All the Potential, None of the Pay Off
I honestly had high hopes for this one after seeing clips from it on social media platforms. But at the end of it all... I was left severely underwhelmed.Like the title says... it had a lot of potention to be good... but it didn't pay off in the end. At least not for me anyway. The plot was good... but filled with holes. I think that episodes being only 5-8 (ish) minutes of actual drama hindered it... especially with the last episode which could have some explanations as to how things happened.
Don't get me started on the plot twist... it was unnecessary.
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my overall review
I really like the plot of this drama, aswell as the actors. The only problem i have with this drama is the ending. The ending feels rushed and it does not explain what happened or how it happened. Overall it is a great drama, i would recommend it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cet avis était-il utile?
A Haphazard story which you can skip
I liked the cast and the casting. The story too looked promising until it wasn't. For a plot with a lot of potential it had it has its own set of loopholes and loose ends.Given the drama format plot jump between scenes is understandable. But the ending can't be so.. the story and more specifically the last episode left a lot of questions unanswered.
Will I want to watch this drama again? The answer is a big NO.
Would I recommend this drama?
May be you can if you have time to kill you can give it a try. But again there are better ones out there.
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So much potential - wasted.
Like other reviews, I agree that this story had the potential to be much better than it turned out to be. The cast was pretty good - the chemistry between the ML & FL was sweet. For these short episode formats the writers need to keep the story focused and tight so that everything ties up neatly at the end. This one wrapped like they had run out of time with a wink and a nod. Loopholes all over the place, unanswered questions. Sloppy storytelling.Not worth the rewatch, and an underwhelming OST. Aside from the likeable characters this series has nothing else to offer.
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Just OK.
I can understand the frustration that many viewers felt at the end of this series. The ending was rushed and left too many unanswered questions. The surprise twist near the end also lacked gravitas as it literally came out of nowhere. There was no foreshadowing at all.Overall, this fell into the trap of other short length dramas. Although the screen time was utilized to propel the story forward at a timely clip, the everyday, mundane moments are really what makes the viewer understand and care about the characters. The acting was fine but the story was meh.
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Trama trita e inconsistente, finale ridicolo
The Blessed BrideEcco un titolo che proprio non mi sento di consigliare. Si tratta di una commedia romantica in costume, i cui unici pregi sono la recitazione decente del duo protagonista e la loro interazione, abbastanza fluida e non forzata.
Per il resto, le situazioni comiche sono straviste e riviste innumerevoli volte; costumi, ambientazioni, OST e versacci umoristici sono proprio al minimo edittale.
Questa serie nasce per essere trasmessa in 24 episodi da 10 minuti, e si vede anche quando viene proposta in 6 episodi da 25 minuti circa.
Una ragazza viene costretta dal fratello adottivo a sposare un uomo suo rivale in affari, del quale ha sempre detto che sarebbe responsabile della morte dei loro genitori, allo scopo di spiarlo e distruggerlo. Lei però non è molto convinta e, ovviamente, le cose non stanno proprio come sembra. Naturalmente, i due si innamoreranno.
Da dove cominciare? La trama è totalmente trita e abusata e, soprattutto, procede a balzi caotici, lasciando in sospeso mille questioni, senza spiegare nulla e demandando allo spettatore il compito di collegare una serie di fatti più o meno slegati per farsi un quadro mentale di ciò che potrebbe essere successo. In questo contesto, il colpo di scena dell’ultimo episodio più che stupire, irrita e, ancora di più, il finale degli ultimi 5 secondi, che non viene adeguatamente preannunciato, e men che mai spiegato. Lo spettatore rimane a guardare i titoli di coda boccheggiando come un pesce fuor d’acqua.
Insomma, è una breve opera da guardare col cervello in rigorosa posizione off, fidandosi di quello che appare sullo schermo, perché se solo ci si ponesse qualche domanda si tirerebbe una ciabatta al video, buona come riempitivo per rilassarsi fra due opere corpose di ben diverso spessore. Tempo abbastanza perso, c’è di molto meglio, in giro.
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Crazy about Asian dramas
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First it was 6 minutes short drama not 10 minutes as written in synopsis. Girl send by her brother to the prince to take the revenge from him as her family and his family are enemy. She did what her brother was telling her to do by sending messages through pigeon and about this prince knew but he was confused that his wife was real thing him as enemy or she was innocent and she was forced to or really she was cunning on the other side she also thought that he is her family's enemy or he is a good person.Basically it was just a cliché
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