needed to readjust his attitude and ways. So, with a serious talk, Ning Yu and Hu Cheng put everything out. All transgression, doubts, fears, everything to start fresh once again.

This was a good point of love for them both until we had Hu Cheng bring in his parents, as well as his man. he sent to investigate who had been following him. Only to find out that he worked for Mu Xiao who was a divorce lawyer and friend of Ning Yu. All bets were off. Hu Cheng was now out for revenge. He felt everything she said was betrayal and she really did not want to reconcile.

We get an opportunity to see how Hu Cheng was raised and why in some respects he was the way he was. His father treated his wife not like a wife at all. More like a slave to wait on him hand and foot, literally. The man would just hold out his cup to her and she would go and get the tea. Always washing the dishes instead of using the dishwasher. Cooking, I mean, you get to the point where enough already.

But Ning Yu sees what is happening and quickly puts a stop to this. With the help of her mother, they empower Hu Cheng’s mother to being painting and doing things for herself. Ning Yu hires help in the house to which this young woman sets Hu Cheng’s father straight. So much so that you will see the complete turnaround when you see the expression on Hu Cheng’s face when his father literally puts tea in his mother’s cup. This is where you see the perplex look on his face, not once but twice. When his father actually cooks dinner with the help of his mother.

His father talks to him and explains to him his faults and how he needed to let his mother teach him thinks and trust her in knowing that they will grow better as a couple if he would just treat the relationship as equals. Explaining further to him, that there is nothing wrong with a woman working. All this as you will see is a surprise to Hu Cheng.

During the time Hu Cheng's parents are there, you will feel your blood boiling when you see how the father is. It is so unnerving that you just want to cheer for Ning Yu and how she handles the situation to bring this closure about for everyone. I was happy to see it because I was hot to say the least.

Good Friends Lost...Deception Everywhere
Zhou Wei was always in the corner of Hu Cheng. No matter what his misdeeds, he was always there, never wavering in his dedication to him. But things finally took a turn when he just disappeared. This was where you see the true cracks in the armor of Hu Cheng. He is a man that likes to control every situation but, in this case, it was not meant to be. Zhou Wei had gone into the hospital -- liver cancer advanced stage. Finally, going to see his friend he was so apologetic and crushed to see him like this. He felt loss, remorse, anger, and wanted to help him only to have Zhou Wei blame him for everything that befell him. These were his last heartfelt words that he said to him before he finally passed away.

Zibo his nephew justified to his uncle, Hu Cheng his attempt to take out Mu Xiao. He thought that is what he wanted him to do.

And lastly, the woman that he deceived in his hometown who he stashed his money and property, took everything from him and fled. The day of Zhou Wei wake, the police came and arrested him for embezzlement.

Breaking Free
Ning Yu created an elaborate way to once and for all to break free from the grasp of Hu Chang. Her friend Qin Can (Xing Zhao Lin) who worked with her previously was an advocate who helped her as well as Luo Ya Ting (Sophia Hu) ex-wife of Hu Cheng. She made a clause in her contract, once she was able to work, for the company to sue her and mortgage her house should she choose to leave before her contract. Hu Cheng made her leave. Once Ning Yu showed him the contract, she knew he would fight her. This caused an all-out fight in the conference room. Knowing how to push his buttons, Ning Yu forced Hu Cheng to shove her putting her through the glass. This caused him to be arrested and put into detention. Allowing Ning Yu to file for divorce.

Ning Yu planned well. She had her home established along with her mother. Hu Zi Yuan was becoming adjust to his new surroundings and loss of his father, since he was charged with embezzlement. Ning Yu took over Yaofeng Technology. Rises it from the ashes.

After serving his time, you will see a changed Hu Cheng. No longer is he a driven man for profit but a self-reflecting man on the loss of his family. You feel and see that he is a man that doesn't know which way to go. But you still have Tian Qiu Zu still pushing him to go back to his former self of running Yaofeng Technology. She feels that she has won her battle with Ning Yu only to have Hu Cheng come to the shareholders meeting and give over all his shares to Ning Yu, crushing Tian Qiu Zu. He gives his final blow to separate once and for all for Tian Qiu Zu by giving her all of his savings and breaking free from her,

I have to digress and say Hu Zi Yuan is such an outstanding young talent. His scene when Ning Yu takes him from Hu Cheng is the most heartbreaking moment to hear him cry. Hearing the words to Ning Yu asking why his father doesn't come to see him anymore, will make you feel like you just want to hug this boy. He is amazing throughout this drama.

New Beginnings....
We finally see that Hu Cheng gets his life together and begins working at another company once again. There is a good relationship with his son and Ning Yu. And it looks like there will be a budding relationship between her and Qin Can.

I have to say this was a drama that makes you go through so many emotions and makes you think about marriage. You see how it starts out so well but just falters because of several reasons because there is not just one. Not all marriages are like this, if only...well, one can only hope that all are not this way.

I definitely did enjoy this and the performances by the leads was exceptional as was all the cast.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 7, 2024
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Not everything is black and white in a marriage.

I really enjoyed this drama and felt it was written well. I’m with a partner whom I enjoy life with and raised pretty good kids. As good as it is, definitely it’s not free from rough edges and heavy patches. I think though the key is honesty and willingness to compromise…of course love isn’t questioned. This drama at least put perspective into what Not to do for a healthy marriage so if anything, learn from this relationship.

Hallelujah we have a very strong minded smart female character. I’m very satisfied with her performance and I’ve been on the fence with this actress until Fake It Til You Make It which I feel her character is similarly acted(Elvira Cai) . Male lead (Shao Feng) was good acting as the pompous ass jerk. His credit though is that he adored his son.

@Dedra70 in her review has an excellent breakdown of this drama if you want to know more. I just wanted to give credit to the cast and producers/writers of this story and hope that more people will give it a chance. It’s not rom-com, rather, it’s a look at how to build good and better relationships. Give this show a try as there’s some things to take away.

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  • Drama: Married
  • Pays: Chine
  • Épisodes: 24
  • Diffusé: nov. 28, 2024 - déc. 6, 2024
  • Diffusé On: Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche
  • Station de diffusion initiale: Dragon TV, Tencent Video
  • Durée: 45 min.
  • Classification du contenu: Pas encore classifié


  • Score: 7.7 (marqué par 303 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #4753
  • Popularité: #7942
  • Téléspectateurs: 1,280

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